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Results for "georg müller"

Name: Georg Christoph Müller

Birth: 29 Jan 1820 Wuerttemberg

Death: 16 Sep 1883 Kansas, USA

Father: Johann Gottlieb Muller

Mother: Johanna Catharina Sost

Name: Georg Müller

Birth: 7 Nov 1723 Brandau, Darmstadt-Dieburg, Hessen, Germany

Death: 15 Nov 1786 Brandau, Darmstadt-Dieburg, Hessen, Germany

Father: Johann Müller

Mother: Eva Elisabetha Haumann

Name: Georg Müller

Birth: 1610 Machtolsheim, Alb-Donau-Kreis, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

Death: 03 APR 1674 Machtolsheim, Alb-Donau-Kreis, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

Father: Steffan Müller

Mother: Barbara Herterich

Name: Georg Friedrich Müller

Birth: 7 JUN 1884 Pörbitsch/Blaich

Death: 25 JUL 1974 Holyoke/Massachusetts

Father: John Mueller

Mother: Kunigunda Lauterbach

Name: Georg Adam Müller

Birth: 29 May 1754 Kronau, Karlsruhe, BW, Germany

Death: 02 Mar 1794 Contwig, Zweibrucken, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

Father: Johann Burckhard Muller

Mother: Maria Elisabetha Klein

Name: Georg Christoph Müller

Birth: 13.06.1681 Kühndorf, Schmalkalden-Meiningen, Thüringen, Germany

Death: 09.01.1756 Kühndorf, Schmalkalden-Meiningen, Thüringen, Germany

Father: Johann Müller

Mother: Ursula Hartung

Name: Georg Franz Müller

Birth: 03/03/1671 Hardheim, Karlsruhe, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

Death: 11/14/1739 Hardheim, Karlsruhe, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

Father: Hans Velten Mueller

Mother: Anna Catharina Kiefer

Name: Georg Leonard Müller

Birth: 24 Jan 1763 Steinsfurt, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

Death: 3 Apr 1832 Obrigheim, Baden, Germany

Father: Johannes Jakob Müller

Mother: Maria Barbara Schrank

Name: Georg Adam Müller

Birth: 13 Jun 1869 Grünberg Germany

Death: Aug 1933 Kings, New York, USA

Father: Johannes Müller III

Mother: Henriette Heerz Müller

Name: Georg Müller

Birth: 26 Feb 1863 Bremen, Germany

Death: 15 Feb 1939 Dortmund, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Father: Georg Adolph Müller

Mother: Metta Maria Höcker

Name: Georg Peter Müller

Birth: 23 Apr 1712 Contwig, Zweibrucken, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

Death: 1 Apr 1766 Contwig, Zweibrucken, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

Father: JOHANNES Muller

Mother: Johanna Nenninger

Name: Georg Müller

Birth: 02.11.1882 Mannheim

Death: 06.02.1975 Mannheim

Father: Johann Ludwig Müller

Mother: Anna Maria Lehr Müller

Name: Georg Friedrich Müller

Birth: 22. Jun. 1780 Mansbach, Kreis, Hünfeld, Fulda, Hessen, Germany

Death: vor 1841 Halberstadt

Father: Friedrich Müller

Mother: Louisa Mollin

Name: Georg Franz Müller

Birth: 10 NOV 1834 Eppertshausen (Darmstadt / Hessen, Deutschland)

Death: 7 JAN 1909 Eppertshausen (Darmstadt / Hessen, Deutschland)

Father: Johann Müller

Mother: Elisabetha Blickhan

Name: Georg Müller

Birth: 25 AUG 1850 Bogarosch, Hungary

Death: 20 JUL 1912 Bogarosch, Timis, Rumänien

Father: Christoph Müller

Mother: Anna Hof

Name: Georg Heinrich Müller

Birth: 5 Apr 1677 Dürrenwaid, Hof, Bayern, Deutschland

Death: 17 Apr 1730 Lichtenberg, Hof, Bayern, Deutschland

Father: Johann Müller

Mother: Anna Dorothea Dittmar

Name: Georg Peter Müller

Birth: 26 Jun 1796 Altenkirchen (Ba. Homburg), Bayern, Germany

Death: 15 Feb 1862 Altenkirchen, Kusel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

Father: Georg Peter Muller

Mother: Maria Margaretha Lauer

Name: Georg Michael Müller

Birth: 27 Mar 1805 Oberhambach

Death: 27 Apr 1865

Father: Christoph Müller

Mother: Eva Rosina Fischer

Name: Georg Müller

Birth: ABT. 1603 (Niederelsungen), Parish of (---?---), Landgraviate of Hessen-Kassel, Holy Roman Empire

Death: ABT. 1665 (Niederelsungen), Parish of (---?---), Landgraviate of Hessen-Kassel, Holy Roman Empire

Father: Simon Müller

Mother: (---?---) (---?---)

Name: Georg Müller

Birth: 22.10.1896 Erfurt-Ilversgehofen

Death: 06.11.1988 Erfurt, Thüringen, Deutschland

Father: Philip Müller

Mother: Rosa

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