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Results for "James Vanbrunt"

1 - 25 of 97 Records

James Heyward Vanbrunt - 1899 to 1973

Birth: Feb 1899 Georgiabirth0

Death: 27 Jan 1973 Grady, Georgiadeath0


Father: Walter R Van Brunt

Mother: Susan Ann Miller

James Heyward Vanbrunt - 1899 to 1973

Birth: Feb 1899 Georgiabirth1

Death: 27 Jan 1973 Grady, Georgiadeath1


Father: Walter R Van Brunt

Mother: Susan Ann Miller

James P Vanbrunt - 1861 to 1935

Birth: 1861/2 Monmouth Co., New Jerseybirth2

Death: December 1935 Ardena, Monmouth County, New Jersey, USAdeath2


Father: Charles Joseph VanBrunt

Mother: Ruhama HAVILAND

James W Vanbrunt - 1909 to 1986

Birth: 8 Jan 1909 New Jerseybirth3

Death: 16 Jan 1986 Red Bank, Monmouth, New Jersey, USAdeath3


Father: Walter Van Brunt

Mother: Mary F Pettit

James W Vanbrunt - 1909 to 1986

Birth: 8 Jan 1909 New Jerseybirth4

Death: 16 Jan 1986 Red Bank, Monmouth, New Jersey, USAdeath4


Father: Walter Van Brunt

Mother: Mary F Pettit

James VanBRUNT - 1774 to 1793

Birth: 9 Dec 1774 Setauket, Suffolk, New York, United Statesbirth5

Death: 8 Jun 1793 Setauket, Suffolk, New York, United Statesdeath5


Father: Jacob Van Brunt

Mother: Phebe Woodhull

James Vanbrunt - 1853 to 1874

Birth: 8 March 1853 Grimsby, Ontariobirth6

Death: 21 December 1874 Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana, USAdeath6


Father: William Harrison Van Brunt

Mother: Harriet Gibbeny

James Arthur VanBrunt - 1883 to 1969

Birth: 24 Feb 1883 New York State, U.S.Abirth7

Death: 24 Feb 1969 East Setauket, Suffolk, New Yorkdeath7


Father: James Bayles Van Brunt

Mother: Maria A Hewes

James Bayles Van Brunt - 1855 to 1942

Birth: 16 Oct 1855 Setauket, Brookhaven, Suffolk, NYbirth8

Death: 27 Jan 1942 East Setauket, Suffolk, New York, United Statesdeath8


Father: James Rutger VanBrunt

Mother: Ruth Bayles

James Rutger VanBrunt - 1798 to 1873

Birth: 8 JAN 1798 Setauket, NYbirth9

Death: 20 Nov 1873 Poquoit, East Setauket, NYdeath9


Father: Captain John Van Brunt

Mother: Jerusha Hedges

James Henry Van Brunt - 1932 to 2007

Birth: 10 January 1932 Seminole, Seminole, Oklahoma, USAbirth10

Death: 9 Oct 2007 Apple Valley, San Bernardino, California, United Statesdeath10


Father: Walter James VanBrunt

Mother: Martha Ellen "Bertie" Cox

James Van Brunt - 1868 to 1918

Birth: 5 JAN 1868 New Jersey, United Statesbirth11

Death: 10 Dec 1918 New Jerseydeath11


Father: John Henry Van Brunt

Mother: Amelia A.E. Elgrim

James Clifford VANBRUNT - 1921 to 1965

Birth: 17 Feb 1921 Sea Bright, New Jerseybirth12

Death: 20 March 1965 Monmouth, New Jerseydeath12


Father: Harry Van Brunt

Mother: Elsie May BARBER

James Augustus Vanbrunt - 1895 to 1969

Birth: 14 Feb 1895 New Jersey, United Statesbirth13

Death: 08 Aug 1969 Asbury Park, Monmouth, New Jersey, USAdeath13


Father: George Edward Van Brunt

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Bergen

James M. Vanbrunt - 1837 to 1926

Birth: abt 1837 New Jerseybirth14

Death: 1926 New Jersey, USAdeath14


Father: John Joseph VanBrunt

Mother: Hannah Reed Malet

James A "Jimmie" Vanbrunt - 1893 to 1972

Birth: 19 Dec 1893 Indian Territory, Oklahomabirth15

Death: 5 Feb 1972 Ventura, Ventura, California, USAdeath15


Father: Joseph C. Van Brunt

Mother: Vianna Keith VanBrunt

James allison Van brunt - 1826 to 1891

Birth: 10 Apr 1826 New York, United Statesbirth16

Death: 20 Apr 1891 New York, USAdeath16


Father: William Van Brunt

Mother: Sarah Downing Platt

James M. Van Brunt - 1808 to 1882

Birth: 18 Sep 1808 New Jersey, Monmouth, New Jersey, United Statesbirth17

Death: 12 November 1882 Eatontown, Monmouth, New Jersey, USAdeath17


Father: Joseph Van Brunt

Mother: Johannah Ayres

James R VanBrunt - 1842 to 1843

Birth: 16 Jun 1842 Setauket, Suffolk, New Yorkbirth18

Death: July 29, 1843 Setauket, Suffolk, New Yorkdeath18


Father: James Rutger VanBrunt

Mother: Ruth Bayles

James Junior Van Brunt - 1917 to 2003

Birth: 14 May 1917 Benton Harbor, Michiganbirth19

Death: 19 December 2003 Grand Rapids MIdeath19


Father: James Henry Van Brunt

Mother: Betsey Jane McKay

James Nathaniel Van Brunt - 1914 to 1998

Birth: 28 Oct 1914 Middletown M, New Jerseybirth20

Death: 1 Feb 1998 Lakehurst, Ocean, New Jersey, USAdeath20


Father: John Taylor Van Brunt

Mother: Anna C RONAN

James Van Brunt - 1845 to 1914

Birth: 20 Jul 1845 New Jersey, Monmouth, New Jersey, United Statesbirth21

Death: 15 Sep 1914 Fair Haven, Monmouth, NJdeath21


Father: Reuben Van Brunt

Mother: Mary Margaret King

James Vanbrunt - 1853 to 1919

Birth: abt 1853 Ontariobirth22

Death: Abt. 1919


Father: William Vanbrunt

Mother: James Vanbrunt

James D Vanbrunt - 1940

Birth: abt 1940 New Jerseybirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: James Van Brunt

Mother: Eleanor E Johnson

James Calvin Van Brunt - 1910 to 1962

Birth: 17 MAR 1910 Arkansasbirth24

Death: 28 June 1962


Father: Robert Harrison Van Brunt

Mother: Stella M Faubus

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