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Results for "hiram ayres"

Name: Hiram P Ayres

Birth: abt 1827 West Virginia

Death: 1920 Log Church Cemtery at Cantwell, RItchie, WV

Father: John Ayers

Mother: Mary Watkins

Name: Hiram Ayres

Birth: 13 Aug 1795 Huntingdon Valley, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United States

Death: 17 October 1870 Abington, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Samuel Ayres

Mother: Deborah Yerkes

Name: Hiram S. Ayres

Birth: About 1850 Johnson County, Missouri, USA

Death: 5 Jan 1938 Independence, Jackson, Missouri, United States

Father: John Ayres

Mother: Martha Jane Perrine

Name: Hiram Jefferson Ayres

Birth: August 29, 1823 Summit County, Ohio

Death: July 2, 1907 Akron, Ohio

Father: Stephen Ayres

Mother: Lucinda Spicer

Name: Hiram Stanley "Bud" AYRES

Birth: 7 Sep 1869 Kansas City, Wyandotte, Kansas, USA

Death: 5 Feb 1955 Christian County, Missouri, USA

Father: Vinson Montgomery Ayres

Mother: Lucinda Jane Ayres

Name: Hiram Ayres

Birth: August 12, 1815 Chester, Delaware County, Pennsylvania

Death: 30 Sep 1896 Canonsburg, Washington, Pennsylvania

Father: John Ayres

Mother: Rachel Taylor

Name: Hiram Ayres

Birth: 29 Sep 1842 Oakham, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA

Death: 27,Aug,1859

Father: Perley Ayres

Mother: Harriet West Knight

Name: Hiram Ayres

Birth: 25 August1916 Mitcham, Surrey, England

Death: 22 April 1971 Mitcham, Surrey, England



Name: Hiram Ayres

Birth: 13 August 1795 Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 17 October 1870 Abington, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Samuel Cowles Ayres

Mother: Deborah Yerkes

Name: Hiram R Ayres

Birth: 30 OCT 1853 Harmony, Fillmore, Minnesota, USA

Death: 24 May 1930 Spink County, South Dakota

Father: John H Ayers

Mother: Priscilla Burns


Birth: 8 Apr 1889 Penge, Surrey, England

Death: 1966 Mitcham, Surrey, England

Father: Henry Ayres

Mother: Mary Ann Goby

Name: Hiram Douthitt Ayres

Birth: 30 May 1878 College Hill, Madison County, Kentucky, USA

Death: June 13, 1950 Howard, Elk, Kansas, USA

Father: Jeremiah Ayers

Mother: Margaret Eliza Douthitt

Name: Hiram B. Ayres

Birth: abt 1860 Illinois

Death: 2 Dec 1942

Father: William Ayres

Mother: Eunice House Parks

Name: Hiram Ayres

Birth: ABT 1809 Kentucky

Death: Not Available

Father: Bristow Ayres

Mother: Sarah Keys

Name: Hiram Ayres

Birth: 28 Dec 1801 Vergennes, Addison, Vermont, United States

Death: 14 Jul 1884 Duane, Franklin, New York, United States

Father: Joel Ayers

Mother: Bathsheba Jordan

Name: Hiram Ayres

Birth: abt 1856 Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 1896 Pennsylvania, USA

Father: George Ralston Ayres

Mother: Ellen Weatherly

Name: Hiram Ayres

Birth: 17 Sep 1965 Mitcham, Surrey, England

Death: Dec 1970 Carshalton, Surrey, England

Father: Private

Mother: Margaret Calian Chapman

Name: Hiram ayres

Birth: 1965 Carshalton, Surrey, England

Death: Dec 1970 Carshalton, Surrey, England

Father: Private

Mother: Margaret Calina Chapman

Name: Hiram Ayres

Birth: 1965 Mitcham, Surrey, England

Death: 1970 Mitcham, Surrey, England

Father: Margaret Calina Chapman

Mother: Private

Name: Hiram Ayres

Birth: 1819 Ohio, USA

Death: Abt 1905 Ohio, USA

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Hiram Henry Ayres

Birth: 06 Aug 1856 Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania

Death: 28 Oct 1929 Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Hiram Yerkes Ayres

Birth: 13 Aug 1795 Huntingdon Valley, Montgomery, Pennsylvania, United States

Death: 17 Oct 1870 Holmesburg, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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