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Results for "Janie Westbrook"

1 - 13 of 13 Records

Janie Westbrook - 1897 to 1974

Birth: 11 Apr 1897 Ohiobirth0

Death: 15 Sep 1974 Lower Salem, Washington, Ohio, USAdeath0


Father: Alfred Asbury Westbrook

Mother: Mary E. McFadden

Janie Sue Westbrook - 1923 to 2000

Birth: 29 Aug 1923 Royston, Franklin, Georgia, USAbirth1

Death: 4 Sep 2000 Winston-Salem, Forsyth, North Carolina, USAdeath1


Father: William Sherman Westbrook

Mother: Ollie Bryant

Janie Adline Westbrook - 1915 to 1986

Birth: 11 Jul 1915 Walker County, Georgia, USAbirth2

Death: 24 MAR 1986 Catoosa CO, GAdeath2


Father: William Solomon Westbrook

Mother: Deborah Lee Smith

Janie Mae Westbrook - 1923 to 1978

Birth: 17 Nov 1923 Crisp County, Georgia, USAbirth3

Death: 28 Jun 1978 Moultrie, Colquitt, Georgiadeath3


Father: George Westbrook

Mother: Mary Ella Whittiset

Janie Gertrude Westbrook - 1922 to 2014

Birth: 07/24/1922 Archers Fork, Washington County, OH, USAbirth4

Death: 21 Feb 2014 New Matamoras, Ohio, USAdeath4


Father: Charles Raymond Westbrook

Mother: Amanda Etta Thomas

Janie Brice Westbrook - 1917 to 1981

Birth: 07 Nov 1917 Chester County, South Carolina, USAbirth5

Death: 19 Oct 1981 Richland County, South Carolina, USAdeath5


Father: James Baxter Westbrook

Mother: Janie Bethia Caldwell

Janie Westbrook - 1916 to 1916

Birth: 04/16/1916 Chester County, South Carolina, USAbirth6

Death: 09/20/1916 Chester County, South Carolina, USAdeath6


Father: Jerry Westbrook

Mother: Sarah Jane “Janie” Harris


Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Pinckney Alexander DNA Westbrook

Mother: Ann Elizabeth Shields

Janie Westbrook - 1893

Birth: 1893

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Janie Westbrook

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Janie Childrens Westbrook

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Janie Westbrook

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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