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Results for "Infant Jacobs"

1 - 25 of 130 Records

Infant Son Jacobs - 1868 to 1868

Birth: 10 Mar 1868 Iberia, Missouri, United Statesbirth0

Death: 11 Mar 1868 Iberia, Missouri, United Statesdeath0


Father: Joseph B Jacobs

Mother: Margaret GARNER

Infant Jacobs - 1946 to 1946

Birth: 19 Oct 1946 Sampson County, North Carolina, USAbirth1

Death: 23 Oct 1946 Fayetteville, Cumberland, North Carolina, USAdeath1


Father: Jesse M Jacobs

Mother: Ida Remell Epps

Infant Lavern Jacobs - 1909 to 1910

Birth: June 3, 1909 Illinoisbirth2

Death: Mar. 28, 1910 Illinoisdeath2


Father: Henry Mikel Jacobs

Mother: Matilda K. Wasson

Infant (DHJ) Jacobs - 1941 to 1941

Birth: 18 Jul 1941 Brantley Georgia birth3

Death: 18 Jul 1941 Brantley Georgia death3


Father: Daniel Jacobs

Mother: Anna Stubbs

Infant Jacobs - 1925 to 1925

Birth: 5 Sep 1925 Brunswick Co., North Carolina, USAbirth4

Death: 5 Sep 1925 Brunswick Co, North Carolina, USAdeath4


Father: John B Jacobs

Mother: Blanche Lee Robinson

Infant Daughter Jacobs - 1893 to 1893

Birth: 1893 Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth5

Death: 1893 Pennsylvania, Somerset, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath5


Father: Isaac Jacobs

Mother: Alice A. Wolfkill

Infant Lavern Jacobs - 1909 to 1910

Birth: June 3, 1909 Illinoisbirth6

Death: Mar. 28, 1910 Illinoisdeath6


Father: Henry Mikel Jacobs

Mother: Matilda K. Wasson

Infant Jacobs - 1656 to 1662

Birth: 1656 Hillergersberg, Netherlandsbirth7

Death: 1662 Albany, Ulster, New York, United Statesdeath7


Father: Tuenis Jacobs Husband 2

Mother: Orseltie Dyrcks

Infant Jacobs - 1884 to 1884

Birth: 1884 Pennsylvaniabirth8

Death: 1884 Pennsylvaniadeath8


Father: Richard Jacobs

Mother: Anna Catharine Swisher Switzer

Infant Jacobs - 1884 to 1884

Birth: 1884 Pennsylvaniabirth9

Death: 1884 Pennsylvaniadeath9


Father: Richard Jacobs

Mother: Anna Catharine Swisher Switzer

Infant Jacobs - 1847 to 1847

Birth: 19 Oct 1847 Christian County, Illinois, USAbirth10

Death: 25 Oct 1847 Jacobs, Carter, Kentucky, United Statesdeath10


Father: Abner H Jacobs

Mother: Sarah Campbell

Infant Jacobs - 1896 to 1896

Birth: Mar 09, 1896 , Gibson, Tennessee, USAbirth11

Death: 26 Mar 1896 Lavinia, Carroll, TNdeath11


Father: John G Jacobs

Mother: Sue Fannie Mathis

Infant Jacobs - 1928 to 1928

Birth: 30 Nov 1928 Pennsylvania, USAbirth12

Death: 30 Nov 1928 Allenport, Washington, Pennsylvania, USAdeath12


Father: Lawrence Vankirk Jacobs

Mother: Charlotte Williams

Infant Jacobs - 1900 to 1953

Birth: May 1900 Floridabirth13

Death: January 10, 1953 Gadsden County, Florida, USAdeath13


Father: Daniel J Jacobs

Mother: Mary Johnson Jacobs

Infant Jacobs - 1870 to 1870

Birth: 1870 Juniata County PAbirth14

Death: 1870 Juniata County PAdeath14


Father: Samuel Jacobs

Mother: Martha Hench*

Infant boy Jacobs - 1907 to 1907

Birth: Feb 21, 1907 Level Run, Virginiabirth15

Death: 7 March 1907 Pittsylvania County, Virginia, USAdeath15


Father: John William Jacobs

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Shields-Jacobs-Jacobs

Infant Jacobs - 1936 to 1936

Birth: 25 Jun 1936 Cleveland Co, Arkbirth16

Death: 4 Jul 1936 Miller, Cleveland, Arkansas, USAdeath16


Father: Austin Jacobs

Mother: Ruby Jacobs

Infant Jacobs - 1924 to 1924

Birth: 28 Jan 1924 Toledo, Lucas Co., OHbirth17

Death: 28 Jan 1924 Toledo, Lucas Co., OHdeath17


Father: Ross Doras Jacobs

Mother: Mary Sophia Brashaw

Infant Jacobs - 1910 to 1910

Birth: 12 DEC 1910 ARbirth18

Death: 27 DEC 1910 ARdeath18


Father: Joseph May Jacobs

Mother: Ora L Luster

Infant Jacobs - 1923 to 1923

Birth: 3 Feb 1923 Wabash Countybirth19

Death: 3 Feb 1923 Waltz, Wabash, Indiana, USAdeath19


Father: Henry Jacobs

Mother: Ola Roser Jacobs

Infant Boy Jacobs - 1935 to 1935

Birth: 10 Oct 1935 Ephrata, Pennsylvaniabirth20

Death: 10 Oct 1935 Ephrata, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USAdeath20


Father: Samuel B. Jacobs

Mother: Elizabeth Leed Meck

Infant Jacobs - 1883 to 1883

Birth: 12 FEB 1883 Kankakee, Illinois, USAbirth21

Death: 12 FEB 1883 Kankakee, Illinois, USAdeath21


Father: George Bernhard Jacobs

Mother: Mina Schnell

infant Jacobs - 1913 to 1913

Birth: 27 Oct 1913 Grayson Co, KYbirth22

Death: 28 Oct 1913 Grayson Co, KYdeath22


Father: Kavanough Jacobs

Mother: Etta Delia Litsey

Infant Boy Jacobs - 1913 to 1913

Birth: 24 Apr 1913 Dale County, Alabama, USAbirth23

Death: 24 Apr 1913 Dale County, Alabama, USAdeath23


Father: William Alexander Jacobs

Mother: Lorah Elvira BUTTRAM

Infant Boy Jacobs - 1914 to 1914

Birth: 1 Dec 1914 Hanover, York County, Pennsylvania, United States of Americabirth24

Death: 1 Dec 1914 Hanover, York, Pennsylvania, USAdeath24


Father: Solomon Ellsworth Jacobs

Mother: Anna Mary Schultz Jacobs

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