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Results for "Jean Sanschagrin"

1 - 15 of 15 Records

Jean Pierre Sanschagrin - 1721 to 1788

Birth: 1721 Montréal Québecbirth0

Death: 21 APR 1788 Montréal, Quebec, Canadadeath0


Father: Pierre Baron

Mother: Marie Balu

Jean Sanschagrin - 1866 to 1942

Birth: 7 Avr 1866 Granby (Notre-Dame), Québecbirth1

Death: 1 Jan 1942 Sutton, Quebec, Canadadeath1


Father: Jean Baptiste Sanschagrin

Mother: Lucie Brousseau

Jean Sanschagrin - 1866 to 1942

Birth: 7 Avr 1866 Granby (Notre-Dame), Québecbirth2

Death: 1 Jan 1942 Sutton, Quebec, Canadadeath2


Father: Jean Baptiste Sanschagrin

Mother: Lucie Brousseau

Jean Sanschagrin - 1866 to 1942

Birth: 7 Avr 1866 Granby (Notre-Dame), Québecbirth3

Death: 1 Jan 1942 Sutton, Quebec, Canadadeath3


Father: Jean Baptiste Sanschagrin

Mother: Lucie Brousseau

Jean Baptiste Duberder dit Sanschagrin - 1735 to 1787

Birth: 1735 Vivonne, , , , Francebirth4

Death: 22 Feb 1787 Detroitdeath4


Father: Jean Baptiste Duberder dit Sanschagrin

Mother: Marie-Louise COURTOIS

Jean Jacques SANSCHAGRIN - 1782 to 1838

Birth: ABT 1782

Death: 16 MAR 1838 Lutter,68480,Haut-Rhin,Alsace,FRANCE,death5


Father: Jacques SANSCHAGRIN

Mother: Anne Marie STEHLIN

Jean Louis Sanschagrin - 1781

Birth: 10 Oct 1781 St-Denis-sur-Richelieu, La Vallée-du-Richelieu, Quebec, Canadabirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Louis Courtin dit Sanschagrin

Mother: Marie Charlotte Allaire


Birth: 12/08/1807 Saint-François QCbirth7

Death: Not Available



Mother: Marie GAGNE

Jean Roby Sanschagrin - 1730

Birth: about 1730 Fromental, Limoges, Poitou, Kingdom of France

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Jean-Baptiste Sanschagrin - 1689 to 1726

Birth: Bet. 1689–1734

Death: Bet. 1726–1779


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Jean-Baptiste Sanschagrin

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Jean-Yves Sanschagrin

Birth: Not Available

Death: 2011


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Jean Baptiste Sanschagrin

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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