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Results for "franklin skinner"


Birth: 27 OCT 1863 Eastport, Antrim, Michigan, USA

Death: 03 October 1909 Cadillac, Wexford, Michigan, USA

Father: Edward Skinner

Mother: Naomi Ann McPherson

Name: Franklin Richard Skinner

Birth: 1847 Belmont, Ohio, United States

Death: 1924 Somerton, Ohio, USA

Father: Kinsman Hance SKINNER

Mother: Isabelle Ninsey Fowler

Name: Franklin Finis Skinner

Birth: abt 1883 Missouri

Death: 1940 Hidalgo County, Texas, USA

Father: Norman L. Skinner

Mother: Sarah F Harbert

Name: Franklin Skinner

Birth: Oct 1864 Indiana

Death: 12 Jun 1930 Kibbie, Allegan County, Michigan, USA

Father: Allen N. Skinner

Mother: Sarie Dilldy

Name: Franklin Pierce Skinner

Birth: 31 JAN 1886 Adairsville, Georgia

Death: 23 JUN 1977 North Little Rock, Pulaski CO, AR


Mother: Dora Skinner

Name: Franklin Skinner

Birth: 18 Dec 1920 Montour Falls, New York

Death: Jan 10, 2004 Ft Lauderdale, Florida, USA

Father: Frank Harrison Skinner

Mother: Grace Isabella Graham

Name: Franklin K Skinner

Birth: 1916 Arkansas, USA

Death: 6 Jun 1996 Leesburg, Florida, USA

Father: Edward Monroe Skinner

Mother: Laura "Doc" Stanley

Name: Franklin Eugene Skinner

Birth: 7 Mar 1896 Corsicana, Texas

Death: 1 Jul 1928 Ada, Oklahoma

Father: Columbus Washington Skinner

Mother: Harriet Becker

Name: Franklin Skinner

Birth: abt 1858 Iowa

Death: 29 Feb 1932

Father: Calvin Skinner

Mother: Mary Jane Wilson

Name: Franklin Skinner

Birth: Abt 1870 Arkansas

Death: 19 Dec 1958 Shreveport, Caddo, Louisiana, United States

Father: Titus Marion Skinner

Mother: Nancy Mary Clover

Name: Franklin H Skinner

Birth: 23 Oct. 1917 Weston, Lewis County, West Virginia, USA

Death: 24 May 2001 Augusta County, Virginia, USA

Father: Harry Owen Skinner

Mother: Emma Jane Coburn

Name: Franklin Skinner

Birth: May 1861 Indiana, USA

Death: Not Available Indiana, USA

Father: Thomas Skinner

Mother: Rachael Davis

Name: Franklin Griffin Skinner

Birth: 18 July 1857 New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Death: Not Available California, USA

Father: James M. Skinner

Mother: Mary Anne Carney

Name: Franklin SKINNER

Birth: 10 August 1812 Shelburne, Franklin County, Massachusetts, United States of America

Death: 13 October 1880 Shelburne, Franklin County, Massachusetts, United States of America

Father: Aaron Skinner

Mother: Charity Nims

Name: Franklin B Skinner

Birth: 08 Aug 1803 Cambridge, NY

Death: 2 Oct 1806

Father: Nathan Skinner

Mother: Hannah Lawton

Name: Franklin Skinner

Birth: 4 Nov 1936 Albuquerque, Bernalillo, New Mexico, United States

Death: 1993 Scottsdale, Maricopa, Arizona, United States

Father: Harry Leonard Skinner

Mother: Emma Marie McAfee

Name: Franklin (Frank) Skinner

Birth: 12 August 1862 Bakersfield, Franklin, Vermont, USA

Death: 7 December 1892 Bakersfield, Franklin, Vermont, USA

Father: Van Ransalier Skinner

Mother: Elizabeth Moran

Name: Franklin G. SKINNER

Birth: 7 Oct 1826 Virginia, United States

Death: aft 1900 Bourbon County, Kansas, USA

Father: Private

Mother: end mnu

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