Results for "Jacob Waslander"
Jacob Waslander - 1867 to 1905
Birth: 16 April 1867 Rottum, Skarsterl-N, Friesland, Netherlands
Death: 4 Feb 1905 Sintjohannesga
Father: Libbe Jacobs Waslander
Mother: Aaltje Jacobs Regeling
Jacob Waslander - 1867 to 1905
Birth: 16 April 1867 Rottum, Skarsterl-N, Friesland, Netherlands
Death: 4 Feb 1905 Sintjohannesga
Father: Libbe Jacobs Waslander
Mother: Aaltje Jacobs Regeling
Jacob Waslander - 1867 to 1905
Birth: 16 April 1867 Rottum, Skarsterl-N, Friesland, Netherlands
Death: 4 Feb 1905 Sintjohannesga
Father: Libbe Jacobs Waslander
Mother: Aaltje Jacobs Regeling
Jacob Waslander - 1864 to 1906
Birth: 2nd October, 1864 Lemsterland, Friesland, Netherlands
Death: 4 February 1906 Schoterland
Father: Egbert Jacobs Waslander
Mother: Hindrika Bulten
Jacob Waslander - 1913 to 1913
Birth: 21 Feb 1913 Bedum
Death: 14 Mar 1913 Bedum
Father: Egbert Waslander
Mother: Henderika Wolthuis
Jacob Libbes Waslander - 1765
Birth: 6 JAN 1765 Nieuweschoot, Friesland, Netherlands
Death: Not Available
Father: Libbe Jans (Waslander)
Mother: Hylkjen Egberts
Jacob Libbes Waslander - 1765
Birth: 6 JAN 1765 Nieuweschoot, Friesland, Netherlands
Death: Not Available
Father: Libbe Jans (Waslander)
Mother: Hylkjen Egberts
Jacob Libbes Waslander - 1765
Birth: 6 JAN 1765 Nieuweschoot, Friesland, Netherlands
Death: Not Available
Father: Libbe Jans (Waslander)
Mother: Hylkjen Egberts
Jacob Waslander - 1897
Birth: 26 May 1897 Wonseradeel
Death: Not Available
Father: Jacob Waslander
Mother: Eelkjen Feenstra
Jacob Hijlkes Waslander - 1871 to 1898
Birth: 8 Apr 1871 Rottum ,Fr
Death: 27 Jan 1898 Rottum ,Fr
Father: Hijlke Jacobs Waslander
Mother: Trijntje Gerbens de Wilde
Jacob Waslander - 1807
Birth: 22 February 1807 Nieuweschoot
Death: Not Available
Father: Andries Libbes Waslander
Mother: Antje Halbes
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Warmold Waslander
Mother: Aaltje Jacobs
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Warmold Waslander
Mother: Aaltje Jacobs
Jacob Libbes Waslander - 1921 to 1986
Birth: 1921
Death: 1986
Father: Libbe Jacobs Waslander
Mother: Nelligjen Jans de Jong
Jacob Jacobs Waslander - 1849 to 1929
Birth: 8 Jul 1849 Rotsterhoule
Death: 18 Apr 1929 Bedum
Father: Not Available
Mother: Willemke Hylkes Schaafsma
Jacob Waslander - 1908 to 1995
Birth: 30 Jan 1908 Haskerdijken, Skarsterl-N, Friesland, Netherlands
Death: 1995 Winterswijk, Gelderland, Netherlands
Father: Not Available
Mother: Not Available
Jacob Waslander - 1865 to 1942
Birth: 1865 Lemsterland
Death: 26 JAN 1942 Winschoten, Groningen
Father: Not Available
Mother: Not Available
Jacob Waslander
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Not Available
Mother: Not Available
Jacob Waslander
Birth: Not Available
Death: Not Available
Father: Not Available
Mother: Not Available