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Results for "Gertrude Westbrook"

1 - 25 of 63 Records

Gertrude Ruggles WESTBROOK - 1884 to 1974

Birth: 22 Jun 1884 New Yorkbirth0

Death: 5 Dec1974 Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence, New Yorkdeath0


Father: Charles Seymour WESTBROOK

Mother: Harriet Egert

Gertrude Ruggles WESTBROOK - 1884 to 1974

Birth: 22 Jun 1884 New Yorkbirth1

Death: 5 Dec1974 Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence, New Yorkdeath1


Father: Charles Seymour WESTBROOK

Mother: Harriet Egert

Gertrude Ruggles WESTBROOK - 1884 to 1974

Birth: 22 Jun 1884 New Yorkbirth2

Death: 5 Dec1974 Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence, New Yorkdeath2


Father: Charles Seymour WESTBROOK

Mother: Harriet Egert

Gertrude WESTBROOK - 1875 to 1935

Birth: ABT 1875 Sutton, Hampshire, Englandbirth3

Death: Jan/Mar 1935 East Prestondeath3


Father: John Edmund Westbrook

Mother: Olive Harris

Gertrude Maude Westbrook - 1895 to 1958

Birth: Abt. 1895 Bermudabirth4

Death: Sep 1958 Weymouth, Dorset, England,UKdeath4


Father: John Richard Westbrook

Mother: Amelia Elizabeth Smith

Gertrude Maude Westbrook - 1895 to 1958

Birth: Abt. 1895 Bermudabirth5

Death: Sep 1958 Weymouth, Dorset, England,UKdeath5


Father: John Richard Westbrook

Mother: Amelia Elizabeth Smith

Gertrude Alice Westbrook - 1881

Birth: abt 1881 Ontariobirth6

Death: Unknown


Father: Harvey Thomas Westwood

Mother: Elizabeth Westwood

Gertrude Westbrook - 1904 to 1976

Birth: 21 Aug 1904 Wayne County, North Carolina, USAbirth7

Death: March 18, 1976 Chapel Hill, Orange County, North Carolina, USAdeath7


Father: Moses Franklyn Westbrook

Mother: Ida Francis Peedin

gertrude daughtry westbrook - 1923 to 2008

Birth: 10/07/1923 North Carolinabirth8

Death: 4 November 2008 Clinton, Sampson County, North Carolina, United States of Americadeath8


Father: William Henry Daughtry

Mother: emma pearl Reaves

Gertrude Sarah "Sallie" Westbrook - 1917 to 2000

Birth: 12 Mar 1917 Jonesboro, Union, Illinois, USAbirth9

Death: 30 Jan 2000 Jonesboro, Union Co., ILdeath9


Father: Francis "Frank" Marion Westbrook

Mother: Cora Ann Lowery

Gertrude Westbrook - 1883 to 1962

Birth: 20 Jun 1883 Ohio, USAbirth10

Death: 1 Sep 1962 Kendallville, Noble, Indiana, USAdeath10


Father: George Washington Westbrook

Mother: Phoebe A Williams

Gertrude E Westbrook - 1887

Birth: 1887 Preston Candover, Hampshire, Englandbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Westbrook

Mother: Mary HALL

Gertrude H. Westbrook - 1825 to 1898

Birth: Apr. 22, 1825 Rochester, Ulster Co. New Yorkbirth12

Death: Oct. 5, 1898 Lineville, Wayne Co. Iowadeath12


Father: Wessel Brodhead Westbrook

Mother: Rachel Hoornbeck

Gertrude Westbrook - 1883 to 1962

Birth: 20 Jun 1883 Ohio, USAbirth13

Death: 1 Sep 1962 Kendallville, Noble, Indiana, USAdeath13


Father: George Washington Westbrook

Mother: Phoebe A Williams

Gertrude E Westbrook - 1887

Birth: 1887 Preston Candover, Hampshire, Englandbirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Westbrook

Mother: Mary HALL

Gertrude Westbrook - 1936

Birth: abt 1936 Alabamabirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Oliver Westbrook

Mother: Mattie Ree Lott

Gertrude Westbrook - 1901 to 1936

Birth: 25 Aug 1901 Georgiabirth16

Death: 8 Apr 1936 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USAdeath16


Father: Ella V. Alva Westbrook

Mother: Maude E Humphery

Gertrude M Westbrook - 1912 to 1998

Birth: 29 Sep 1912 New Jersey, USAbirth17

Death: 15 Nov 1998 Frankford, Sussex, New Jersey, USAdeath17


Father: Robert Cleveland Westbrook

Mother: Catherine T Decker

Gertrude Hill Westbrook - 1922 to 1999

Birth: 10 Oct 1922 Abbeville, South Carolinabirth18

Death: 31 DEC 1999 Pickens,Pickens Co.,SCdeath18


Father: William J Hill

Mother: Flura M Worley

Gertrude E Westbrook - 1879 to 1960

Birth: Aug 1879 New Yorkbirth19

Death: 1960


Father: George Dayton Westbrook

Mother: Mary Amelia DeGarmo

Gertrude Westbrook - 1892 to 1986

Birth: 13 Apr 1892 Hounslow, Middlesex, Englandbirth20

Death: Jun 1986 Hounslow, London, Englanddeath20


Father: Arthur Westbrook

Mother: Victoria Caroline Withers

Gertrude Marion Westbrook - 1874 to 1954

Birth: 26 Aug 1874 Winchester, Hampshire, Englandbirth21

Death: Sep 1954 Ealing, Middlesex, Englanddeath21


Father: James Westbrook

Mother: Mary Anne Tune

Gertrude Helena Westbrook - 1825 to 1898

Birth: 22 Apr 1825

Death: Oct 1898


Father: Wessel B Wesbrook

Mother: Rachel Hoornbeek

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