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Results for "henry draisey"

Name: Henry DRAISEY

Birth: 5 Jul 1812 Thornbury, Gloucestershire, England

Death: Jan 1839 Thornbury Gloucestershire England

Father: John Draisey

Mother: Rebecca Carpenter

Name: Henry Draisey

Birth: abt 1836 Horton, Gloucestershire, England

Death: January 1873 Bath, Somerset

Father: John Draisey

Mother: Elizabeth Lea

Name: Henry Ernest Draisey

Birth: 13 Jan 1909 Acton, Middlesex, England

Death: 12 May 1989 Flackwell Heath, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England

Father: Lawford Henry Draisey

Mother: Frances Emma Heaslewood

Name: Henry Draisey

Birth: 1829 Falfield, Gloucestershire, England

Death: Feb 1899 Ystradfodwg, Glamorgan Wales

Father: James Draisey

Mother: Susannah Cook

Name: Henry Draisey

Birth: 1827 Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England

Death: 1839

Father: William Draisey

Mother: Hannah Draisey

Name: Henry John Hillier Draisey

Birth: 1858 Victoria, Australia

Death: 1928 Queensland

Father: George Draisey

Mother: Ann Andrews Hillier

Name: Henry Draisey

Birth: 25 Jul 1856 Tortworth, Gloucestershire, , England

Death: 14 Feb 1947

Father: Mark Draisey

Mother: Sarah Heavens

Name: Henry Draisey

Birth: 1863 Tortworth, Gloucestershire, England

Death: Not Available

Father: Mathew Draisey

Mother: Hannah Draisey

Name: Henry Draisey

Birth: JUL 1896 Bedminster, Gloucestershire, Somerset, United Kingdom

Death: JUN 1975 Bristol, Avon, England

Father: Henry Draisey

Mother: Florence Kendall

Name: Henry Draisey

Birth: 1848

Death: abt 1848 Gloucester, Gloucestershire

Father: Edwin Draisey

Mother: Matilda Kable Or Hable or Cable

Name: Henry Draisey

Birth: abt 1893 Dinas, Glamorgan, Wales

Death: Not Available

Father: Oliver Draisey

Mother: Rhoda Sprod

Name: Henry Jonathon Hillier Draisey

Birth: 18 Oct 1855 Fiery Creek Victoria

Death: Not Available

Father: George Draisey

Mother: Ann Andrews Hillier

Name: Henry John Draisey

Birth: 03 Feb 1881

Death: Not Available

Father: John Smith Draisey

Mother: Hannah Tyndall

Name: Henry Draisey

Birth: 1848

Death: Not Available

Father: Edwin Draisey

Mother: Matilda Kable

Name: Henry Draisey

Birth: 1855

Death: Not Available

Father: George DRAISEY

Mother: Ann Andrews Hillier

Name: Henry Draisey

Birth: 22 Sep 1892

Death: Not Available

Father: Oliver Draisey

Mother: Private

Name: Henry Draisey

Birth: 24 Jul 1862 Tortworth, , Glos, England

Death: 21 Dec 1945 London, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Henry Draisey

Birth: 1896 Bristol, Gloucestershire, England

Death: May 1975 Bristol, Gloucestershire, England

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Henry Draisey

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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