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Results for "Ida Green"

1 - 25 of 3,249 Records

Ida May Green - 1864 to 1947

Birth: 28 Nov 1864 Logan County, Kentucky, USAbirth0

Death: 7 Jul 1947 Fayette County, Kentuckydeath0


Father: Fayette Green

Mother: Elizabeth Matthew Withers

Ida J Green - 1925 to 2010

Birth: 25 January 1925 Blaine, Maine, USAbirth1

Death: 16 June 2010 Palmyra, Somerset, Maine, USAdeath1


Father: Gale Piercean Green

Mother: Marion Ada Piper

Ida May Green - 1858 to 1908

Birth: 15 Apr 1858 cambridge, henderson,Illinois, USAbirth2

Death: 31 Oct 1908 Ardale,Franklin,Iowadeath2


Father: Henry H. Green

Mother: Lauraetta Catherine Daily

Ida Green - 1863 to 1953

Birth: 3 Nov 1863 Sumner, Lawrence, ILbirth3

Death: 23 December 1953 Crawford Co. Illinoisdeath3


Father: William Green

Mother: Esther Pounds

Ida Alice Green - 1869 to 1935

Birth: 11 Apr 1869 Illinois, USAbirth4

Death: 9 June 1935 Walsh, Baca, Colorado, United Statesdeath4


Father: John J Green

Mother: Lucinda Palmer

Ida White Green - 1885 to 1971

Birth: abt 1885 Texasbirth5

Death: 23 March 1971 Sweetwater, Nolan County, Texas, United States of Americadeath5


Father: Harvey Green

Mother: Cinda Rayan

Ida Green - 1891 to 1962

Birth: Nov 1891 Macon County, Missouri, USAbirth6

Death: 1 Sep 1962 Alamedadeath6


Father: Hans Madsen Rasmussen

Mother: Josephine E Buchwalder

Ida Green - 1880 to 1961

Birth: 8 Oct 1880 Sevier County, Tennessee, USAbirth7

Death: 6 Dec 1961 Bearden, Knox, Tennessee, USAdeath7


Father: Robert Fillmore Green

Mother: Drusilla Emert

Ida J Green - 1925 to 2010

Birth: 25 January 1925 Blaine, Maine, USAbirth8

Death: 16 June 2010 Palmyra, Somerset, Maine, USAdeath8


Father: Gale Piercean Green

Mother: Marion Ada Piper

Ida Bertha Green - 1864 to 1953

Birth: 19 APR 1864 , , New York, USAbirth9

Death: 23 FEB 1953 Paterson, Passaic, New Jersey, USAdeath9


Father: Samuel Green

Mother: Susan Green

Ida R. Green - 1887 to 1975

Birth: 26 Oct 1887 Aiken South Carolina, USAbirth10

Death: 07 May 1975 ,Aiken,South Carolina,USAdeath10


Father: William Franklin Green

Mother: Emma Emmiline Key

Ida Lee Green - 1872 to 1936

Birth: Dec 1872 West Virginiabirth11

Death: 31 Oct 1936 Ripley, Jackson, West Virginia, USAdeath11


Father: Quinn Word Jones

Mother: Mary Ellen Thomas

Ida Lyda Green - 1896 to 1944

Birth: 5 October 1896 Emmons County, North Dakota, USAbirth12

Death: 12 April 1944 Ontario, Malheur County, Oregon, USAdeath12


Father: John Samuel Green

Mother: Emma Sophia Dyke

Ida Catherine Green - 1856 to 1931

Birth: 03 Dec 1856 Barnwell County, South Carolinabirth13

Death: 3 January 1931 Biloxi, Harrison County, Mississippi, United Statesdeath13


Father: Augustus Bush Green

Mother: Anna Stephens Frazer

Ida Jenette Green - 1920 to 2005

Birth: 23 Sep 1920 Mahnomen, Minnesota, USAbirth14

Death: 30 Jan 2005 Perham, Otter Tail, Minnesotadeath14


Father: Ole Mathias Green

Mother: Isabelle Elizabeth Brisbois Green WE-1361

Ida A Green - 1867 to 1941

Birth: 28 Aug 1867 Niagara Co., NYbirth15

Death: 1941 NY.death15


Father: Carl Schmidt

Mother: Wilhemina Carolina Bruning

Ida Peare Green - 1876 to 1947

Birth: 3 August 1876 Bath County, Kentucky, United States of Americabirth16

Death: 17 Feb 1947 Montgomery, Kentuckydeath16


Father: William Ezra Green

Mother: Margaret A Maze

Ida May Green - 1878 to 1962

Birth: abt 1878 Michiganbirth17

Death: 15 July 1962 Carsonville, Sanilac County, Michigan, United States of Americadeath17


Father: Leonard Monroe Green

Mother: Christian "Christy" Graham

Ida Green - 1919 to 2008

Birth: abt 1919 Redlake, Beltrami, Minnesotabirth18

Death: 19 Oct 2008 St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, United Statesdeath18


Father: Aage (Groen) Green

Mother: Inger Tranum

Ida E Green - 1856 to 1922

Birth: 12 May 1856 Stevens Point, Portage, Wisconsin, United Statesbirth19

Death: 18 November 1922 Gotebo, Kiowa County, Oklahoma, United States of Americadeath19


Father: David C. Greene

Mother: Lovina Sweet

Ida Green - 1882 to 1953

Birth: 27 June 1882 Scott County, Iowa, United Statesbirth20

Death: 21 May 1953 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United Statesdeath20


Father: Elijah Green

Mother: Caroline Collins

Ida Estelle Green - 1860 to 1920

Birth: 4 July 1860 New Yorkbirth21

Death: AFT. 1920 Camden, Oneida, NYdeath21


Father: Charles F Green

Mother: Marinda(Hannah) Kelsey

Ida L Green - 1885 to 1962

Birth: 27 October 1885 Texasbirth22

Death: 7 Aug 1962 Bastrop, Bastrop, Texas, USAdeath22


Father: George William Green

Mother: Frances Bell

Ida Maggie Green - 1876 to 1895

Birth: abt 1876 Marylandbirth23

Death: 22 Sep 1895 Parkersburg, Wood County, WVAdeath23


Father: Patrick Greene

Mother: Bridget (Green) Casey

Ida Bertha Green - 1864 to 1953

Birth: 19 APR 1864 , , New York, USAbirth24

Death: 23 FEB 1953 Paterson, Passaic, New Jersey, USAdeath24


Father: Samuel Green

Mother: Susan Green

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