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Results for "John Kinmonth"

1 - 25 of 52 Records

John Taylor Kinmonth - 1839 to 1933

Birth: 28 May 1839 Kortright, Delaware Co., New Yorkbirth0

Death: 4 Jun 1933 Columbus City, Louisa Co. IAdeath0


Father: Hugh Kinmonth

Mother: Elizabeth J Lyle Kinmonth

John Kinmonth - 1800 to 1868

Birth: 08 Aug 1800 CObirth1

Death: ABT Aug 1868 Islington, London, Englanddeath1


Father: William Kinmonth

Mother: Betty Brown

John Crawford Kinmonth - 1831 to 1924

Birth: 04 Nov 1831 At Seabirth2

Death: 23 Apr 1924 On A Traindeath2


Father: Alexander Chalmers Kinmonth

Mother: Janet Reid

John W Kinmonth - 1870 to 1940

Birth: abt 1870 New Jerseybirth3

Death: Abt. 1940 USAdeath3


Father: John Kinmonth

Mother: Emily Bolton

John W Kinmonth - 1870 to 1940

Birth: abt 1870 New Jerseybirth4

Death: Abt. 1940 USAdeath4


Father: John Kinmonth

Mother: Emily Bolton

John Kyle Kinmonth - 1955 to 2018

Birth: 26 Dec 1955 Lawton, Comanche, Oklahoma, USAbirth5

Death: 10 Nov 2018 Lawton, Comanche, Oklahoma, USAdeath5


Father: John George Kinmonth

Mother: Roberta Weaver

John Kinmonth - 1810

Birth: abt 1810 Scotland, United Kingdombirth6

Death: Not Available USAdeath6


Father: John Kinmonth

Mother: Ann Nancy Taylor

John Kinmonth - 1810

Birth: abt 1810 Scotland, United Kingdombirth7

Death: Not Available USAdeath7


Father: John Kinmonth

Mother: Ann Nancy Taylor

John Kinmonth - 1810

Birth: abt 1810 Scotland, United Kingdombirth8

Death: Not Available USAdeath8


Father: John Kinmonth

Mother: Ann Nancy Taylor

John Kinmonth - 1802 to 1868

Birth: 1802 Scotlandbirth9

Death: 10 Jul 1868 Islington, London, Englanddeath9


Father: William Kinmont

Mother: Betty Brown

John Villiers Kinmonth - 1899 to 1966

Birth: 25 Jan 1899 Islington, London, Englandbirth10

Death: 22 Oct 1966 Bexley, Greater London, Englanddeath10


Father: Edwin Kinmonth

Mother: Martha Barter

John H Kinmonth - 1841 to 1918

Birth: 1841 Cherry Valley,Prince Edward County Ontariobirth11

Death: October 18 1918 Lindsay, Victoria County,Ontariodeath11


Father: James Kinmonth

Mother: Catherine Hinderman

John Kinmonth - 1776 to 1853

Birth: 7 Nov 1776 Dunning, Perthshire, Scotlandbirth12

Death: 15 Jul 1853 Bloomville, Delaware, New York, United Statesdeath12


Father: Hugh Kinmonth

Mother: Mary Bruce

John George Kinmonth - 1921 to 1980

Birth: 18 Feb 1921 Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahomabirth13

Death: 17 Jan 1980 Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahomadeath13


Father: James Frederick Kinmonth

Mother: Rose Marie Baumier

John Kinmonth - 1907 to 1989

Birth: 15 July 1907 Cork, Irelandbirth14

Death: 1989 Cork, Irelanddeath14


Father: William Paul Kinmonth

Mother: Ellen Harriett Carraher

John Kinmonth - 1828 to 1878

Birth: 1828 Cork, Irelandbirth15

Death: 29 Nov 1878 Hoboken, Hudson, New Jersey, USAdeath15


Father: John Kinmonth

Mother: Sarah Craig

John Kinmonth - 1879 to 1912

Birth: 1879 Cork, Cork, Irelandbirth16

Death: 1912 Cork, Cork, Irelanddeath16


Father: William Kinmonth

Mother: Sarah Carroll

John Dwight Kinmonth - 1899 to 1981

Birth: 15 Sept 1899 New Jersey, USAbirth17

Death: Dec 1981 Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, United States of Americadeath17


Father: John W Kinmonth

Mother: Florence Kinmonth

John Richard Kinmonth - 1928 to 2009

Birth: 15 Apr 1928 Joplin, Jasper, Missouri, USAbirth18

Death: 31 Jan 2009 Terrace Park, Hamilton, Ohio, USAdeath18


Father: Richard Cissna Kinmonth

Mother: Isabelle F (Blakeney) Bankard

John Hugh Kinmonth - 1881 to 1955

Birth: 19 Feb 1881 Missouribirth19

Death: 1955 Missouri, USAdeath19


Father: Thomas Richard Kinmonth

Mother: Not Available

John KINMONTH - 1774

Birth: abt 1774 Scotlandbirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

John KINMONTH - 1774

Birth: abt 1774 Scotlandbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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