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Results for "George Plummer"

1 - 25 of 2,246 Records

George Eckert Plummer - 1913 to 1966

Birth: 16 December 1913 Highland, Franklin, Indiana, USAbirth0

Death: 08 Sep 1966 Connersville, Fayette, Indiana, USAdeath0


Father: James Plummer

Mother: Anna Katherine Boughner

George Plummer - 1870 to 1944

Birth: May 1870 Marylandbirth1

Death: 31 Aug 1944 Finleyville, Washington, Pennsylvania, USAdeath1


Father: John T. Plummer

Mother: Julia Ann Butt

George N. Plummer - 1849 to 1933

Birth: Nov 1849 New Hampshire, USAbirth2

Death: 8 Dec 1933 Londonderry, New Hampshire, USAdeath2


Father: Nathan Plummer

Mother: Mehitable Dinsmore

George Frederick Plummer - 1909 to 1985

Birth: 13 Aug 1909 Wisconsin, USAbirth3

Death: 25 Nov 1985 Pepin County, Wisconsin, USAdeath3


Father: Arthur Stuart Plummer

Mother: Anna May Kuhn

George W Plummer - 1874 to 1958

Birth: 19 Sep 1874 Park, Clay, Minnesota, USAbirth4

Death: 30 Jan 1958 Hubbard, Hubbard, Minnesota, United Statesdeath4


Father: Bartlett Pvt Plummer

Mother: Louisa Amelia Hewitt

George Plummer - 1876 to 1934

Birth: 16 Apr 1876 DALHAM,SUFFOLK,ENGLANDbirth5



Father: William Plummer

Mother: Charlotte Addleshaw

George O Plummer - 1871 to 1951

Birth: Oct 1871 Siota, Ohiobirth6

Death: 29 Oct 1951 Richwood Nicholas Co West Virginiadeath6


Father: Henry Charles Plummer

Mother: Flora Plummer

George Llewlyn PLUMMER - 1844 to 1913

Birth: Jul 1844 United States of Americabirth7

Death: 24 JUN 1913 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USAdeath7


Father: Benjamin Plummer

Mother: Nancy Rogers

George M Plummer - 1889 to 1947

Birth: 08 May 1889 Harrisburg, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USAbirth8

Death: 21 Oct 1947 Seattle, King, Washingtondeath8


Father: Amos Jasper Plummer

Mother: Ella Rose** Wagner

George Plummer - 1845 to 1936

Birth: abt 1845 Tyrone, Blair, Pennsylvania, USAbirth9

Death: 10 Jul 1936 Shaker Heights, Cuyahoga County, OHdeath9


Father: William Plummer

Mother: Catharine Traister

George PLUMMER - 1861 to 1946

Birth: abt 1861 Ingham, Suffolk, Englandbirth10

Death: 1946 Bradford, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath10


Father: William Plummer

Mother: Sophia Balaam

George A Plummer - 1862 to 1942

Birth: 28 February 1862 Sabine Lighthouse, Texasbirth11

Death: 29 December 1942 Port Neches, Jefferson County, Texas, United States of Americadeath11


Father: Gowen Wilson Plummer

Mother: Arthemise LaRiviere Ellender

George Mortimer PLUMMER - 1844 to 1918

Birth: Dec 1844 Illinois, USAbirth12

Death: 11/4/1918 Williston, Williams, North Dakota, USAdeath12


Father: George Plummer

Mother: Agnes Snodgrass Cummings

George W Plummer - 1826 to 1871

Birth: abt 1826 Raymond, Cumberland, Maine, USAbirth13

Death: 09 Aug 1871 Raymond, Cumberland, Maine, USAdeath13


Father: Samuel PLUMMER

Mother: Mehitable Brown

George Lane Plummer - 1877 to 1947

Birth: 2 May 1877 Millington, Brome, Quebec, Canadabirth14

Death: 17 June 1947 Sonoma County, California, USAdeath14


Father: Israel Prescott Plummer

Mother: Marian Hill

George Clifford Plummer - 1871 to 1955

Birth: Mar 1871 Lancashire, Englandbirth15

Death: 15 Feb 1955 Montclair, NJdeath15


Father: Benjamin Murray Plummer

Mother: Grace Almena Thompson

George D Plummer - 1901 to 1944

Birth: 26 January 1901 Pennsylvaniabirth16

Death: 15 Mar 1944 Loretto, Cambria Co, PAdeath16


Father: Oliver William Plummer

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Wigfield

George "Garner" Plummer - 1899 to 1963

Birth: Aug 1899 North Carolina, USAbirth17

Death: 1963 Norfolk County, Virginia, USAdeath17


Father: Anthony Plummer

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Garner

George Plummer - 1795 to 1865

Birth: abt 1795 Kilmersdon, Somerset, Englandbirth18

Death: 1865 Englanddeath18


Father: Alexander Plummer

Mother: Elizabeth Baker

George L Plummer - 1878 to 1947

Birth: 1878 Canadabirth19

Death: 17 Jun 1947 Sonoma, CAdeath19


Father: Israel Prescott Plummer

Mother: Marian Hill

George Washington Plummer - 1835 to 1913

Birth: Sep 1835 Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United Statesbirth20

Death: 1913 Washington, DCdeath20


Father: Samuel Plumer

Mother: Nancy Lamprey

George W. Plummer - 1871 to 1947

Birth: 1871 Barretts Creek, Carter Co., KYbirth21

Death: 8 Jun 1947 Greenup Co., KYdeath21


Father: Thomas Richard Plummer

Mother: Helena Odell Curry

George L Plummer - 1878 to 1947

Birth: 1878 Canadabirth22

Death: 17 Jun 1947 Sonoma, CAdeath22


Father: Israel Prescott Plummer

Mother: Marian Hill

George Plummer - 1802 to 1886

Birth: 1802 Kilmersdon, Somerset, Englandbirth23

Death: JUL 1886 Stratton on the Fosse, Somerset, Englanddeath23


Father: Charles Plummer

Mother: Martha Jane Martin

George O Plummer - 1871 to 1951

Birth: Oct 1871 Siota, Ohiobirth24

Death: 29 Oct 1951 Richwood Nicholas Co West Virginiadeath24


Father: Henry Charles Plummer

Mother: Flora Plummer

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