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Results for "Johannes Bircher"

1 - 25 of 53 Records

Johannes Ludwig Bircher - 1713 to 1772

Birth: 29 Oct 1713 Küttigen, Aargau, Switzerlandbirth0

Death: 20 Sep 1772 Küttigen, Aargau, Switzerlanddeath0


Father: Heinrich Bircher

Mother: Anna Barbara Amsler

JOHANNES BIRCHER - 1784 to 1849

Birth: 1784 Küttigen, Aargau, SWITZERLANDbirth1

Death: 1849 5) Küttigen, Aargau, SWITZERLANDdeath1




Johannes Bircher - 1793 to 1795

Birth: 10 Mar 1793 Kuettigen, Canton Aargau, Switzerlandbirth2

Death: 13 Sep 1795 Kuettigen, Canton Aargau, Switzerlanddeath2


Father: Andreas Bircher

Mother: Maria Belliger

Johannes Bircher - 1824

Birth: 31 Oct 1824 Kuettigen, Canton Aargau, Switzerlandbirth3

Death: Not Available


Father: Heinrich Bircher

Mother: Saolmea Waeldi

Johannes BIRCHER - 1824 to 1901

Birth: 24 Nov 1824 Küttigen, Aargau, Switzerlandbirth4

Death: 25 Jan 1901 Highland, Madison, Illinois, USAdeath4


Father: Ludwig Bircher

Mother: Anna Wherli

Johannes Bircher - 1718 to 1795

Birth: 1718 Küttigen, Aarau district, Canton of Aargau, Switzerland

Death: 14 Oct 1795


Father: Jacob Bircher

Mother: Anna Blattner

Johannes Bircher - 1816 to 1849

Birth: 1816

Death: 1849


Father: Christian Bircher

Mother: Sara Roesti

Johannes Bircher - 1563

Birth: November 1563 Frutigen-Reinisch, Switzerlandbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Klaewi (Niklaus) Bircher

Mother: Elsbeth Oberstaeg

Johannes Bircher - 1811 to 1878

Birth: 10 March 1811 Weissenfluh, Hasliberg, Bern, Switzerland

Death: 14 October 1878 Wimmis, Bern, Switzerlanddeath8


Father: Melchior Bircher

Mother: Katharina Thoeni

Johannes Bircher - 1788 to 1789

Birth: 17 Jul 1788 Kuettigen, Canton Aargau, Switzerland

Death: 11 Mar 1789


Father: Andreas Bircher

Mother: Maria BOLLIGER

Johannes Bircher - 1862 to 1918

Birth: 1862/03/17

Death: 1918/07/25


Father: Jakob Bircher

Mother: Anna Wehrli

Johannes Bircher

Birth: Not Available

Death: Infant


Father: Gwer Bircher

Mother: Madlena Waefler

Johannes Bircher - 1729

Birth: 1729 Küttigen, Aarau district, Canton of Aargau, Switzerlandbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Hans Rudolf Bircher

Mother: Barbara Blattner

Johannes Bircher - 1752

Birth: 16 Apr 1752

Death: Not Available



Mother: Barbara Wehrli

Johannes Bircher - 1764

Birth: 25 Nov 1764 Frutigen, Bern, Switzerlandbirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Abraham Bircher

Mother: Anna Hodler

Johannes Bircher - 1649

Birth: 1649 Küttigen, Aarau district, Canton of Aargau, Switzerland

Death: Not Available


Father: Andreas Bircher

Mother: Barbara Schneider

Johannes Bircher - 1811

Birth: 1811

Death: Not Available


Father: Christian Bircher

Mother: Sara Ryter

Johannes Bircher

Birth: Not Available

Death: Infant


Father: Gwer Bircher

Mother: Madlena Waefler

Johannes Bircher

Birth: Not Available

Death: Infant


Father: Gwer Bircher

Mother: Madlena Waefler

Johannes Bircher - 1777

Birth: 24 Aug 1777 Kuettigen, Canton Aargau, Switzerland

Death: Not Available


Father: Andreas Bircher

Mother: Maria BOLLIGER

Johannes Bircher - 1697 to 1744

Birth: 1697

Death: 1744


Father: Abraham BIRCHER

Mother: Not Available

Johannes Bircher - 1791 to 1869

Birth: 1791 Adelboden, Bern, Switzerlandbirth21

Death: 1869 Adelboden, Bern, Switzerlanddeath21


Father: Abraham Bircher

Mother: Not Available

Johannes Bircher - 1848 to 1926

Birth: 26 januari 1848 Kuettigen, Aargau, Schweizbirth22

Death: 30 dec 1926 Kuettigen, Aargau, Schweizdeath22


Father: Rudolf Bircher

Mother: Not Available

Johannes Bircher - 1886 to 1966

Birth: 1886 Switzerlandbirth23

Death: 3 February 1966 Rifferswil, Zurich, Switzerlanddeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Johannes Bircher - 1784 to 1849

Birth: Bet. 20 Sep–05 Dec 1784 Küttigen, Aargau, Switzerlandbirth24

Death: Bet. 24 Oct 1849–1855 Küttigen, Aargau, Switzerlanddeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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