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Results for "John Hawker"

1 - 25 of 1,088 Records

John H Hawker - 1852 to 1938

Birth: 1852 Missouri, United Statesbirth0

Death: 31 Oct 1938 Corvallis, Ravalli County, Montana, USAdeath0


Father: Fredrich Hawker

Mother: Louisa Elizabeth Guinter

John H Hawker - 1852 to 1938

Birth: 1852 Missouri, United Statesbirth1

Death: 31 Oct 1938 Corvallis, Ravalli County, Montana, USAdeath1


Father: Fredrich Hawker

Mother: Louisa Elizabeth Guinter

John H Hawker - 1852 to 1938

Birth: 1852 Missouri, United Statesbirth2

Death: 31 Oct 1938 Corvallis, Ravalli County, Montana, USAdeath2


Father: Fredrich Hawker

Mother: Louisa Elizabeth Guinter

John Hawker - 1801 to 1875

Birth: abt 1801 Clifton, Gloucestershire, Englandbirth3

Death: April 1875 Clifton, Bristoldeath3


Father: John Hawker


John Hawker - 1865 to 1936

Birth: abt 1865 Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, Englandbirth4

Death: 07/07/1936 Kingswood, Bristol, Englanddeath4


Father: Charles Hawker

Mother: Sarah Scott

John H Hawker - 1852 to 1938

Birth: 1852 Missouri, United Statesbirth5

Death: 31 Oct 1938 Corvallis, Ravalli County, Montana, USAdeath5


Father: Fredrich Hawker

Mother: Louisa Elizabeth Guinter

John Martin Hawker - 1840 to 1931

Birth: 1840 Ohiobirth6

Death: 20 Feb 1931 Beavercreek Township, Ohiodeath6


Father: Frederick Hawker

Mother: Sarah Ritter

John Hawker - 1865 to 1936

Birth: abt 1865 Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, Englandbirth7

Death: 07/07/1936 Kingswood, Bristol, Englanddeath7


Father: Charles Hawker

Mother: Sarah Scott

john hawker - 1806 to 1872

Birth: 28 December 1806 Oldbury on Seven, Gloucestershire, Englandbirth8

Death: 25 Apr 1872 Gloucestershire, Englanddeath8


Father: John Hawker (Snr)

Mother: Mary Sheppard

John Hawker - 1859 to 1927

Birth: 1859 Brighton, Sussex, Englandbirth9

Death: Mar 1927 38 Linver Road Fulhamdeath9


Father: James William Hawker

Mother: Mary Gooding

John T. Hawker - 1871 to 1942

Birth: 22 Feb 1871 Illinoisbirth10

Death: 28 May 1942 Tehama County, Californiadeath10


Father: Samuel S Hawker

Mother: Eliza A Slater

John Hawker - 1843 to 1879

Birth: 22 Jun 1843 Marion, Smyth, Virginia, United Statesbirth11

Death: 28 JAN 1879 Marion, West Virginia, United Statesdeath11


Father: James Paul Hawker

Mother: Elizabeth Michael

John Hawker - 1774 to 1848

Birth: Apr 1774 Seaborough,Beaminster,Dorsetbirth12

Death: January 1848 Beaminster, Dorsetdeath12


Father: Joseph Hawker

Mother: Mary Meacham

John Hawker - 1879 to 1929

Birth: 26 Sep 1879 El Monte, Los Angeles, California, United Statesbirth13

Death: 04 May 1929 , Cucomonga, San Bernardino, Californiadeath13


Father: Henry Walter Hawker

Mother: Sarah Emily Baldwin

John A Hawker - 1847 to 1900

Birth: 7 Nov 1847 Ohiobirth14

Death: 28 Jan 1900 Beavercreek, Greene, OHdeath14


Father: Adam Hawker

Mother: Hannah Westfall

John Henry Hawker - 1890 to 1963

Birth: 14 Aug 1890 Lambeth Holy Trinity, Englandbirth15

Death: 17 Feb 1963 Middlesex, Englanddeath15


Father: John Hawker

Mother: Mary Ann Thomas

John Henry Hawker - 1890 to 1963

Birth: 14 Aug 1890 Lambeth Holy Trinity, Englandbirth16

Death: 17 Feb 1963 Middlesex, Englanddeath16


Father: John Hawker

Mother: Mary Ann Thomas

John Robert Hawker - 1853 to 1915

Birth: 1853 Somerton, Somerset, Englandbirth17

Death: 25 Mar 1915 Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, Englanddeath17


Father: Robert Hawker

Mother: Alice Clapp

John Hawker - 1879 to 1929

Birth: 26 Sep 1879 El Monte, Los Angeles, California, United Statesbirth18

Death: 04 May 1929 , Cucomonga, San Bernardino, Californiadeath18


Father: Henry Walter Hawker

Mother: Sarah Emily Baldwin

John Henry Hawker - 1890 to 1963

Birth: 14 Aug 1890 Lambeth Holy Trinity, Englandbirth19

Death: 17 Feb 1963 Middlesex, Englanddeath19


Father: John Hawker

Mother: Mary Ann Thomas

John Irwin Hawker - 1889 to 1970

Birth: 1889 Qcbirth20

Death: 10 MAR 1970 Sherbrooke Hospital. Buried in St. Andrews Cemetary, Melbourne, Que.death20


Father: John Hawker

Mother: Isabella Irwin

John Hawker - 1754 to 1822

Birth: 7 Jul 1754 Thorncombe, Dorset, England, United Kingdombirth21

Death: 12 Dec 1822 Thorncombe, Dorset, England, United Kingdomdeath21


Father: John Hawker

Mother: Sarah Underwood

John Hawker - 1886 to 1954

Birth: abt 1886 Canadabirth22

Death: 02 Mar 1954 El Paso County, Texasdeath22


Father: Henry Findley Hawker

Mother: Elizabeth Atkinson

John Alfred Hawker - 1853 to 1927

Birth: abt 1853 Walvern, Worcestershirebirth23

Death: Jan 1927 Ydeath23


Father: Charles Hawker

Mother: Margaret Freeman

John Haffenden Hawker - 1821 to 1862

Birth: 10 Apr 1821 Charing, Kent, Englandbirth24

Death: 11 Nov 1862 Everton, Liverpool, Lancashiredeath24


Father: William Hawker

Mother: Eliza ATKINSON

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