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Results for "J Petty"

1 - 25 of 200 Records

J D Petty - 1890 to 1971

Birth: 10 Oct 1890 Llano, Texas, United Statesbirth0

Death: 20 Dec 1971 Asher, Pottawatomie, Oklahoma, United Statesdeath0


Father: David Alexander Petty

Mother: Kate Laura Hopkins

J R Petty - 1899 to 1977

Birth: 5 Mar 1899 Brown County, Texasbirth1

Death: 01 Sep 1977 Big Springs, Howard, Texas, USAdeath1


Father: Sterling Price Petty

Mother: Eva Estelle Bruton

J R Petty - 1899 to 1977

Birth: 5 Mar 1899 Brown County, Texasbirth2

Death: 01 Sep 1977 Big Springs, Howard, Texas, USAdeath2


Father: Sterling Price Petty

Mother: Eva Estelle Bruton

J Conley Petty - 1902 to 1965

Birth: 18 Nov 1902 Mount Vernon, Franklin, Texasbirth3

Death: 28 Oct 1965 Ypsilanti, Washtenaw, Michigandeath3


Father: Samuel Abel Petty

Mother: Margaret Turner

J Clinton Petty - 1891 to 1977

Birth: 28 Nov 1891 Tennesseebirth4

Death: 21 Mar 1977 Louisville, Jefferson Co, Kentuckydeath4


Father: George William Petty

Mother: Safronia Lula Pool

J Petty - 1927 to 2017

Birth: 1927 Van Zandt County, Texas, USAbirth5

Death: 2017 Smith County, Texas, USAdeath5


Father: Robert Petty

Mother: Julia Katherine Russell

J B Petty - 1918 to 1975

Birth: 28 Mar 1918 Georgia, USAbirth6

Death: 08 Mar 1975 Kennesaw, Cobb, Georgia, USAdeath6


Father: Quillian P Petty

Mother: Vinnie Petty

J B Petty - 1882 to 1968

Birth: 22 Aug 1882 North Carolina, USAbirth7

Death: 22 Jul 1968 Boiling Springs, Cleveland County, North Carolina, USAdeath7


Father: James Judson Petty

Mother: Phoebe Petty

J Marvin Petty - 1875 to 1920

Birth: 10 Sep 1875 Lansing,Michigan, USAbirth8

Death: Aft. 1920 Michigandeath8


Father: John Lake Petty

Mother: Alma Rush

J B Petty - 1882 to 1968

Birth: 22 Aug 1882 North Carolina, USAbirth9

Death: 22 Jul 1968 Boiling Springs, Cleveland County, North Carolina, USAdeath9


Father: James Judson Petty

Mother: Phoebe Petty

J D Petty - 1909 to 2009

Birth: abt 1909 Milam County, Texasbirth10

Death: Bef. 2009 Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada, USAdeath10


Father: James Petty

Mother: Louella Simpson

J D Petty - 1909 to 2009

Birth: abt 1909 Milam County, Texasbirth11

Death: Bef. 2009 Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada, USAdeath11


Father: James Petty

Mother: Louella Simpson

J D Petty - 1909 to 2009

Birth: abt 1909 Milam County, Texasbirth12

Death: Bef. 2009 Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada, USAdeath12


Father: James Petty

Mother: Louella Simpson

J W Petty - 1924 to 2001

Birth: 20 Nov 1924 Tennesseebirth13

Death: 19 Mar 2001 Union City, Obion, Tennesseedeath13


Father: Earl Brown Petty

Mother: Willie Alura Dyer

J W Petty - 1924 to 2001

Birth: 20 Nov 1924 Tennesseebirth14

Death: 19 Mar 2001 Union City, Obion, Tennesseedeath14


Father: Earl Brown Petty

Mother: Willie Alura Dyer

J T Petty - 1917 to 1982

Birth: abt 1917 Oklahomabirth15

Death: 4 Dec 1982


Father: Ernest Edgar Barfield

Mother: Nola POWERS

J D Petty - 1897 to 1924

Birth: 1897 Ratcliffe Texasbirth16

Death: 28 Aug 1924 Hot Springs, Garland, Arkansas, USAdeath16


Father: G H Petty

Mother: Omer Petty

J Fleming Petty - 1880

Birth: abt 1880 Missouribirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Ross Petty

Mother: Elizabeth Frances Hendricks

J G Petty - 1914 to 1916

Birth: 3 Dec 1914 Gordon, Georgia, United Statesbirth18

Death: 3 Mar 1916 Gordon, Georgia, United Statesdeath18


Father: James F Petty

Mother: Minnie E. Johns

J C Petty - 1915 to 1986

Birth: 15 May 1915 Bosque, Texas, United Statesbirth19

Death: 7 Apr 1986 Grandview, Johnson, Texas, USAdeath19


Father: John Sanford Petty

Mother: Lilly Lee Reed

J D Petty - 1907 to 1978

Birth: October 23, 1907 Elmer, Jackson, Oklahoma, USAbirth20

Death: 3 Oct 1978 Price, Carbon, Utah, USAdeath20


Father: John Thomas Petty

Mother: Polly Elizabeth Cavenar

J.R. "Jake" Petty - 1927 to 2017

Birth: 09 Feb1927 Van Zandt County, Texas, USAbirth21

Death: 29 Jan 2017 Clyde, Callahan, Texas, USAdeath21


Father: Robert Lee "Bob" Petty

Mother: Julia Katherine Russell

J D Petty - 1888 to 1974

Birth: 1888 Texasbirth22

Death: 28 Aug 1974 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USAdeath22


Father: Granville C. Petty

Mother: Elizabeth Warner

J E Petty - 1900 to 1927

Birth: abt 1900 TN, USAbirth23

Death: Bef. 27 Sep 1927


Father: William Richard Petty

Mother: Jenetta Mary Tennessee Guin

J C Petty - 1904 to 1996

Birth: 8 Dec 1904 Texas, United Statesbirth24

Death: 18 October 1996 Abilene, Taylor, Texas, USAdeath24


Father: William Ellis Petty

Mother: Henrietta "Etta" H Rainer

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