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Results for "Frederick Newton"

1 - 25 of 1,568 Records

Frederick Newton - 1859 to 1934

Birth: Sep 1859 Sheerness, Kent, Englandbirth0

Death: Mar 1934 Sheppey, Kent, Englanddeath0


Father: William Newton


Frederick O Newton - 1859 to 1932

Birth: 09 SEP 1859 Rodman, Jefferson, New York, USAbirth1

Death: 14 Jul 1932 Sandy Creek, Jefferson, NY, USAdeath1


Father: Ora K Newton

Mother: Aurelia Stanford

Frederick Newton - 1879 to 1957

Birth: August 1879 New York, USAbirth2

Death: 04 FEB 1957 New London, New London, Connecticut, USAdeath2


Father: Charles Morris Newton

Mother: Julia Irene Perkins

Frederick W Newton - 1904 to 1966

Birth: 9 May 1904 Vermont, United Statesbirth3

Death: 14 Dec 1966 Long Valley ,NJdeath3


Father: Fredrick Everett Newton

Mother: Elizabeth Works

Frederick Navarro Newton - 1886 to 1922

Birth: 8 Jul 1886 Texasbirth4

Death: 4 Aug 1922 San Pedro, Los Angeles, Californiadeath4


Father: Daniel W Townsend

Mother: Josephine Arabella Francis

Frederick R Newton - 1875 to 1942

Birth: 1875 Massachusettsbirth5

Death: 11 MAY 1942 of Richmond, Berkshire, Massachusetts, USAdeath5


Father: Wilbur Fisk Newton

Mother: Jane Frances White

Frederick O Newton - 1859 to 1932

Birth: 09 SEP 1859 Rodman, Jefferson, New York, USAbirth6

Death: 14 Jul 1932 Sandy Creek, Jefferson, NY, USAdeath6


Father: Ora K Newton

Mother: Aurelia Stanford

Frederick Newton - 1833 to 1909

Birth: 29 DEC 1833 Colwich, Staffordshire, Englandbirth7

Death: Mar 1909 Stafford, Staffordshire, Englanddeath7


Father: James Newton

Mother: Susanna Rushton

Frederick Newton - 1845 to 1920

Birth: 25 Dec 1845 Gt Cressingham Norfolkbirth8

Death: 1920 Kings Lynne,Norfolk,Englanddeath8


Father: Robert Newton

Mother: Susan Wilby

Frederick Newton - 1886 to 1931

Birth: 15 Jun 1886 "Linden Farm", Hague, Westmoreland, Virginia, USAbirth9

Death: 17 Oct 1931 Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, Virginia, USAdeath9


Father: Edward Colston Newton

Mother: Lucy Yates Tyler

Frederick William Newton - 1852 to 1938

Birth: 1852 Middlebury, Summit, Ohio, USAbirth10

Death: 05 OCT 1938 White, Brookings, South Dakota, USAdeath10


Father: Rowland Hoxie Newton

Mother: Annis William

Frederick Newton - 1879 to 1957

Birth: August 1879 New York, USAbirth11

Death: 04 FEB 1957 New London, New London, Connecticut, USAdeath11


Father: Charles Morris Newton

Mother: Julia Irene Perkins

Frederick Newton - 1873 to 1931

Birth: 10 Jan 1873 Forney, Kaufman, Texas, United Statesbirth12

Death: 31 Oct 1931 Ennis, Ellis, Texas, United Statesdeath12


Father: George Clark Newton

Mother: Margaret Newton

Frederick T Newton - 1867 to 1916

Birth: 22 December 1867 London, London, England, United Kingdombirth13

Death: 01 July 1916 Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, USAdeath13


Father: Henry Newton

Mother: Sophia Amy Arnaud

Frederick Handel Newton - 1855 to 1899

Birth: 19 Aug 1855 Henry St, Sneinton, Nottinghambirth14

Death: 14 Sep 1899 Parkhurst prison, Isle-of-White, Hampshiredeath14


Father: John Newton

Mother: Alvina * Parsons

Frederick NEWTON - 1837 to 1905

Birth: Sept 1837 Canadabirth15

Death: 23 Jan 1905 Troy, Rensselaer, New York, USAdeath15


Father: Sir Isaac Newton

Mother: Elizabeth Vickers

Frederick Newton - 1872 to 1956

Birth: 18 Oct 1872 Richland, kalamazoo, Michiganbirth16

Death: 12 Nov 1956 Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigandeath16


Father: Samuel Newton

Mother: Jane Ann Beaumont

Frederick A Newton - 1857 to 1928

Birth: 7 Feb 1857 Vermontbirth17

Death: 25 Feb 1928 Windsor, Vermontdeath17


Father: Joseph William Newton

Mother: Celina S Burnham

Frederick Newton - 1849 to 1937

Birth: April 1849 Warwickshire, Englandbirth18

Death: 28 May 1937 Warwick, Warwickshire, Englanddeath18


Father: John Newton

Mother: Mary A Pamplin

Frederick Newton - 1841 to 1911

Birth: Jan 1841 St Albans, Franklin, Vermont, USAbirth19

Death: Aft 1911 Shefford, Shefford, Quebec, Canadadeath19


Father: David Newton

Mother: Mary Newton

Frederick Allan Newton - 1914 to 1981

Birth: 7 Mar 1914 Niagara Falls, Niagara, New York, USAbirth20

Death: 20 Dec 1981 Port Charlotte, Charlotte, Florida, USAdeath20


Father: Thomas Edgar Newton

Mother: Elizabeth Wilson

Frederick W Newton - 1888 to 1969

Birth: abt 1888 Tennesseebirth21

Death: Feb 1969 Miami, Dade, Florida, United Statesdeath21


Father: Wilford Newton

Mother: TERESA Jane Patton

Frederick William Newton - 1917 to 1947

Birth: 30 Sep 1917 Virginiabirth22

Death: 21 Apr 1947 Sharps, Richmond, Virginia, USAdeath22


Father: Walter Coleman Newton

Mother: Hattie Lee Reed Newton

Frederick A Newton - 1857 to 1928

Birth: 7 Feb 1857 Vermontbirth23

Death: 25 Feb 1928 Windsor, Vermontdeath23


Father: Joseph William Newton

Mother: Celina S Burnham

Frederick William Newton - 1917 to 1947

Birth: 30 Sep 1917 Virginiabirth24

Death: 21 Apr 1947 Sharps, Richmond, Virginia, USAdeath24


Father: Walter Coleman Newton

Mother: Hattie Lee Reed Newton

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