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Results for "James Skinner"

1 - 25 of 6,663 Records

James M Skinner - 1829 to 1910

Birth: 14 Sep 1829 Perquimans County, North Carolina, USAbirth0

Death: 08 APR 1910 Chowan County, NCdeath0


Father: Arkill Skinner

Mother: Martha Penelope Goodwin

James Earl Skinner - 1903 to 1995

Birth: 13 Dec 1903 Indianabirth1

Death: 27 Jun 1995 Shelbyville, Shelby, Indiana, USAdeath1


Father: Robert Edward SKINNER

Mother: Elizabeth Carrie WILSON

James Skinner - 1786 to 1870

Birth: March 1786 Banff,Banff,Scotlandbirth2

Death: 27 APR 1870 Gamriedeath2


Father: William Skinner

Mother: Janet Mackie

James Madison Skinner - 1853 to 1929

Birth: 15 May 1853 Newton, Georgia, United Statesbirth3

Death: 15 Nov 1929 Neshoba, Mississippi, United Statesdeath3


Father: John Wyatt Skinner

Mother: Sarah Louisa Brooks

James Skinner - 1802 to 1869

Birth: 26 Sep 1802 Marsham, Norfolk, , Englandbirth4

Death: 1869 Norwich District, Norfolk, England.death4


Father: William Skinner

Mother: Eunice Edwards

James Criswell Skinner - 1850 to 1890

Birth: 1 JAN 1850 of Ohiobirth5

Death: Feb 4 1890 Point Isabel Cem WAPELLO CO IA;death5


Father: Levi Skinner

Mother: Mary Laughlin

James M Skinner - 1907 to 1996

Birth: 6 September 1907 Frio County, Texas USAbirth6

Death: 02 Mar 1996 Falfurrias, Brooks County, Texas, USAdeath6


Father: Otha Elisha Skinner

Mother: Laura Rachel Wolfe

James Elvis Skinner - 1911 to 1976

Birth: 29 May 1911 Texas, USAbirth7

Death: 18 July 1976 Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, USAdeath7


Father: Edward Russell Skinner

Mother: Martha Jackson

James N Skinner - 1871 to 1952

Birth: 22 February 1871 of Corbin, VA.birth8

Death: 04 Mar 1952 Caroline County, Virginia, USAdeath8


Father: Robert Battaile Skinner

Mother: Mary Ellen SKINNER

James Horrace Skinner - 1842 to 1917

Birth: 16 Apr 1842 Walpole, New Hampshire, Englandbirth9

Death: 29 Mar 1917 Beaver, Beaver, Utah, United Statesdeath9


Father: Horace Austin Skinner

Mother: Laura Ann Farnsworth

James C Skinner - 1836 to 1909

Birth: 15 Mar 1836 Pluckley Kent, Englandbirth10

Death: 14 Oct 1909 Lewiston Nez Perce Co ID USAdeath10


Father: William Skinner

Mother: Anne Taunton-Skinner

James Cioolier SKINNER - 1908 to 1983

Birth: 10 Oct 1908 Gwinnett County, Georgia, USAbirth11

Death: 25 Aug 1983 Winder, Barrow, Georgia, USAdeath11


Father: Wesley Skinner

Mother: Lena Mae Doster

James Skinner - 1834 to 1897

Birth: 1834 Honiton, Devon, Englandbirth12

Death: 10 Sep 1897 Devon, Englanddeath12


Father: Samuel Shipton Skinner

Mother: Ann Owsley Parker

James Skinner - 1834 to 1897

Birth: 1834 Honiton, Devon, Englandbirth13

Death: 10 Sep 1897 Devon, Englanddeath13


Father: Samuel Shipton Skinner

Mother: Ann Owsley Parker

James Marquis Skinner - 1846 to 1915

Birth: 1846 Jackson County, Iowa, USAbirth14

Death: 03 Oct 1915 Jackson, Iowa, USAdeath14


Father: Joseph Skinner

Mother: Jane Beer

James M Skinner - 1868 to 1940

Birth: November 5 1868 Missouribirth15

Death: 29feb1940 sealia, pettis, mo, usadeath15


Father: James Marion Skinner

Mother: Elizabeth Johnson

James E Skinner - 1904 to 1989

Birth: 17 Dec 1904 Burwell, Carroll, Georgia, Unibirth16

Death: 01 May 1989 Keller,Tarrant Co,TXdeath16


Father: James Hewell Skinner

Mother: Martha Turner

James MacIntosh Skinner - 1833 to 1909

Birth: 9 Sep 1833 Cromarty Burgh, Ross and Cromarty, Scotlandbirth17

Death: 17 Aug 1909 56 Shore Street, Cromartydeath17



Mother: Ann Mackintosh

James Skinner - 1864 to 1940

Birth: abt 1864 Benvie, Liff &birth18

Death: 12 Jan 1940 Brooklyn, New Yorkdeath18


Father: James Smith Skinner

Mother: Georgina Cairnie

James Augustus Skinner - 1876 to 1948

Birth: 22 Mar 1876 Texasbirth19

Death: 19 June 1948 Vernon Parish, Louisiana, USAdeath19


Father: Elias Augustus Skinner

Mother: Minerva Stone

James Skinner - 1871 to 1934

Birth: 17 May 1871 Lee County, Mississippi, USAbirth20

Death: 8 Jan 1934 Mineral Wells, Palo Pinto, Texas, USAdeath20


Father: Washington R Skinner

Mother: Mary Jane Shelton

James Emanuel Skinner - 1890 to 1964

Birth: abt 1890 Mississippibirth21

Death: 19 Nov 1964 Mississippi, USAdeath21


Father: William Skinner

Mother: Nancy Skinner

James J SKINNER - 1882 to 1944

Birth: 13 Oct 1882 Arkansas, USAbirth22

Death: 20 Dec 1944 Ada, Pontotoc, Oklahoma, USAdeath22


Father: Thomas Jefferson Skinner

Mother: Frances Lowder

James B Skinner - 1852 to 1913

Birth: 02 Nov 1852 Fannetsville, Franklin County, PAbirth23

Death: 07 Mar 1913 Minneapolis, Kansasdeath23


Father: James Wilson Skinner

Mother: Martha Jane Kilgore

James Magnus Skinner - 1930 to 2000

Birth: 03 Feb 1930 Colorado, Texas, USAbirth24

Death: 08 Aug 2000 Harris, Texas, USAdeath24


Father: James Magnus Skinner

Mother: Winifred Walker

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