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Results for "frank r kinney"

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Name: Frank J Kinney

Birth: Oct 1871 Ohio

Death: 07/05/1931 Licking County, Ohio, USA

Father: Daniel W Kinney

Mother: Rachel Young

Name: Frank Kenney

Birth: 3 Jul 1894 United States

Death: 23 Feb 1956 West Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA

Father: Francis H Kenny

Mother: Cornelia Emma Reid

Name: Frank Deforest Kinsey

Birth: 20 Oct 1876 Spencerville, Indiana

Death: 12 DEC 1923 St. Joe, Indiana

Father: Augustus “August” KUENZI / KINSEY

Mother: Catherine BYROADS

Name: Frank Kinney

Birth: abt 1859 Allegany, Cattaraugus, New York, USA

Death: Apr 1962 New York, USA

Father: Charles Kinney

Mother: Sarah E Davis (Kinney)

Name: Frank Benjamin KINSEY

Birth: 21 Mar 1875 Napier Township,Bedford County,PA

Death: 09 Jan 1938 Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Benjamin Franklin Kinsey

Mother: Margaret Elizabeth Wilson-KIN-+

Name: Frank S Kinsey

Birth: Aug 1861 Pennsylvania

Death: 1947 Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Lafayette W. Kinsey

Mother: Frances (Fanny) Metzger

Name: Frank Kenney

Birth: 6 Feb 1879 Girardville, Pennsylvania

Death: 1943 Pottsville, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Peter Joseph Kenney

Mother: Laura Ivy Hower

Name: Frank Irwin Kinney

Birth: 12 Nov 1889 Owatonna, Steele, Minnesota, USA

Death: 9 Dec 1957 Lane, Oregon, United States

Father: Sanford Kinney

Mother: Mary Ellen Foley

Name: Frank Kinney

Birth: 3 Jan 1886 Pleasant Valley, Clay, Missouri, USA

Death: 5 Dec 1963 Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Alexander Kinney

Mother: Dolly Covington

Name: Frank Harry Kinner

Birth: 20 Apr 1900 Greenland, Douglas, Colorado

Death: 1978 Sacramento

Father: Charles Kinner

Mother: Estella G Snyder Kinner

Name: Frank J Kinsey

Birth: Jan 1858 Pennsylvania

Death: 16 Jul 1916 York, York, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Simon L Kinsey

Mother: Anna Mary Dese

Name: Frank Allen Finney

Birth: 29 Jul 1850 Valparaiso, Porter, Indiana

Death: 12 Jul 1926 Weiser, Washington, Idaho

Father: Alanson A Finney

Mother: Laura Allen

Name: Frank Kenney

Birth: 31 Jul 1880 Bruce Township, Benton, Iowa

Death: 1951/ Jesup, Buchanan, Iowa, USA

Father: William C Kenney

Mother: Cemanthe Boyles

Name: Frank Dodd Kinney

Birth: 6 Sep 1895 Worcester, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA

Death: 13 Sep 1971 Worcester, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States

Father: Frank Joel Kinney

Mother: Fanny Elizabeth Dodd

Name: Frank L Kenney

Birth: 30 Oct 1878 Lexington, Sanilac, MI, USA

Death: 19 May 1955 Croswell, Sanilac, Michigan, United States

Father: Ronald Charles Kenney

Mother: Mary Ann Nunn

Name: Frank Alvin Finney

Birth: 13 May 1896 Arkansas City, Cowley, Kansas, United States

Death: 24 June 1971 Sandpoint, Bonner, Idaho, United States

Father: Charles Alvan Finney

Mother: Margaret Evelyn Marchbanks

Name: Frank Eugene Finney

Birth: 7 JUL 1907 Oregon

Death: Sep 1972 Marion County, Oregon, USA

Father: Edwin Augustine Finney

Mother: Mary Meiring

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