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Results for "John Draper"

1 - 25 of 5,403 Records

John Hampton Draper - 1887 to 1953

Birth: 21 Nov 1887 Pike City, Pike, Arkansas, United Statesbirth0

Death: 21 Jan 1953 Dallas, Collin, Texas, United Statesdeath0


Father: James Lafayette Draper

Mother: Lethea Lue Cox

John Draper - 1812 to 1879

Birth: 1812 Green, Fayette, Ohio, USAbirth1

Death: 19 Feb 1879 Wabash, Wabash, Indiana, USAdeath1


Father: John Draper

Mother: Mary "Polly" Rowe

John Hinton DRAPER - 1858 to 1919

Birth: Jun 1858 Sutton Veny, Wiltshire, Englandbirth2

Death: 16 January 1919 Queensland, Australiadeath2


Father: James Alton DRAPER Bunday

Mother: Mary Anne Hinton

John Frederick Draper - 1786 to 1849

Birth: abt 1786 Middlesex, Englandbirth3

Death: 22 Sept 1849 St. Matthew Bethnal Greendeath3


Father: Richard Draper

Mother: Sarah Rumsby

John Greely Draper - 1862 to 1952

Birth: Feb 1862 Illinois, United Statesbirth4

Death: 19 July 1952 Grand Junction, Mesa County, Colorado, USAdeath4


Father: James M. Draper

Mother: Harriet "Amanda" McNeil

John Draper - 1866 to 1943

Birth: 30 Oct 1866 Fernbank, Larmar, Alabamabirth5

Death: 09 Apr 1943 Lamar, Alabama, USAdeath5


Father: Isaiah DRAPER

Mother: Lucanda COLE

John R Draper - 1838 to 1901

Birth: May 1838 Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth6

Death: 28 Mar 1901 (probably Knox Co) TN, USA death6


Father: Solomon Draper

Mother: Ruth Rogers

John R Draper - 1927 to 1988

Birth: 29 Jun 1927 Ohiobirth7

Death: 20 Jan 1988 Community Medical Center, Marion, Ohiodeath7


Father: Charles Henry Draper

Mother: Martha Elizabeth Brown

John Henry Draper - 1920 to 2010

Birth: 25 Aug 1920 Danvers, Essex, Massachusetts, USAbirth8

Death: 17 Apr 2010 South Yarmouth, Massachusettsdeath8


Father: Richard William Draper

Mother: Mary Grace Jermyn

John M Draper - 1851 to 1953

Birth: 20 February 1851 Tennesseebirth9

Death: 5 Mar 1953 Jackson, Madison, Tennessee, United Statesdeath9


Father: William Draper

Mother: Amelia Ray

John D Draper - 1887 to 1958

Birth: 13 Feb 1887 Henry, Virginia, USAbirth10

Death: 23 Jul 1958 Henry, Virginia, USAdeath10


Father: William Robert Draper

Mother: Elizabeth Coleman

John Edwin DRAPER - 1917 to 1992

Birth: 1 Jan 1917 Alameda, Californiabirth11

Death: 4 Feb 1992 Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, Californiadeath11


Father: Charles Draper

Mother: Mary ETHEL Parks

John D Draper - 1887 to 1958

Birth: 13 Feb 1887 Henry, Virginia, USAbirth12

Death: 23 Jul 1958 Henry, Virginia, USAdeath12


Father: William Robert Draper

Mother: Elizabeth Coleman

John Hampton Draper - 1887 to 1953

Birth: 21 Nov 1887 Pike City, Pike, Arkansas, United Statesbirth13

Death: 21 Jan 1953 Dallas, Collin, Texas, United Statesdeath13


Father: James Lafayette Draper

Mother: Lethea Lue Cox

John Draper - 1843 to 1916

Birth: Apr 1843 Penn, Staffordshire, Englandbirth14

Death: Jun 1916 Market Drayton, Shropshire, Englanddeath14


Father: James Draper

Mother: Mary Dearn

John A. Draper - 1833 to 1863

Birth: 1833 New York, USAbirth15

Death: 2 sept 1863 Memphis , TNdeath15


Father: Francis Draper

Mother: Hannah Otis

John Draper - 1790 to 1861

Birth: 27 Jun 1790 Louisa, Lawrence, Kentucky, USAbirth16

Death: 16 Apr 1861 Johnson, Missouri, United Statesdeath16


Father: Thomas Draper

Mother: Elizabeth Smith

John B Draper - 1863 to 1940

Birth: 1863 Marysville, Union, Ohio, USAbirth17

Death: 9//2//1940 Kenton, Hardin, Ohio, USAdeath17


Father: Ira Draper

Mother: Elizabeth Little

John Henry Draper - 1920 to 2010

Birth: 25 Aug 1920 Danvers, Essex, Massachusetts, USAbirth18

Death: 17 Apr 2010 South Yarmouth, Massachusettsdeath18


Father: Richard William Draper

Mother: Mary Grace Jermyn

John Scantland Draper - 1843 to 1926

Birth: 6 Sep 1843 Jackson, Madison, Tennessee, United Statesbirth19

Death: 18 September 1926 Wartrace Creek, Jackson, Tennessee, USAdeath19


Father: David Harvey Draper

Mother: Melvina Jane Lee

John Draper - 1790 to 1861

Birth: 27 Jun 1790 Louisa, Lawrence, Kentucky, USAbirth20

Death: 16 Apr 1861 Johnson, Missouri, United Statesdeath20


Father: Thomas Draper

Mother: Elizabeth Smith

John A. Draper - 1833 to 1863

Birth: 1833 New York, USAbirth21

Death: 2 sept 1863 Memphis , TNdeath21


Father: Francis Draper

Mother: Hannah Otis

John Warren Draper - 1863 to 1940

Birth: May 1863 Alabamabirth22

Death: 2 Jan 1940 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath22


Father: Jack Draper

Mother: America BREEDING

John Hampton Draper - 1887 to 1953

Birth: 21 Nov 1887 Pike City, Pike, Arkansas, United Statesbirth23

Death: 21 Jan 1953 Dallas, Collin, Texas, United Statesdeath23


Father: James Lafayette Draper

Mother: Lethea Lue Cox

John Meldrum DRAPER - 1890 to 1975

Birth: 8 APR 1890 Chester County - United States » Pennsylvania » Chester Countybirth24

Death: 3/17/1975 Downingtown, Chester, Pennsylvania, USAdeath24


Father: Isaac Talanga Draper

Mother: Emeline Bones

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