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Results for "Hazel Westbrook"

1 - 25 of 70 Records

Hazel A Westbrook - 1891 to 1977

Birth: 18 Jul 1891 Irving, Barry, Michiganbirth0

Death: 19 Jul 1977 Sacramento, Sacramento, California, United Statesdeath0


Father: Samuel Geiger

Mother: Eleanor Jane Ludlow

Hazel Westbrook - 1897 to 1921

Birth: 17 Aug 1897 Binghamton, Broome, NY, USAbirth1

Death: 10 Mar 1921 Binghamton, Broome, NY, USAdeath1


Father: Horace Westbrook

Mother: Georgiana (Anna) Clark

Hazel Ethel Westbrook - 1921 to 1978

Birth: 25 Dec 1921 New Yorkbirth2

Death: 02 April 1978 Matamoras, Pike, Pennsylvania, USAdeath2


Father: Raymond A Westbrook

Mother: Hanah Ethel Rundle

Hazel Westbrook - 1906 to 1972

Birth: 24 Dec 1906 Colquit, Miller, Georgia, USAbirth3

Death: 4 September 1972 Hillsborough, Florida, United Statesdeath3


Father: William B Westbrook

Mother: Celestine Inez Olive

Hazel Westbrook - 1915 to 2001

Birth: 04 Aug 1915 Tennesseebirth4

Death: 19 Aug 2001 Arkansasdeath4


Father: Sam F. Westbrook

Mother: Mintie Salina Kinkade

Hazel Westbrook - 1915 to 2001

Birth: 04 Aug 1915 Tennesseebirth5

Death: 19 Aug 2001 Arkansasdeath5


Father: Sam F. Westbrook

Mother: Mintie Salina Kinkade

Hazel Westbrook - 1923 to 2020

Birth: abt 1923 North Carolinabirth6

Death: 7 April 2020 Lenoir County, North Carolina, United States of Americadeath6


Father: John Ivey Aman

Mother: Pearl Bachelor

Hazel Westbrook - 1915 to 2008

Birth: 1915 Missouribirth7

Death: 6 February 2008 Litchfield, Montgomery County, Illinois, United States of Americadeath7


Father: Charles P Wolfe

Mother: Lulu Burgolty

Hazel Westbrook - 1927 to 1997

Birth: 1927 Winchester, Hampshire, Englandbirth8

Death: Jan 1997 Reading and Wokingham, Berkshire, Englanddeath8


Father: Henry George Westbrook

Mother: Florence Dorothy Scott

Hazel Westbrook - 1890 to 1969

Birth: Jun 1890 New Yorkbirth9

Death: Apr 1969 Richmond, Richmond City, Virginia, United States of Americadeath9


Father: John Walker Westbrook

Mother: Emma Magdalena Sprenger

Hazel Inez Westbrook - 1930 to 2009

Birth: 1930 Clarendon Tp Pontiac Co Quebecbirth10

Death: 2 January 2009


Father: William Westbrook

Mother: Annie Draper

Hazel Marguerite Westbrook - 1904 to 1996

Birth: 3 MAY 1904 Towanda, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth11

Death: 4 MAR 1996 Barstow, San Bernardino, California, USAdeath11


Father: Korah DeForest ' K. D. ' Westbrook

Mother: Harriet Hollon ' Hattie ' Foster

Hazel Westbrook - 1918 to 1964

Birth: 12 Nov 1918 Richfield,Conejos,Coloradobirth12

Death: 16 May 1964 Sanford, Conejos, Colorado, USAdeath12


Father: David Earl Shawcroft

Mother: Martha Eliza Smith

Hazel Laura Westbrook - 1899 to 1989

Birth: 16 March 1899 Anaconda, Montana, United Statesbirth13

Death: 21 Aug 1989 Santa Rosa, Sonoma, California, USAdeath13


Father: Artimus Freeman Westbrook

Mother: Laura Kathryn Christensen

Hazel M Westbrook - 1917 to 1984

Birth: dec 31 1917 Scott, Mississippibirth14

Death: 22 Mar 1984 Jackson, Hinds, Mississippi, USAdeath14


Father: Wallace Otho Westbrook

Mother: Ethel Keyes

Hazel Louise Westbrook - 1896 to 1981

Birth: 08 Aug 1896 Ovid, Michiganbirth15

Death: 20 Feb 1981 Owosso, Shiawassee, Michigan, USAdeath15


Father: Milo Orville Westbrook

Mother: Eliza Jane Kesby

Hazel Dell Westbrook - 1895 to 1989

Birth: 15 Jan 1895 Michiganbirth16

Death: 04 Jan 1989 East Lansing, Ingham, Michigan, United States of Americadeath16


Father: Prindell Hubbell Westbrook

Mother: Minnie Mary Adams

Hazel Westbrook - 1926 to 1940

Birth: 1926 Finchleybirth17

Death: ABOUT 1940 London, London, Englanddeath17


Father: Henry Peter Weiffenbach

Mother: Margaret Emily Fletcher

Hazel Almoth Westbrook - 1915 to 1934

Birth: abt 1915 Illinoisbirth18

Death: 22 Dec 1934 Chicago, Cook, Illinoisdeath18


Father: Solomon Westbrook

Mother: Hannah Moore

Hazel Almoth Westbrook - 1915 to 1934

Birth: abt 1915 Illinoisbirth19

Death: 22 Dec 1934 Chicago, Cook, Illinoisdeath19


Father: Solomon Westbrook

Mother: Hannah Moore

Hazel Westbrook - 1912 to 2001

Birth: 12 Aug 1912 Marklee, Arkansasbirth20

Death: 4 Jun 2001 Hobart, Lake, Indiana, USAdeath20


Father: Joe Dunn

Mother: Della Rogers

Hazel Westbrook - 1918 to 1991

Birth: December 15, 1918 Middletown, New Jerseybirth21

Death: October 1991 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USAdeath21


Father: Frank Westbrook

Mother: Gertrude Lane

Hazel Pearl Westbrook - 1903 to 2000

Birth: 27 Mar 1903 Beaver Falls, Beaver, Pennsylvania, USAbirth22

Death: 10 Mar 2000 Memphis, Shelby, Tennessee, USAdeath22


Father: Richard Henry Westbrook

Mother: Minnie Pearl McKinnis

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