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Results for "John Holt"

1 - 25 of 14,550 Records

John Clarence Holt - 1900 to 1967

Birth: 04 June 1900 Georgia, USAbirth0

Death: 10 September 1967 Summerville, Chattooga County, Georgia, USAdeath0


Father: John Henry Holt

Mother: Mary Bowen

John A Holt - 1828 to 1898

Birth: abt 1828 Vermontbirth1

Death: 9 Nov 1898 Arkansas City, Cowley, Kansas, USAdeath1


Father: Abiel Holt

Mother: Mary Abbott

John Mack Holt - 1884 to 1986

Birth: 9 Jul 1884 Galveston, Texas, USAbirth2

Death: 11 Oct 1986 Alamedadeath2


Father: Joseph Nathaniel Holt

Mother: Annie Fredericka Seidel

John M Holt - 1908 to 1969

Birth: abt 1908 Morganfield, Union, Kentucky, USAbirth3

Death: 22 December 1969 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath3


Father: William Russeau Holt

Mother: Mary Belle Kent

John Laughren Holt - 1895 to 1978

Birth: 16 Apr 1895 Montgomery, Tennessee, United Statesbirth4

Death: 22 May 1978 Clarksville, Montgomery, Tennessee, USAdeath4


Father: John Wesley Holt

Mother: Ollie Laughren

John Grandville Holt - 1923 to 2003

Birth: 10 Oct 1923 Nashville, Tennesseebirth5

Death: 19 Feb 2003 Indian Head, Charles, Maryland, USAdeath5


Father: John Granville Holt

Mother: Julia Seabrook Haley Holt

John Wesley Holt - 1860 to 1931

Birth: 15 Apr 1860 Tennesseebirth6

Death: 17 Jan 1931 Nashville, Davidson, Tennesseedeath6


Father: William Felix Holt

Mother: Elizabeth A Easley

John “Johnie” Holt - 1892 to 1958

Birth: 23 Dec 1892 Texasbirth7

Death: 13 May 1958 Kern, Californiadeath7


Father: James Monroe HOLT

Mother: Laura Hobbs

John Holt - 1844 to 1907

Birth: 2 Jun 1844 Missouribirth8

Death: 4 Aug 1907 Callaway, Missouri, USAdeath8


Father: William Price Holt

Mother: Mary Blythe

John Holt - 1839 to 1884

Birth: 1839 South Carolina, USAbirth9

Death: 12 June 1884 Horry County, South Carolina, USAdeath9


Father: Egbert Holt

Mother: Ann Grainger

John Everette Holt - 1910 to 1972

Birth: November 26, 1910 Powhatan County, Virginia, USA, birth10

Death: 28 Feb 1972 Saluda, Middlesex, Virginia, United States of Americadeath10


Father: James Sterling Holt

Mother: Virginia Smith

john calvin holt - 1928 to 1991

Birth: 20 Dec 1928 Hickory Point, Montgomery, Tennessee, USAbirth11

Death: 21 Apr 1991 Shiloh Hill, Randolph, Illinois, USAdeath11


Father: Edwin Ethelder Holt

Mother: Gladys Marie Hogan

John Laughren Holt - 1895 to 1978

Birth: 16 Apr 1895 Montgomery, Tennessee, United Statesbirth12

Death: 22 May 1978 Clarksville, Montgomery, Tennessee, USAdeath12


Father: John Wesley Holt

Mother: Ollie Laughren

John Issac Holt - 1885 to 1976

Birth: 8 May 1885 pickett county tennesseebirth13

Death: 31 Jan 1976 Byrdstown, Pickett, Tennessee, United States of Americadeath13


Father: Phillip H Holt

Mother: Leona M Holt (Holt) (Griffin)

John Wesley Holt - 1841 to 1909

Birth: 10/26/1841 Wayne County, Tennesseebirth14

Death: 2 June 1909 Knox, Texas, United Statesdeath14


Father: Benjamin Wheatley Holt

Mother: Sarah Curtis

John Maxy Holt - 1850 to 1930

Birth: abt 1850 Georgiabirth15

Death: 7 Apr 1930 , , Florida, USAdeath15


Father: Joel Joseph Holt


John M Holt - 1882 to 1950

Birth: 13 Jan 1882 Georgiabirth16

Death: 1950 Franklin, Macon, North Carolina, USAdeath16


Father: Jeremiah Burton Ramey

Mother: Margaret Minerva Holt

John Ollie(A) Holt - 1888 to 1966

Birth: 19 Apr 1888 Texasbirth17

Death: Feb 1966 Paris, Lamar, Texas, United States of Americadeath17


Father: Dellie Dement Holt

Mother: Lecretia T Stewart

John Jugarthy Holt - 1858 to 1922

Birth: 13 July 1858 Tennesseebirth18

Death: 18 Jun 1922 Holt Cemetery, Sullivan County, Tennessee, USAdeath18


Father: John W Holt

Mother: Elizabeth Thomas

John Julin Holt - 1888 to 1969

Birth: Aug 1888 Arkansasbirth19

Death: 13 Oct 1969 Arkansas, United Statesdeath19


Father: Enoch Sylvester Holt

Mother: Georgia Shannon

John Locke Holt - 1867 to 1942

Birth: Jul 1867 Farmington, Franklin, Maine, USAbirth20

Death: 15 Jul 1942 Waterville, Kennebec, Maine, United Statesdeath20


Father: Wesley Russell Holt

Mother: Martha Ann Whitham

John Franklin HOLT - 1855 to 1927

Birth: 23 Mar 1855 Tennessee, United Statesbirth21

Death: 7 Jun 1927 Giles, Tennessee, USAdeath21


Father: Alvis Smithson Holt

Mother: Harriet Rebecca Nevils

John Holt - 1844 to 1907

Birth: 2 Jun 1844 Missouribirth22

Death: 4 Aug 1907 Callaway, Missouri, USAdeath22


Father: William Price Holt

Mother: Mary Blythe

John D Holt - 1898 to 1962

Birth: 16 May 1898 Water Valley, Graves, Kentuckybirth23

Death: 1 Mar 1962 Big Cabin, Craig, Oklahomadeath23


Father: John Noel Holt

Mother: Corah Ellen Quisenberry

John Walton Holt - 1851 to 1926

Birth: abt 1851 Lymm, Cheshire, Englandbirth24

Death: 02 01 1926 Lymm, Cheshire, Englanddeath24


Father: James Henry Holt

Mother: Mary Wootton

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