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Results for "Frederick Davie"

1 - 25 of 84 Records

Frederick Alexander Davie - 1908 to 1988

Birth: 5 AUG 1908 Liverpool, Lancashirebirth0

Death: 8 DEC 1988 Watford, Hertfordshire.death0


Father: Frederick Davie

Mother: Minnie Hannay

Frederick Davie - 1830 to 1900

Birth: abt 1830 Landsford, Chester, SCbirth1

Death: bef 1900 Landsford, Chester, SCdeath1


Father: Benjamin Davie

Mother: Mary

Frederick George Davie - 1902 to 1983

Birth: 11 September 1902 Leicestershire, United Kingdombirth2

Death: Mar 1983 Norwich, Norfolk, Englanddeath2


Father: Harry Davie

Mother: Emma Elizabeth King

Frederick George Davie - 1902 to 1983

Birth: 11 September 1902 Leicestershire, United Kingdombirth3

Death: Mar 1983 Norwich, Norfolk, Englanddeath3


Father: Harry Davie

Mother: Emma Elizabeth King

Frederick Davie - 1871

Birth: 25 Dec 1871 Michiganbirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Calvin L Davis

Mother: Delilah Whitman

Frederick Davie - 1914 to 1960

Birth: Jun 1914 Yorkshire East Riding, United Kingdombirth5

Death: Mar 1960 Hull, Yorkshire East Riding, Englanddeath5


Father: Frederick Davie

Mother: Edith Fratson

Frederick Mallard Davie - 1886 to 1960

Birth: 1886 Hawthorn, Victoria, Australiabirth6

Death: 10 Feb 1960 Victoria, Australiadeath6


Father: John Maitland. Davie

Mother: Elizabeth Gillespie

Frederick George Davie - 1918 to 1944

Birth: 20 Aug 1918 Norwich, Norfolkbirth7

Death: 9 Mar 1944 At sea aboard HMS Asphodeldeath7


Father: Humphrey Robert Davie

Mother: Alice Fowle

Frederick Davie - 1900 to 1963

Birth: 1900 Bethnal Green, London, Englandbirth8

Death: 3 Sep 1963 7 Fernhead Road, Paddingtondeath8


Father: Frederick John Davie

Mother: Alice Hodges

Frederick Lee Davie - 1947 to 2008

Birth: 24 Dec 1947 Marion

Death: 27 Sep 2008


Father: William Davie

Mother: Beatrice Reames

Frederick Davie - 1881 to 1946

Birth: 11 NOV 1881 Bootle, Liverpoolbirth10

Death: 7 SEP 1946 Liverpool, Lancashiredeath10


Father: Thomas Lovett Davie

Mother: Isabella Bell

Frederick Davie - 1866 to 1961

Birth: 8 Aug 1866 Iowabirth11

Death: 27 Aug 1961 San Diego, Californiadeath11


Father: Albert Davie

Mother: Margaret Lorrimer

Frederick Jones Davie - 1832

Birth: 1832 Ware, Hertfordshire, Englandbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert Hollingsworth

Mother: Ann Matilda Davie

Frederick Southerden Davie - 1877 to 1921

Birth: 22 Jun 1877 Pevensey, Sussex, Englandbirth13

Death: 15 Mar 1921 Middlesex Hosp. (Pneumococcal meningitis, Lobar pneumonia


Father: George Davie

Mother: Charlotte S Southerden

Frederick William Davie - 1886 to 1959

Birth: Apr 1886 Southampton, Hampshire, Englandbirth14

Death: 11 Dec 1959 Otahuhu, New Zealanddeath14


Father: William George Davie

Mother: Eliza Jane GRITTEN

Frederick Jones Davie - 1832

Birth: 1832 Ware, Hertfordshire, Englandbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert Hollingsworth

Mother: Ann Matilda Davie

Frederick William Davie - 1864 to 1915

Birth: 1864 Plymouth, Devon, , Englandbirth16

Death: 27 Feb 1915 Plymouth, Devon, Englanddeath16


Father: Frederick Samuel Davie

Mother: Caroline Susanna Waldron

Frederick J. Davie - 1865 to 1930

Birth: abt 1865 Littlehampton, Sussexbirth17

Death: Dec 1930 Hackney, London, Englanddeath17


Father: William Davie

Mother: Judith Ann Cobden

Frederick Davie - 1881 to 1959

Birth: 10 Jun 1881 Southampton, Hampshire, Englandbirth18

Death: Sep 1959 Southampton, Hampshire, Englanddeath18


Father: George Bucknole DAVIE

Mother: Ann Winsor Welch

Frederick J. Davie - 1865 to 1930

Birth: abt 1865 Littlehampton, Sussexbirth19

Death: Dec 1930 Hackney, London, Englanddeath19


Father: William Davie

Mother: Judith Ann Cobden

Frederick James Davie - 1896 to 1978

Birth: 18 Feb 1896 Balclutha, Clutha, Otago, New Zealandbirth20

Death: 3 Jul 1978 Bromley, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealanddeath20


Father: William DAVIE

Mother: Mary Ellen Kennedy

Frederick Davie - 1892 to 1913

Birth: 20 Nov 1892 Detroit, Wayne, Michiganbirth21

Death: Abt. 1913


Father: John W Davie

Mother: Elizabeth Lanspeary

Frederick Davie - 1906

Birth: 26 Dec 1906 Govan, Lanarkshire, Scotlandbirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Frederick Davie

Mother: Agnes Greenless

Frederick George Hayner Davie - 1912 to 1989

Birth: 23 apr 1912 charleston city, kitsap, washington, usabirth23

Death: 5 Jan 1989 Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska, United Statesdeath23


Father: Frederick George Hayner Davie

Mother: Maye Elizabeth Johnstone

Frederick Reginald Ernest Davie - 1897 to 1985

Birth: 6 Jan 1897 Port Wakefield, South Australia, Australiabirth24

Death: About 1985 Glenelg, South Australia, Australiadeath24


Father: Thomas Samuel Davie

Mother: Agnes Mitchell Breynard

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