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Results for "harold l hopkins"

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Name: Harold Brickley Hoskins

Birth: 8 Oct 1922 Youngstown M, Ohio

Death: 29 Aug 1989 Youngstown, Trumbull, Ohio, USA

Father: Charles P Hoskins

Mother: Grace W Brothers

Name: Harold James Hopkins

Birth: 06/22/1918 Winchester, Franklin County, Tennessee, United States of America

Death: 25 Mar 2006 Winchester, Franklin County, Tennessee, United States of America

Father: Charley Warner Hopkins

Mother: Flora Myrtle Bates

Name: Harold Hopkins

Birth: 25 April 1915 South Dakota

Death: 1993 Albany, Linn, Oregon, United States of America

Father: George Morris Hopkins

Mother: Lydia Earnestian DeSaint

Name: Harold Solon Hopkins

Birth: 1 July 1925 Oneonta, Otsego, New York, United States

Death: 8 March 2006 Paradise Valley, Maricopa County, Arizona, USA

Father: Arnold Edwin Hopkins

Mother: Alice Mary CARPENTER

Name: Harold Frank Hopkins

Birth: 25 Dec 1894 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA

Death: 22 May 1954 Oak Park, Cook, Illinois

Father: Frank Wilville Hopkins

Mother: Georgine Hopkins

Name: Harold Hoskins

Birth: 1895 Beirut, Syria

Death: Apr 1977 Stonington, New London, Connecticut, United States

Father: Franklin Evans Hoskins

Mother: Harriette Mollison Eddy

Name: Harold Herbert Hopkins

Birth: 11 Nov 1902 Ardmore, Oklahoma

Death: 8 Sep 1971 Texarkana, Bowie, Texas, USA

Father: Charlie Hopkins

Mother: Lyda Lois Mcguire

Name: Harold Alvin Dopkins

Birth: 8 Feb 1908 Wisconsin

Death: 24 Mar 1991 Wisconsin, Outagamie

Father: Frederick Ellis Dopkins

Mother: Golda Belle Swann

Name: Harold Hopkins

Birth: 28 MAY 1914 West Virginia

Death: 5 AUG 1949 Akron, Ohio

Father: Samuel Sheridan Hopkins

Mother: Sarah Louisa Bolen Hopkins

Name: Harold Dean Hopkins

Birth: 13 Aug 1928 Cushing, Payne, Oklahoma, USA

Death: 2 April 2010 Jenks,Oklahoma

Father: John Warren Hopkins

Mother: Helen Jane Armstrong

Name: Harold Roy Hopkins

Birth: 22 Aug 1903 West Ham, Essex, London, England

Death: 31 Jul 1944 Los Angeles County, California, United States of America

Father: Robert Hopkins

Mother: Frances Mathilda Jones

Name: Harold Howard Hopkins

Birth: 10/30/1924 Lucas, Ohio, United States

Death: 16 May 1987 Tampa, Hillsborough, Florida, United States of America

Father: Vernor C Hopkins

Mother: Leah M. Benedict

Name: Harold H Hopkins

Birth: 16 Dec 1907 Longview, Gregg Co., TX

Death: 10 Sep 1981 Houston, Harris, Texas, USA

Father: Andrew Jefferson Hopkins

Mother: Ethel E Harris

Name: Harold E. Hopkins

Birth: 29 May 1915 Mecosta Co. Michigan

Death: 18 Dec 1999 Stanwood,Michigan

Father: Archie John Hopkins

Mother: Delilah Margaret Barnhill


Birth: abt 1917 Chicago, Cook, IL

Death: 26 January 2011 Chicago, Cook County, Illinois

Father: Walter Hopkins

Mother: Eleanor Belle Considine

Name: Harold Smith Hoskins

Birth: 27 Mar 1943 Danville, Boyle, Kentucky, USA

Death: 11 Aug 2004 Lawrenceville, Gwinnett, Georgia

Father: Harold William Hoskins

Mother: Ruby Agnes Smith

Name: Harold Orville Hopkins

Birth: 9 Jan 1915 Pocatello, Idaho, USA

Death: 8 Jun 1994 Springfield, Clark, Ohio, USA

Father: Orville A Hopkins

Mother: Ida B Munn

Name: Harold Hopkins

Birth: 8 Dec 1886 Edmeston, Otsego, NY

Death: 1953 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA

Father: Linn Dealton Hopkins

Mother: Flora Lisette Simmons

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