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Results for "John Smith"

1 - 25 of 349,612 Records

John William Smith - 1852 to 1936

Birth: 30 November 1852 Indiana, USAbirth0

Death: 11/19/1936 Henderson, Kentuckydeath0


Father: Thomas M. Smith

Mother: Mary Smith

John Smith - 1821 to 1905

Birth: 12 Dec 1821 Rock Camp, Monroe, West Virginiabirth1

Death: 25 Nov 1905 Giles Co, Virginiadeath1


Father: John Smith Jr

Mother: Fannie Raines

John Jackson Smith - 1868 to 1954

Birth: 20 May 1868 Ottumwa, Iowabirth2

Death: 30 June 1954 Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska, USAdeath2


Father: James Madison Smith

Mother: Nancy Hendrickson

John Henry Smith - 1895 to 1980

Birth: 17 Jun 1895 Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania Luzerne Countybirth3

Death: 3 March 1980 Wilkes Barre, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, United States of Americadeath3


Father: Thomas Smith

Mother: Gwen Davis

John Angeles SMITH - 1882 to 1951

Birth: 3 Oct 1882 Knox Co., IN., USAbirth4

Death: 27 Nov 1951 Martinsville, Morgan, Indiana, USAdeath4


Father: Walter Smith


John Robert Smith - 1910 to 1977

Birth: 22 Jun 1910 Owensburg, Greene, Indiana, USAbirth5

Death: 7 Oct 1977 Bedford, Lawrence, Indiana, USAdeath5


Father: James Robert Smith

Mother: Minnie Eaton Webb

John J Smith - 1884 to 1972

Birth: May 1884 Georgiabirth6

Death: 08 Dec 1972 Sanford, Seminole, Florida, United States of Americadeath6


Father: John Smith

Mother: Sarah Ann Dubberly

John SMITH - 1869 to 1956

Birth: abt 1869 Indianabirth7

Death: 14 MAR 1956 Washington, Daviess, Indiana, USAdeath7


Father: William Ambrose Smith

Mother: Anna S. Cunningham

John C Smith - 1915 to 1998

Birth: 22 Jan 1915 Little Rock, Arkansasbirth8

Death: February 3, 1998 Sacramento County, Californiadeath8


Father: Samuel Newton Smith

Mother: Myrtle Elizabeth Henry

John Ross Smith - 1902 to 1989

Birth: 19 March 1902 Liverpool, Ohiobirth9

Death: 14 Apr 1989 Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, USAdeath9


Father: Charles Marion Smith

Mother: Alice M Rayburn

John Smith - 1865 to 1941

Birth: 22 April 1865 Christiansburg, Shelby, Kentucky, USAbirth10

Death: 17 September 1941 Shelby, Kentuckydeath10


Father: Levi Smith

Mother: Nancy S Baker

John Smith - 1875 to 1936

Birth: 5/14/1875 Missouri dent co.birth11

Death: Mar 1936 St Louis Missouri.death11


Father: Robert Quiller Smith

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Norris

John Gibb Smith - 1816 to 1907

Birth: 2 Oct 1816 Connecticutbirth12

Death: 18 Jan 1907 Hamden, Connecticutdeath12


Father: Joseph Smith

Mother: Eunice Gibb

John Reuben Smith - 1846 to 1927

Birth: abt 1846 New Yorkbirth13

Death: 1927 Livingston County, New York, USAdeath13


Father: William O. Smith

Mother: Sally Casterline

John H Smith - 1863 to 1944

Birth: 19 JAN 1863 Marshall County, Indianabirth14

Death: 10 Apr 1944 Douglas County, Oregon, United States of Americadeath14


Father: Andrew Smith

Mother: Susan Hyers

John F. Smith - 1888 to 1957

Birth: 19 Dec 1888 Bally James Duff, Co. Cavin, Irelandbirth15

Death: 26 May 1957 New York, New York, New York, USAdeath15


Father: James Smyth

Mother: Mary Reilly

John W Smith - 1883 to 1910

Birth: abt 1883 New Yorkbirth16

Death: Dec 1910 Albany, New Yorkdeath16


Father: John Henry Smith

Mother: Elizabeth Stark

John Wm Smith - 1869 to 1922

Birth: abt 1869 Keighley, Yorkshire, Englandbirth17

Death: 21 OCT 1922 California, USAdeath17


Father: William Smith

Mother: Elizabeth Holmes

John Smith - 1886 to 1960

Birth: 30 Mar 1886 South Bend, In,USAbirth18

Death: 21 Feb 1960 Lansing, Ingham,mi,USAdeath18


Father: Lewis Marion Smith

Mother: Betsy Jane Hotchkiss

John jackson Smith - 1825 to 1880

Birth: abt 1825 Columbiana, Columbiana, Ohio, United Statesbirth19

Death: AFT 1880 Ashland, Ohio, United Statesdeath19


Father: Henry Smith

Mother: Leah Smith

John Alexander SMITH - 1889 to 1964

Birth: 30 Oct. 1889 Hughes Springs, Cass County, Texas, USAbirth20

Death: 29 Jan 1964 Arizona, USAdeath20


Father: William C Smith

Mother: Otelia Belle Via

John Elkin Smith - 1870 to 1958

Birth: 24 Jul 1870 Houston, Chickasaw County, Mississippi, USAbirth21

Death: 22 Oct 1958 Houston, Chickasaw, Mississippi, USAdeath21


Father: William T Smith

Mother: Martha E. Pyron

John Smith - 1877 to 1933

Birth: abt 1877 Virginiabirth22

Death: 14 Oct 1933 Charlottesville, Albemarle, Virginia, USAdeath22


Father: James C Smith

Mother: Sarah Jane Finley

John William SMITH - 1850 to 1940

Birth: 23 Dec 1850 Harrison, Kentuckybirth23

Death: 30 Jul 1940 Harrison, Kentuckydeath23


Father: James Smith

Mother: Nancy Crosthwait

John Smith - 1803 to 1865

Birth: 17 July 1803 Bedford County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth24

Death: 19 June 1865 Bethel Cemdeath24


Father: James John Smith

Mother: Naomi Deneen

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