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Results for "Ingeborg Rasmussdatter"

1 - 20 of 20 Records

Ingeborg Christine RASMUSSDATTER - 1801 to 1870

Birth: 01 Mar 1801 Jørpeland, Rogaland, Norwaybirth0

Death: 12 Apr 1870 Strand kommune, Rogaland fylke, Norwaydeath0


Father: Rasmus Asgoudtsen Jørpeland

Mother: Berthe Bjørnsdatter

Ingeborg Serine Rasmussdatter - 1819 to 1901

Birth: Bet. 1819–1820 Lodden, Bokn,Tysvaer parish, Rogaland

Death: 23 Feb 1901 Norway (from old age


Father: Rasmus Rasmussen Skafte

Mother: Berthe Serine Roaldsdatter

Ingeborg Rasmussdatter - 1831 to 1876

Birth: 1831 Blindheim, Giske,i Borgundbirth2

Death: 1876 Ålesund, More og Romsdal, Norwaydeath2


Father: Rasmus Erichsen

Mother: Ingeborg Erichsdatter Rygg

Ingeborg Rasmussdatter

Birth: Not Available Harr, Varhaug, Rogaland, Norwaybirth3

Death: Bef. 1713 Hårr, Varhaug, Rogaland, Norwaydeath3


Father: Rasmus Jonson Haar

Mother: Elen Salomonsdatter Sor Reime

Ingeborg RASMUSSDATTER - 1763 to 1843

Birth: 1763 Indre Lima, Gjestal, Rogaland, Norwaybirth4

Death: 1843


Father: Rasmus Guttormsen Sundvor


Ingeborg Rasmussdatter - 1713 to 1797

Birth: 1713 Gisnås, Sor-Trondelag, Norwaybirth5

Death: 1797


Father: Rasmus Arntsen Gisnås

Mother: Eli XGissenås

Ingeborg Rasmussdatter

Birth: Not Available Lillesalt

Death: Not Available


Father: Rasmus Hansen

Mother: Synneve Olsdatter

Ingeborg Rasmussdatter

Birth: Not Available Harr, Varhaug, Rogaland, Norwaybirth7

Death: Bef 1713 Hårr, Varhaug, Rogaland, Norwaydeath7


Father: Rasmus Jonson

Mother: Elen Salomonsdotter

Ingeborg Rasmussdatter

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Rasmus Thomassen

Mother: Synneva Sørendatter

Ingeborg Rasmussdatter - 1759

Birth: 11 Feb 1759

Death: Not Available


Father: Rasmus Olsson Ovrelied

Mother: Mette Olsdatter Skorhoug

Ingeborg Rasmussdatter

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Hans Rasmussen Tolsted

Mother: Marie Andersdatter Kjersbu

Ingeborg Regine Severine Rasmussdatter - 1862

Birth: 04.03.1862

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Elisabeth Svendsen

Ingeborg Amanda Rasmussdatter - 1864

Birth: 05.11.1864 Eigersund, Rogaland, Norwaybirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Elisabeth Svendsen

Ingeborg Rasmussdatter - 1768

Birth: 1768 Berdal, Leikangerbirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ingeborg Rasmussdatter - 1605 to 1678

Birth: 1605 Skjaak, Oppland, Norwaybirth14

Death: 1678 Skjaak, Oppland, Norwaydeath14


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ingeborg Rasmussdatter - 1768

Birth: 1768 Berdal, Leikangerbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ingeborg Rasmussdatter

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ingeborg Rasmussdatter - 1646 to 1738

Birth: 1646

Death: 1738 Röros, Röros, Sör-Tröndelag, Norway


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ingeborg Rasmussdatter - 1751

Birth: 1751

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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