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Results for "john plummer"


Birth: 1899 Indiana

Death: 1949 Los Angeles

Father: Wesley Bert Plummer

Mother: Ella Bruce

Name: John Plummer

Birth: 28 Jan 1874 Iowa, USA

Death: 13 Aug 1947 Los Angeles

Father: John W. Plummer

Mother: Mary Ellen Angier

Name: John Wesley Plummer

Birth: 25 Nov 1862 Hendricks Co, IN

Death: 27 Nov 1947 Plainfield, Hendricks Co., Indiana

Father: William A. Plummer

Mother: Matilda Rushton

Name: John Plummer

Birth: 01 OCT 1824 Fleming, Kentucky, USA

Death: 3 APR 1866 Howard Co., IN

Father: Benjamin Plummer

Mother: Mary Polly Waugh

Name: John Plummer

Birth: 14 Jun 1866 Rushville, Rush, Indiana, United States

Death: 05 Apr 1929 Shelbyville, Shelby County, Indiana

Father: John W. Plummer

Mother: Mary Ellen Angier

Name: John Sanders PLUMMER

Birth: abt 1892 Alabama

Death: 12 September 1937 Perry County, Alabama, USA

Father: Alfred Johnson Plummer

Mother: Frances Rogers

Name: John Lincoln Plummer

Birth: 9 Nov 1811 Bowdoin, Sagadahoc, Maine, USA

Death: 12 Aug 1885 Plainfield, Union, New Jersey

Father: Nathan Plummer

Mother: Agnes Pennell

Name: John K. Plummer

Birth: 15 Apr 1841 Madrid, Franklin, Maine

Death: Aft 1920 Of Comstock, Kalamazoo, MI

Father: Elliot PLUMMER

Mother: Elmira Dunham

Name: John B.* Plummer

Birth: 5//6//1866 Sidman, PA

Death: 03 Apr 1949 Homestead, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, USA

Father: Samuel Plummer

Mother: Martha Long

Name: John Abraham Plummer

Birth: 18 Aug 1895 Deshler, NE

Death: 06 Jan 1978 Emporia, KS

Father: John D Plummer

Mother: Elizabeth "Betty" Hutchinson


Birth: 16 Feb 1897 Jenkins, Barry, Missouri, United States

Death: 29 Dec 1984 Mount Vernon, Kennebec, Maine, United States

Father: Lafayette Ferdinand Plummer

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Periman

Name: John Plummer

Birth: 1835 Leicester, Leicestershire, England

Death: 26.09.1893 Hawthorn, Victoria,

Father: Edmond Sheldrake Plummer

Mother: Sophia Parsons

Name: John Leonard Plummer

Birth: 12 Apr 1911 Beaumont, Jefferson, Texas, United States of America

Death: 16 Nov 1966 Beaumont, Jefferson, Texas, United States

Father: Jack Lester Plummer

Mother: Daisy Elizabeth Sharp Moule

Name: John Plummer

Birth: 1809 Janeton, Norfolk, England

Death: 1896 Flegg, Norfolk, England

Father: Charles Plummer

Mother: Margaret Durrant

Name: John W Plummer

Birth: 22 Apr 1843 Marion Township, Hancock, Ohio, USA

Death: 5 Feb 1933 ,Vernon Co., MO

Father: James Pratt Plummer

Mother: Anna Wyatt

Name: John T Plummer

Birth: 12 Jul 1840 Overton, Indiana

Death: 18 Jul 1900 Blackburn, Pawnee, Oklahoma, USA

Father: Hiram Plummer

Mother: Mary Ann Greyham

Name: John F Plummer

Birth: Aug 4,1853 Marshall, Indiana

Death: Feb 21, 1880 Bourbon, Marshall Co. IN

Father: Elisha V Plummer

Mother: Jane Senour

Name: JOHN H Plummer

Birth: 12 NOV 1908 Mattoon, Coles, Illinois, USA

Death: 14 NOV 1990 ELKHART CO., IND

Father: George Washington Plummer

Mother: Agness Hazlett

Name: John N Plummer

Birth: 22 Mar 1851 Winchester, Adams, Ohio, USA

Death: 27 Mar 1925 Winchester, Adams, Ohio, USA

Father: Moses Plummer

Mother: Minerva Jane Bailey

Name: John Plummer

Birth: Abt. 1904 Pennsylvania

Death: 21 Aug 1977 Gary, Lake, Indiana, USA

Father: Sylvester Plummer

Mother: Catherine McDonald

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