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Results for "harold lewis"

Name: Harold L. Lewis

Birth: 6 Jun 1932 Juctioncity, Linn, Oregon, United States

Death: 2 Jan 2003 Salinas, Monterey, California, United States of America

Father: Clyde Paul Lewis

Mother: Vesta Coreen Roberts

Name: Harold Randolph Lewis

Birth: 24 Mar 1941 Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USA

Death: 20 May 2017 Wayland MA

Father: James Albert Lewis

Mother: Josephine Herrick

Name: Harold R Lewis

Birth: abt 1907 Kansas

Death: 5 Apr 1997 Plainfield, Will, Illinois, USA

Father: Clement Aydlotte Lewis

Mother: Blanchie Dora Bailey

Name: Harold J. Lewis

Birth: 1 Jul 1899 Denver, Denver, Colorado, United States

Death: 28 September 1972 Denver, Denver, Colorado, United States of America

Father: Clayton Earl Lewis

Mother: Laura Johann

Name: Harold L Lewis

Birth: 3 Mar 1898 Nebraska

Death: 26 Jan 1990 Fresno, Fresno, California, United States of America

Father: Levi Curtis Lewis

Mother: Martha Loretta Hall

Name: Harold Lewis

Birth: 9 Apr 1908 Audubon, Iowa, United States

Death: 17 Jul 1970 Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, Iowa, USA

Father: James Edward Lewis

Mother: Nellie Byron Perry

Name: Harold LeRoy Lewis

Birth: 7 Aug 1904 Colorado City, Pueblo, Colorado, United States

Death: 1 Nov 1979 Leadville, Lake, Colorado, United States

Father: Ephraim Hopkins Lewis

Mother: Grace Ann Zimmerman

Name: Harold Lewis

Birth: 7 Jan 1915 Dravosburg, Pennsylvania

Death: 12 Mar 1992 Chilton County, Alabama, United States of America

Father: Francis William Lewis

Mother: Mary M. Taylor

Name: HAROLD George Lewis

Birth: July 1889 Bedminster, Bristol, England

Death: About 1980 Peterborough, Ontario, Canada

Father: Charles Lewis

Mother: Blanch Eliza Fear

Name: Harold Morgan Lewis

Birth: 1901 Wilkes Barre, PA

Death: 29 Mar 1973 Allentown, PA

Father: Alexander Lafayette Lewis

Mother: Ellen Dotterer

Name: Harold Lewis

Birth: abt 1875 Bristol, Gloucestershire, England

Death: 1944/01/07 Rock Lees, Small Lees Lane, Ripponden, Halifax , W.Yorks. ( Halifax General Hospital

Father: William Henry Lewis

Mother: Jane Mather Heginbotham

Name: Harold Stearns Lewis

Birth: 18 August 1918 Duluth, St Louis, Minnesota, USA

Death: 21 January 2013 Duluth, St Louis, Minnesota, United States

Father: Roy Bailey Lewis

Mother: Alice Mae Stearns


Birth: 09/17 Pottsville, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 01/1995 Pottsville, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: George Franklin LEWIS

Mother: Rosalie Eleanor Konopka

Name: Harold Lewis

Birth: 17 Sep 1937 Smilax, Leslie County, Kentucky

Death: 26 Nov 2016 Muncie, Indiana

Father: Abijah Bige Lewis

Mother: Katie Joseph

Name: Harold J Lewis

Birth: 23 Oct 1893 Fayette County, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 21 Jan 1978 Warren, Trumbull, Ohio, USA

Father: Samuel Stewart Lewis

Mother: Sarah Boger

Name: Harold Carlton Lewis

Birth: 9 February 1920 Charleston, Kanawha, West Virginia, USA

Death: 6 August 1993 hampton virginia

Father: Roger Carlton Lewis

Mother: Inez May Snodgrass

Name: Harold M Lewis

Birth: 15 Dec 1912 East Wheatfield, Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 02 Oct 1987 Chester, Hancock, West Virginia, USA

Father: Alonzo Lewis

Mother: Alice Lydia Baker

Name: Harold E LEWIS

Birth: 18 April 1906 McFarland, Dane, Wisconsin, USA

Death: 11 Dec 1977 Wisconsin, USA

Father: Melvin Oliver LEWIS

Mother: Gertrude Bertina Lewis

Name: Harold Hamilton Lewis

Birth: 2 January 1875 Belton, Bell, Texas, United States

Death: 24 Feb 1952 Seattle, King, Washington,USA

Father: Abraham Buford Lewis

Mother: Eloese Catherine Graves

Name: Harold Burdette Lewis

Birth: 25 Sep 1913 Cayuga County, New York

Death: April 1984 Sunnyvale, Santa Clara, California, USA

Father: Edwin Burdette Lewis

Mother: Jessie L Palmer

Name: Harold Lloyd Lewis

Birth: September 9,1928 Parker,Collin,Texas USA

Death: 14Dec2007 Whitesboro, Grayson, Texas

Father: George Washington Lewis

Mother: Beulah M Woods

Name: Harold Ramsey Lewis

Birth: 17 Sep 1932 Grenta, Virginia, USA

Death: 2 Feb 2001 Lynchburg, Virginia USA

Father: William Henry Lewis

Mother: Lena Lee Yeatts

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