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Results for "Gordon Hawker"

1 - 17 of 17 Records

Gordon William Hawker - 1928 to 1988

Birth: 1 Aug 1928 Numurkah Victoria Australiabirth0

Death: 5 Apr 1988 Kyabram Victoria Australia 25122death0


Father: Harold Edward Hawker

Mother: Ada Caroline Fowler

Gordon William Hawker - 1928 to 1988

Birth: 1 Aug 1928 Numurkah Victoria Australiabirth1

Death: 5 Apr 1988 Kyabram Victoria Australia 25122death1


Father: Harold Edward Hawker

Mother: Ada Caroline Fowler

Gordon P Hawker - 1907 to 1909

Birth: 1907 Perth, Perth, Western Australia, Australiabirth2

Death: 1909 Perth, Perth, Western Australia, Australiadeath2


Father: Arthur Edward Hawker

Mother: Etta Ann Terry

Gordon Alfred Hawker - 1928 to 2002

Birth: 8 June 1928 Wimbourne Terrace, Gelligaer, Hengoed

Death: 19 June 2002 Caerphilly, Glamorgandeath3


Father: Alfred Hawker

Mother: Rose Gladys Jones

Gordon William Hawker - 1898 to 1998

Birth: 12 Dec 1898 Bristol, Gloucestershire, Englandbirth4

Death: Q1 1998 Bristol, Gloucestershire, Englanddeath4


Father: George Firkins Hawker

Mother: Agnes Lilian Tolley Williams

Gordon Aubrey Hawker - 1903 to 1984

Birth: 19 OCT 1903 Ashhurst, New Zealandbirth5

Death: 7 January 1984 Palmerston Northdeath5


Father: Albert Arthur Hawker

Mother: Mary Ellen Heald

Gordon Skingley Hawker - 1908 to 1984

Birth: 14 April 1908 Wellington, New Zealandbirth6

Death: 25 March 1984


Father: Horace Samuel Hawker

Mother: Grace Gardner

Gordon E Hawker - 1893 to 1966

Birth: 24 Aug 1893 Grand Rapids Kent Michiganbirth7

Death: Apr 1966 Grand Rapids Kent Michigandeath7


Father: William A Hawker

Mother: Bird Gertrude Euans

Gordon H Hawker - 1906 to 1906

Birth: 1906 Glen Innes, NSW, Australiabirth8

Death: 1906 Glen Innes, NSW, Australiadeath8


Father: Richard Henry Wilson Hawker

Mother: Mary Nowland

Gordon Hawker

Birth: Not Available

Death: 1999


Father: Idris C Hawker

Mother: Goewyn Cunnick

gordon kenneth hawker - 1955 to 2014

Birth: 18/07/1955 stourport upon severn

Death: 30/01/2014 Malvern, Worcestershire, Englanddeath10


Father: Gordon H Hawker

Mother: Not Available

Gordon Henry Hawker - 1932

Birth: 1932 Hallow, Worcestershire, Englandbirth11

Death: Not Available Worcester, Worcestershire, Englanddeath11


Father: Not Available

Mother: Lily Hawker

Gordon E Hawker - 1894

Birth: 1894 Michiganbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Gordon Leslie Hawker - 1906 to 1959

Birth: Oct 1906 Bristol, Englandbirth13

Death: Dec 1959 Chard, Somerset, Englanddeath13


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Gordon E Hawker

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Gordon Hawker

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Gordon Henry Hawker

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available Worcester, Worcestershire, Englanddeath16


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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