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Results for "James Selle"

1 - 16 of 16 Records

James Wesley Selle - 1881 to 1960

Birth: 10 Jun 1881 Stanly Co, North Carolinabirth0

Death: 12 Aug 1960 Salisbury, Rowan, North Carolinadeath0


Father: Daniel Buck Sells

Mother: Sarah Frances Hopkins

James Wesley Selle - 1881 to 1960

Birth: 10 Jun 1881 Stanly Co, North Carolinabirth1

Death: 12 Aug 1960 Salisbury, Rowan, North Carolinadeath1


Father: Daniel Buck Sells

Mother: Sarah Frances Hopkins

James W Selle - 1903 to 2003

Birth: 25 Jan 1903 Illinois, United Statesbirth2

Death: 15 Jul 2003 Marion, Grant, Indiana, United States of Americadeath2


Father: Frank A. Selle

Mother: Sadie Gaddall

James Edwin Selle - 1884 to 1886

Birth: 24 Dec 1884 Ivesdale, Champaign, Illinois, USAbirth3

Death: 6 Apr 1886


Father: Johann Selle

Mother: Barbara Therese Ellrich

James Richard Selle - 1918 to 1993

Birth: 27 Dec 1918 Stanly County, North Carolinabirth4

Death: 1 Dec 1993 Reno, Washoe, Nevada, United Statesdeath4


Father: Charlie A Selle

Mother: Ida Lillie Bet Carpenter

James Edward Selle - 1931 to 2003

Birth: 1 Sep 1931 Waukesha, Waukesha, Wisconsin, USAbirth5

Death: 16 Jan 2003 Westminster, Jefferson, Colorado, USAdeath5


Father: Elmer Louis Selle

Mother: Katherine J Akins

James A Selle - 1935 to 2006

Birth: 2 Jun 1935 Iron Mountain, Dickinson, Michiganbirth6

Death: 18 Oct 2006 Lodi, San Joaquin, California, USAdeath6


Father: Angelo Anthony Selle

Mother: Mary Asunta Parlanti

James Wallace Selle - 1947 to 1996

Birth: 5 Oct 1947 New Ulm, Brown Co.Mnbirth7

Death: 5 Oct 1996 Winthrop,Sibley Co.Mndeath7


Father: Orville Milton Selle

Mother: Velma Nora Abraham

James W. Selle - 1905 to 1974

Birth: 4 May 1905 Maryland, USAbirth8

Death: September 1974 Baltimore, Maryland, USAdeath8


Father: John William Selle

Mother: Catharine Barbara Pfarr

James Leslie Selle - 1924 to 2000

Birth: 19 JUL 1924 Redwood Falls, Redwood, Minnesota, USAbirth9

Death: 22 OCT 2000 Mankato, Blue Earth, Minnesota, USAdeath9


Father: Peter Sell

Mother: Veronica Seikora

James Selle - 1898 to 1913

Birth: abt 1898 Hull, Yorkshire, Englandbirth10

Death: 1913 Hull, Yorkshire, Englanddeath10


Father: Henry Selle

Mother: Mary Ann (Polly) Ball

James Polk Selle - 1878 to 1882

Birth: abt 1878 Marylandbirth11

Death: Sep 1882


Father: Frederick C. Selle

Mother: Mary Eveline Gensler

James William Selle - 1949 to 1998

Birth: 14 Oct 1949

Death: 2 Feb 1998


Father: Harvard Robert Selle

Mother: Revina Laude

James Selle

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Armond Arthur Selle

Mother: Gladys Katrina Koch

James Selle

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Helen Esther Schroeter

James W Selle - 1966

Birth: 30 Mar 1966 Marin, Californiabirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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