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Results for "James Peebles"

1 - 25 of 1,269 Records

James H Peebles - 1915 to 2005

Birth: 18 AUG 1915 Emanuel County, Georgia, USAbirth0

Death: 28 SEP 2005 Swainsboro, Emanuel County, Georgia, USAdeath0


Father: John Raney McBride Peebles

Mother: Mabel J Poole

James (Wesley?) Peebles - 1871 to 1935

Birth: 15 Feb 1871 Mississippibirth1

Death: 02 MAY 1935 MSdeath1


Father: William W Peeples

Mother: Martha Jane Elliott

James Peebles - 1799 to 1881

Birth: 2 May 1799 County Tyrone, Northern Irelandbirth2

Death: 25 July 1881 Wallaceville, Venango, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath2


Father: Alexander Peebles

Mother: Jane Mackie

James Allen Peebles - 1914 to 2006

Birth: 9 Nov 1914 Jena Greene, Alabamabirth3

Death: 28 Apr 2006 Knoxville, Greene, Alabamadeath3


Father: wesley peebles

Mother: Hattie Owens

James Robert Peebles - 1874 to 1946

Birth: 18 Jun 1874 Louisville, Jefferson County, Georgia, USAbirth4

Death: 27 Dec 1946 Conner, Marion, Florida, United Statesdeath4


Father: Thomas Ephriam Peebles

Mother: Sarah Price

James David Peebles - 1887 to 1948

Birth: 8 Apr 1887 Prince, Georgebirth5

Death: 05 Aug 1948 West Palm Beach, Fladeath5


Father: George Washington Peebles

Mother: West Smoot

James D Peebles - 1858 to 1937

Birth: 16 Nov 1858 Richland Co., Illinoisbirth6

Death: 13 Aug 1937 Kansas City, Jackson, Missourideath6


Father: Henry Peebles

Mother: Lucy Ann Pope

James Peebles - 1701 to 1764

Birth: ABT 1701 Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, Scotlandbirth7

Death: Bef. 20 Mar 1764 Ayrshire, Scotlanddeath7


Father: John Peeblis

Mother: Agnes Caldwell

James Harley Peebles - 1867 to 1944

Birth: 2 Jan 1867 Buncombe County, North Carolina, USAbirth8

Death: 3 Mar 1944 Buncombe County, North Carolina, USAdeath8


Father: William L Peebles

Mother: Martha Morgan

James Peebles - 1800 to 1840

Birth: 14 Nov 1800 Kilbirnie, Ayrshirebirth9

Death: 17 May 1840 Carstairs, Lanarkshire, Scotlanddeath9


Father: James Peebles

Mother: Margaret Orr Peebles*

James William Peebles - 1882 to 1918

Birth: Mar 1882 , Gateshead, Durham, Englandbirth10

Death: 26 oct 1918 Carburton, Nottinghamshire, Englanddeath10


Father: Robert Peebles

Mother: Sarah Ann Murray

James Robert Peebles - 1911 to 1998

Birth: 03 SEP 1911 Conner, Marion County, Florida, USAbirth11

Death: 31 January 1998 Silver Springs, Marion County, Floridadeath11


Father: James Robert Peebles

Mother: Mary Elinor Cox

James Robert Peebles - 1874 to 1946

Birth: 18 Jun 1874 Louisville, Jefferson County, Georgia, USAbirth12

Death: 27 Dec 1946 Conner, Marion, Florida, United Statesdeath12


Father: Thomas Ephriam Peebles

Mother: Sarah Price

James Robert Peebles - 1911 to 1998

Birth: 03 SEP 1911 Conner, Marion County, Florida, USAbirth13

Death: 31 January 1998 Silver Springs, Marion County, Floridadeath13


Father: James Robert Peebles

Mother: Mary Elinor Cox

James Peebles - 1888 to 1962

Birth: 16 Jan 1888 Lawrence, Alabama, United Statesbirth14

Death: Mar 1962 Lawrence, Alabama, United Statesdeath14


Father: George Henry Peebles

Mother: Catherine Terry

James Peebles - 1894 to 1963

Birth: 12 May 1894 Corpus Chris, Texasbirth15

Death: 1963 George West Live Oak Texas death15


Father: Mordecai Peebles

Mother: Margaret Elizabeth Purvis

James Harley Peebles - 1867 to 1944

Birth: 2 Jan 1867 Buncombe County, North Carolina, USAbirth16

Death: 3 Mar 1944 Buncombe County, North Carolina, USAdeath16


Father: William L Peebles

Mother: Martha Morgan

James D Peebles - 1858 to 1937

Birth: 16 Nov 1858 Richland Co., Illinoisbirth17

Death: 13 Aug 1937 Kansas City, Jackson, Missourideath17


Father: Henry Peebles

Mother: Lucy Ann Pope

James Robert Peebles - 1874 to 1946

Birth: 18 Jun 1874 Louisville, Jefferson County, Georgia, USAbirth18

Death: 27 Dec 1946 Conner, Marion, Florida, United Statesdeath18


Father: Thomas Ephriam Peebles

Mother: Sarah Price

James Harley Peebles - 1867 to 1944

Birth: 2 Jan 1867 Buncombe County, North Carolina, USAbirth19

Death: 3 Mar 1944 Buncombe County, North Carolina, USAdeath19


Father: William L Peebles

Mother: Martha Morgan

James Peebles - 1793 to 1846

Birth: 31 Mar 1793 Carriden, West Lothian, Scotlandbirth20

Death: 31 Dec 1846 Bo'ness, West Lothiandeath20


Father: John Peebles

Mother: Christian Finlay

James Peebles - 1883 to 1962

Birth: 17 Dec 1883 Robert, Escambia, Alabama, United Statesbirth21

Death: 16 Jan 1962 Century, Escambia, Florida, USAdeath21


Father: William H Peebles

Mother: Sarah Ann Findley Peebles

James L. Peebles - 1868 to 1944

Birth: 20 May 1868 Martinsbury, New Yorkbirth22

Death: 12 Jul 1944 Corinth, New York, USAdeath22


Father: James S Peebles

Mother: Mary Lavantia Peebles

James Peebles - 1710 to 1768

Birth: 13 Jun 1710 Kilconquhar, Fife, Scotlandbirth23

Death: 29 Dec 1768 Kilconquar, Fife, Scotlanddeath23


Father: Alexander Peebles

Mother: Isabell Rankeillor

James Colin Peebles - 1937 to 2021

Birth: 8 Jul 1937 Ocala, Marion, Florida, USAbirth24

Death: 16 Jan 2021 Ocala, Marion County, Florida, United States of Americadeath24


Father: James Robert Peebles

Mother: Frances Evelyn Hampton

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