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Results for "George Denton"

1 - 25 of 2,354 Records

George W Denton - 1823 to 1914

Birth: Mar 1823 Kentuckybirth0

Death: 9 Oct 1914 Henderson, Henderson, Kentucky, United Statesdeath0


Father: Thomas Washington Denton

Mother: Elizabeth HIGGINSON Denton

George Gilbert Denton - 1908 to 1976

Birth: 14 November 1908 Blue Ridge, Collin, Texas, USAbirth1

Death: 1976 Wichita Falls, Texasdeath1


Father: Amos Erasmus Denton

Mother: Nancy Freeman Jackson

George W Denton - 1893 to 1980

Birth: 12 Jun 1893 Washington, Virginia, USAbirth2

Death: Dec 1980 Bristol, Bristol, Virginia, USAdeath2


Father: Guilford Barr Denton

Mother: Margaret Leonard

George W Denton - 1893 to 1980

Birth: 12 Jun 1893 Washington, Virginia, USAbirth3

Death: Dec 1980 Bristol, Bristol, Virginia, USAdeath3


Father: Guilford Barr Denton

Mother: Margaret Leonard

George Washington Denton - 1934 to 2012

Birth: 17 January 1934 Haskell County, Oklahoma, USAbirth4

Death: 20 November 2012 Muskogee County, Oklahoma, USAdeath4


Father: George Washington Denton

Mother: Mary Lou Pitchford

George denton - 1857 to 1941

Birth: 1857 Kent, Englandbirth5

Death: 41/19/ 4q Dartford Kentdeath5


Father: James Denton

Mother: Emma (Amelia) Carter

George Denton - 1887 to 1973

Birth: 29 Jun 1887 Kansas;United States of Americabirth6

Death: 18 Aug 1973 Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas, USAdeath6


Father: George Elmore Denton

Mother: Eva Elizabeth Koebler

George Denton - 1806 to 1887

Birth: 26 May 1806 Sandal Magna Parish, Wakefield, York, Englandbirth7

Death: 25 Aug 1887 Wakefield, Yorkshire, Englanddeath7


Father: George Denton

Mother: Elizabeth Hustwick

George Q Denton - 1854 to 1920

Birth: July 4, 1854 Wayne, Kentuckybirth8

Death: 1920 Kentuckydeath8


Father: Benjamin Denton


George Washington Denton - 1934 to 2012

Birth: 17 January 1934 Haskell County, Oklahoma, USAbirth9

Death: 20 November 2012 Muskogee County, Oklahoma, USAdeath9


Father: George Washington Denton

Mother: Mary Lou Pitchford

George Denton - 1887 to 1973

Birth: 29 Jun 1887 Kansas;United States of Americabirth10

Death: 18 Aug 1973 Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas, USAdeath10


Father: George Elmore Denton

Mother: Eva Elizabeth Koebler

George Husk Denton - 1819 to 1888

Birth: 31 August 1819 Upper Canada Village, Ontario, Canadabirth11

Death: 20 Feb. 1888 MIdeath11


Father: Kelsey Denton

Mother: Mary (Polly) Palmer

George Washington Denton - 1869 to 1957

Birth: 13 Sep 1869 Cocke, Tennessee, USAbirth12

Death: 4 December 1957 Cocke County, Tennessee, USAdeath12


Father: Frederick Asbury Denton

Mother: Susie Byrd

George Washington Denton - 1844 to 1911

Birth: Jan 1844 Tennessee, USAbirth13

Death: 11 Dec 1911 Hillsboro, Montgomery, Illinois, USAdeath13


Father: Reuben Denton

Mother: Keziah Estes

George Denton - 1887 to 1973

Birth: 29 Jun 1887 Kansas;United States of Americabirth14

Death: 18 Aug 1973 Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas, USAdeath14


Father: George Elmore Denton

Mother: Eva Elizabeth Koebler

George Elmore Denton - 1861 to 1939

Birth: 1861 New York, United Statesbirth15

Death: 7 Aug 1939 Ukiah, Mendocino, Californiadeath15


Father: Stephen F. Denton

Mother: Ruth Ann Bond

George Oliver Denton - 1838 to 1910

Birth: 17 NOV 1838 TNbirth16

Death: 4 MAY 1910 Evansville, ARdeath16


Father: Greenberry Jefferson Denton

Mother: Charlotte McCarty

George Wallace DENTON - 1872 to 1952

Birth: 29 Jun 1872 Harrison, Missouri, United Statesbirth17

Death: 08APR1952 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USAdeath17


Father: Francis Marion Denton

Mother: Nancy Ann Hall

George W Denton - 1823 to 1914

Birth: Mar 1823 Kentuckybirth18

Death: 9 Oct 1914 Henderson, Henderson, Kentucky, United Statesdeath18


Father: Thomas Washington Denton

Mother: Elizabeth HIGGINSON Denton

George McDawson Denton - 1875 to 1963

Birth: 01 Nov 1875 Washington, Tennessee, USAbirth19

Death: 29 Aug 1963 Douglas, Oregon, United Statesdeath19


Father: John H Denton

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Walters

George Denton - 1880 to 1957

Birth: 1880 Illinoisbirth20

Death: 10 Nov 1957 Moweaqua, Shelby, Illinois, USAdeath20


Father: Elias Denton

Mother: Sarah Gass

George B. Denton - 1888 to 1967

Birth: 15 Sep 1888 Madison, Ohiobirth21

Death: 15 Jun 1967 Erie, Erie, Pennsylvania, USAdeath21


Father: William Edgar Denton

Mother: Nancy Jane Burris

George M. Denton - 1832 to 1918

Birth: 2 Oct 1832 Ohiobirth22

Death: 22 May 1918 Webster, Kentucky, USAdeath22


Father: John G Denton

Mother: Sarah Partridge

George Denton - 1821 to 1899

Birth: 1821 sandal yorkshirebirth23

Death: Jul 1899 Wortley, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath23


Father: Benjamin Denton

Mother: Mary Brown Or Firth ?

George Q Denton - 1854 to 1920

Birth: July 4, 1854 Wayne, Kentuckybirth24

Death: 1920 Kentuckydeath24


Father: Benjamin Denton


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