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Name: Hector Gordillo
Birth: 3 enero 1914 Finca Santa Rita, Las Margaritas, Chiapas, México
Death: 28 Nov 1970 Arriaga, Chiapas, México
Father: Dionicio Gordillo Ruiz
Mother: Maria Sara Arguello Espinoza
Name: Hector Gordillo
Birth: 20 Feb 1929 las Margaritas, Chiapas, México
Death: Not Available
Father: Nicolás Gordillo
Mother: Francisca Alfonso
Name: Hector Gordillo
Birth: 20 Jul 1992 El Paso, Texas, USA
Death: Not Available
Father: Hector G Gordillo
Mother: Silvia Reta
Name: Hector Gordillo
Birth: 26 Ene 1944 San Jerónimo de Juárez, Guerrero, México
Death: Not Available
Father: Salvador Gordillo
Mother: Evarista Railón
Name: Hector Reynaldo Gordillo
Birth: 6J/un/1926 Comitan, Chis., Mex
Death: 28 FEB 1940 Chacaljemel,Chiapas,México
Father: Jose Eligio Gordillo
Mother: Amalia Najera
Name: Hector Gordillo
Birth: 28 Feb 1990 Alameda, California
Death: Not Available
Father: Private
Mother: Private
Name: Hector Gordillo
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Private
Mother: Private
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