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Results for "John Bushnell"

1 - 25 of 948 Records

John Beckley Bushnell - 1842 to 1916

Birth: 29 Dec 1842 Jamestown, Mercer, Pennsylvania, USAbirth0

Death: 14 Feb 1916 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USAdeath0


Father: Ensign Abraham Bushnell

Mother: Sarah Ann Streeter

John Delbert BUSHNELL - 1883 to 1975

Birth: 28 May 1883 Kanosh, Millard, Utah, United Statesbirth1

Death: 7 April 1975 Fairview, Sanpete, Utah, United Statesdeath1


Father: John Brockbank Bushnell

Mother: Francis Elizabeth Ferguson

John W Bushnell - 1887 to 1979

Birth: 23 Jul 1887 Russell Springs, Logan, Kansas, USAbirth2

Death: 05 Nov 1979 Superior, Nuckolls, Nebraska, USAdeath2


Father: Willie Freemont Wistley, Bushnell

Mother: Sara Lloyd Reese

John Bushnell - 1804 to 1890

Birth: 07 Nov 1804 Moutauk, Suffolk Co., Long Island, New York, USAbirth3

Death: 14 Jan 1890 New Albany, Floyd, Indiana, USAdeath3


Father: Alexander Bushnell

Mother: Sarah Wells

John Bushnell - 1767 to 1836

Birth: 1767 Oakley Green, Berkshirebirth4

Death: 11 January 1836 Bray, Berkshire, Englanddeath4


Father: James Bushnel


John Bushnell - 1804 to 1890

Birth: 07 Nov 1804 Moutauk, Suffolk Co., Long Island, New York, USAbirth5

Death: 14 Jan 1890 New Albany, Floyd, Indiana, USAdeath5


Father: Alexander Bushnell

Mother: Sarah Wells

John Bushnell - 1848 to 1889

Birth: 2 February 1848 Kirksville, Adair County, Missouri, USAbirth6

Death: 04 Feb 1889 Prineville, Crook, OR death6


Father: George Edwin Bushnell

Mother: Helen Marie Bligh

John W Bushnell - 1887 to 1979

Birth: 23 Jul 1887 Russell Springs, Logan, Kansas, USAbirth7

Death: 05 Nov 1979 Superior, Nuckolls, Nebraska, USAdeath7


Father: Willie Freemont Wistley, Bushnell

Mother: Sara Lloyd Reese

John William Bushnell - 1825 to 1894

Birth: 18 Mar 1825 New Yorkbirth8

Death: September 7, 1894 Haverce City, Gratiot, Michigandeath8


Father: Calvin Bushnell

Mother: Polly Williams

John Bryan Bushnell - 1881 to 1964

Birth: 11 Oct 1881 Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USAbirth9

Death: 14 Aug 1964 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USAdeath9


Father: John Beckley Bushnell

Mother: Mary Butterfield

John Bryan Bushnell - 1881 to 1964

Birth: 11 Oct 1881 Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USAbirth10

Death: 14 Aug 1964 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USAdeath10


Father: John Beckley Bushnell

Mother: Mary Butterfield

John S. Bushnell - 1842 to 1918

Birth: 1842 New Yorkbirth11

Death: 23 Aug 1918 Rochester, New York, USAdeath11


Father: Dewitt Clinton Bushnell

Mother: Alvira Pratt

John Bushnell - 1922 to 1999

Birth: 3 May 1922 Minnesota, United Statesbirth12

Death: 6 Oct 1999 Chapel Hill, Orange, North Carolina, United Statesdeath12


Father: John White Bushnell

Mother: Dyllone Rodgers Hempstead

John Edward BUSHNELL - 1895 to 1988

Birth: 03 Dec 1895 Barton, Missouri, United Statesbirth13

Death: Mar 27, 1988 Golden City, Missouri, USAdeath13


Father: Andrew Bushnell

Mother: Mattie Sublett

John Edward BUSHNELL - 1895 to 1988

Birth: 03 Dec 1895 Barton, Missouri, United Statesbirth14

Death: Mar 27, 1988 Golden City, Missouri, USAdeath14


Father: Andrew Bushnell

Mother: Mattie Sublett

John A. Bushnell - 1854 to 1904

Birth: 1854 Illinois, United Statesbirth15

Death: 1904 Port Angles, Washington, United Statesdeath15


Father: Moses Loman Bushnell

Mother: Hannah Mary Warsaw

John Dews Bushnell - 1913 to 1950

Birth: abt 1913 Californiabirth16

Death: 20 Jun 1950 Humboldt, California, USAdeath16


Father: Robin Bushnell

Mother: Rose Welleta Taylor

John Dews Bushnell - 1913 to 1950

Birth: abt 1913 Californiabirth17

Death: 20 Jun 1950 Humboldt, California, USAdeath17


Father: Robin Bushnell

Mother: Rose Welleta Taylor

John Orice Bushnell - 1938 to 1997

Birth: 11 Jan 1938 Dallas, TXbirth18

Death: 15 Jan 1997 Dallas, Dallas Co, Texasdeath18


Father: Amon Zair Bushnell

Mother: Mamie Evelina Rowell

John Bushnell - 1922 to 1999

Birth: 3 May 1922 Minnesota, United Statesbirth19

Death: 6 Oct 1999 Chapel Hill, Orange, North Carolina, United Statesdeath19


Father: John White Bushnell

Mother: Dyllone Rodgers Hempstead

John A. Bushnell - 1854 to 1904

Birth: 1854 Illinois, United Statesbirth20

Death: 1904 Port Angles, Washington, United Statesdeath20


Father: Moses Loman Bushnell

Mother: Hannah Mary Warsaw

JOHN BUSHNELL - 1789 to 1852

Birth: 26 Sep 1789 Hillsdale, Columbia, New York, USAbirth21

Death: 1852 Hillsdale,Columbia,New York,USAdeath21


Father: Capt. George Bushnell

Mother: Julia Griswold

John Bushnell - 1924 to 2007

Birth: 17 Sep 1924 USA, OR, Coos County, Powersbirth22

Death: 12 Apr 2007 Powers, Coos, Oregon, USAdeath22


Father: Robert Charles Bushnell

Mother: Vivian Clarissa Frye

John Bushnell - 1889 to 1959

Birth: 03 Nov 1889 Pennsylvaniabirth23

Death: 1959


Father: John T Bushnell

Mother: Martha J States

John Alonzo Bushnell - 1892 to 1970

Birth: 4 Aug 1892 Ohiobirth24

Death: 01 Jun 1970 Weston, Wood, Ohio, USAdeath24


Father: Truman Bushnell

Mother: Adaline Edwina Griner

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