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Results for "Jack Landis"

1 - 25 of 67 Records

Jack Landis - 1917 to 1988

Birth: 13 January 1917 North Manchester Wabash Co, Indianabirth0

Death: 12 May 1988 Warsaw, Kosciusko, Indiana, USAdeath0


Father: Paul LANDIS

Mother: Faye Sisk

Jack M Landis - 1930 to 1998

Birth: abt 1930 Canton Stark, Ohiobirth1

Death: 18 Nov 1998 Canton, Stark, Ohio, USAdeath1


Father: Harold F Landes

Mother: Margaret E Joyce

Jack M Landis - 1930 to 1998

Birth: abt 1930 Canton Stark, Ohiobirth2

Death: 18 Nov 1998 Canton, Stark, Ohio, USAdeath2


Father: Harold F Landes

Mother: Margaret E Joyce

Jack Lee Landis - 1927 to 2013

Birth: 24 Mar 1927 Ohiobirth3

Death: 14 Nov 2013 Lebanon, Warren, Ohio, USAdeath3


Father: John LANDIS

Mother: Carrie Mae Brookey

Jack Richard Landis - 1943 to 2006

Birth: 31 Dec 1943 Orange, Essex, New Jersey, USAbirth4

Death: 20 Aug 2006 Oklahoma City, OK, USAdeath4


Father: Joseph Donald Landis

Mother: Lucille Beverly Walker

Jack Allan Landis - 1937 to 2009

Birth: abt 1937 Indianabirth5

Death: 2009


Father: Allen Landis

Mother: Thelma R. Berlien

Jack P Landis - 1918 to 2014

Birth: 26 Oct 1918 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAbirth6

Death: 11 Dec 2014


Father: Joseph Labovitz

Mother: Rachael Gingold

JACK T. LANDIS - 1943 to 2016

Birth: 18 May 1943 Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, United States of Americabirth7

Death: 05 OCT 2016


Father: Charles Milton Landis

Mother: Pauline Todd

Jack Eldon Landis - 1937

Birth: 1 Apr 1937 Beltrami, Minnesota, USAbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Eldon Wayne Landis


Jack Clayton Landis - 1926 to 1997

Birth: 8 Feb 1926 Bristow, Creek, Oklahoma, USAbirth9

Death: 23 MAY 1997 Marysville, Yuba Co., Californiadeath9


Father: John Landis

Mother: Venna Marie Perrin

Jack Warren Landis - 1921 to 1998

Birth: 18 Aug 1921 Los Angeles County, California, USAbirth10

Death: 13 Aug 1998 San Pedro, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath10


Father: Benjamin "Edward" Landis

Mother: Clara Flora Hermann

Jack Hoover Landis - 1910 to 1910

Birth: 18 Nov 1910 Pitcairn, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAbirth11

Death: 22 Nov 1910 Pitcairn, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath11


Father: Lawrence Burrel Landis

Mother: Edith Hoover

Jack Walter Landis - 1907 to 1986

Birth: 11/8/1907 El Dorado, Californiabirth12

Death: 13 December 1986 Placerville, El Dorado County, California, United States of Americadeath12


Father: John Walter Landis

Mother: Harriet S (Hattie) McNeil

Jack Landis - 1921 to 2007

Birth: 14 Dec 1921 Pennsylvania, USAbirth13

Death: 29 Nov 2007 New Kensington, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, USAdeath13


Father: Daniel Rufus Landis

Mother: Emma Frances Boalo

Jack Landis - 1908 to 1969

Birth: 7 Nov 1908 Kansasbirth14

Death: 1969


Father: Albert Lowe Landis

Mother: Bertha Tush

Jack K Landis - 1917 to 1988

Birth: 13 January 1917 North Manchester Wabash Co, Indianabirth15

Death: 12 May 1988 Warsaw, Kosciusko, Indiana, USAdeath15


Father: Paul L Landis

Mother: Mabel Charlotte Heitman

Jack Landis - 1921 to 1998

Birth: 25 MAY 1921 Sydney, Australiabirth16

Death: 6 NOV 1998 Sydney, Australiadeath16


Father: Harry Landis

Mother: Millie (Millicent) Isenberg

Jack W. Landis - 1916 to 1997

Birth: 16 Dec 1916 Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio USAbirth17

Death: 01 Jan 1997 Grove City, Franklin County, Ohio, USAdeath17


Father: William Landis

Mother: Bertha Stedman

Jack Landis - 1931 to 2008

Birth: 7 May 1931 Mexico, Juniata County, Pennsylvania USAbirth18

Death: 06 Apr 2008 at home) Heister Valley Road, Richfield, Juniata Co., PA


Father: Thomas E Landis

Mother: Lydia Mildred Hack

Jack Harold Landis - 1924 to 2000

Birth: 16 Oct 1924 Mendocino, Californiabirth19

Death: 13 Sep 2000 CAdeath19


Father: Samuel Edwin LANDIS

Mother: Beatrice Adelia JONES

Jack Allan Landis - 1938 to 2003

Birth: 17 Aug 1938 NVbirth20

Death: 10 Dec 2003 Fallon, Nevada, USAdeath20


Father: Charles William Landis

Mother: Sally Ann Eisaman

Jack Clinton Landis - 1927 to 2005

Birth: 4 Sep 1927 Skiatook, Oklahoma, USAbirth21

Death: 8 Apr 2005 Plano, Collin, Texas, USAdeath21


Father: Emanuel H Landis

Mother: Lillian Pearl Stark

Jack Landis - 1920 to 2011

Birth: About 1920 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAbirth22

Death: Before 2011 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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