Results for "Ingeborg Myren"
Ingeborg Myren - 1785 to 1823
Birth: 1785 Norway
Death: 1823 Norway
Father: Ole Larss Myren
Mother: Guraa Nilsdater
Ingeborg Gurine Larsdatter Myren - 1838 to 1905
Birth: 20 Jan 1838 Sannidal, Telemark, Norway
Death: 14 Dec 1905 Skåtøy, Telemark, Norway
Father: Lars Olsen
Mother: Johanne Gundersdatter Torsdal
Ingeborg Anna Carlsdatter Myren - 1861 to 1945
Birth: 8 Jul 1861 Norway
Death: 18 Mar 1945
Father: Karl Anders Sorenssen Myren
Mother: Karen Anna Olsdatter Myren
Ingeborg Myren - 1859
Birth: 25 Jul 1859 Feiring, Hurdal, Akershus, Norway
Death: Not Available
Father: Jens Olsen Flesvig
Mother: Anne Torgunrud
Ingeborg Larsdatter MYREN - 1749
Birth: 1749 Hlonda, Norway
Death: Not Available
Father: Lars Jonsen Sjøliansanden
Mother: Ane Jonsdatter Myren
Ingeborg Kristine Myren - 1913
Birth: 16 OCT 1913 Dybvadsmyren, Dybvad, Lånke, Nord Trøndelag, Norway
Death: Not Available
Father: Petter Myren
Mother: Anne Bergitte Nytrø
Ingeborg Jacobsdtr. Myren - 1728 to 1774
Birth: 1728 Myren, Askøy
Death: 12 May 1774 Myren, Askøy
Father: Jacob Nils. Myren
Mother: Martha Mathisdtr. Brevik
Ingeborg Sigvaldsdatter Myren - 1805 to 1807
Birth: 13 Aug 1805 Sannidal, Telemark, Norway
Death: 11 Dec 1807 Sannidal, Telemark, Norway
Father: Sigvald Thorbjornsen
Mother: Euphemia Thorbjørnsdatter Humlestad
Ingeborg Inger O Myren - 1861
Birth: 2 Feb 1861 Aural, Norway
Death: Not Available
Father: Ole T. Myren
Mother: Sarah Andersdatter Thon
Ingeborg J Myren - 1848
Birth: 1848 52/3, Vestre Slidre, Oppland, Norge
Death: Not Available
Father: Embret Jogersen
Mother: Marit Giermundsen
Ingeborg Evensdt Myren - 1745
Birth: 1745
Death: Not Available
Father: Even Jonsson Myren
Mother: Dorothe Johansdt Vigdal
Ingeborg Myren - 1861 to 1929
Birth: Feb 1861 Norway
Death: abt 1929 Wisconsin, United States
Father: Ole Myren
Mother: Not Available
Ingeborg Thorufsdatter Myren - 1854 to 1935
Birth: 4 NOV 1854 Øvrebø, Vest-Agder, Norway
Death: 27 FEB 1935 Øvrebø, Vest-Agder, Norway
Father: Thoruf Aanensen
Mother: Not Available
Ingeborg Thorufsdatter Myren - 1854 to 1935
Birth: 4 NOV 1854 Øvrebø, Vest-Agder, Norway
Death: 27 FEB 1935 Øvrebø, Vest-Agder, Norway
Father: Thoruf Aanensen
Mother: Not Available
Ingeborg Myren - 1899
Birth: abt 1899 Sweden
Death: Not Available
Father: Not Available
Mother: Not Available
Ingeborg N. Myren - 1845
Birth: 30 Des 1845 Lunde
Death: Not Available
Father: Not Available
Mother: Not Available
Ingeborg Isabella Myren - 1826 to 1901
Birth: 25 February 1826 Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag, Norway
Death: 4 December 1901 Stoughton, Dane County, Wisconsin, United States of America
Father: Not Available
Mother: Not Available
Ingeborg Knudsdatter Myren - 1796
Birth: 1796 Orkedalens, Sor-Trondelag, Norway
Death: Not Available Norway
Father: Not Available
Mother: Not Available
Ingeborg Myren - 1891
Birth: 1891 Aalen
Death: Not Available
Father: Not Available
Mother: Not Available
Ingeborg Arntsdatter Myren - 1853
Birth: 14 DEC 1853 Myren, Hølonda, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway
Father: Not Available
Mother: Not Available
Ingeborg Myren - 1917 to 1991
Birth: 11 NOV 1917 Vegarshei
Death: 27 MAR 1991
Father: Not Available
Mother: Not Available
Ingeborg Myren - 1874
Birth: 1874
Death: Not Available
Father: Not Available
Mother: Not Available
Ingeborg Anna Kristoffersdatter Myren - 1834
Birth: 1834 Leksvik
Death: Not Available
Father: Not Available
Mother: Not Available
Ingeborg Myren - 1734 to 1822
Birth: 1734
Death: 1822
Father: Not Available
Mother: Not Available
Ingeborg Myren - 1883 to 1973
Birth: 17 Nov 1883
Death: 18 Jan 1973
Father: Not Available
Mother: Not Available