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Results for "Joseph Cantrill"

1 - 25 of 177 Records

Joseph Ronald Cantrill - 1911 to 1977

Birth: 6 APR 1911 Morgan Co, Kentuckybirth0

Death: 8 SEP 1977 Richland Co, Ohiodeath0


Father: Robert Lee Cantrell

Mother: Mary Victoria Cantrell Cantrill Contrell

Joseph Cantrill - 1766 to 1853

Birth: 1766 Ashover, Derbyshire, Englandbirth1

Death: July 1853 Ashover, Derbyshiredeath1


Father: William Cantril

Mother: Hannah Mary Ward

Joseph Orgill Cantrill - 1801 to 1867

Birth: 1801 Barton, Staffordshire, Englandbirth2

Death: 06 SEP 1867 Warwickshire, Englanddeath2


Father: Thomas Cantrill

Mother: Susanna Cantrill (nee Orgill)

Joseph Cantrill - 1766 to 1853

Birth: 1766 Ashover, Derbyshire, Englandbirth3

Death: July 1853 Ashover, Derbyshiredeath3


Father: William Cantril

Mother: Hannah Mary Ward

Joseph Cantrill - 1859 to 1931

Birth: Feb 1859 North Carolinabirth4

Death: 20 Jan 1931 Marshall, Madison, North Carolinadeath4


Father: John Cantrell

Mother: Sarah E Summers

Joseph Cantrill - 1833 to 1903

Birth: Abt. 1833 Birmingham, Warwickshire, Englandbirth5

Death: 1903 Easthampstead, Berkshire, Englanddeath5


Father: Joseph Cantrill

Mother: Mary Cantrill

Joseph Jame Cantrill - 1831 to 1907

Birth: 1831 Preston Brook Cheshirebirth6

Death: 6 Jan 1907 Nottingham, Englanddeath6


Father: Henry John Cantrill

Mother: Ann Newport

Joseph Cantrill - 1899 to 1962

Birth: 1899 Leekfrith, Staffordshirebirth7

Death: 5 Mar 1962 Packsaddle Farm, Rudyard, Leek, Staffordshiredeath7


Father: Joseph Cantrell

Mother: Mary Ann Austin

Joseph Cantrill - 1666 to 1728

Birth: 2 Dec 1666 Ashover, Derbyshire, , Englandbirth8

Death: 1728 Ashover, Derbyshiredeath8


Father: William Cantrell

Mother: Elizabeth Ward

Joseph C. Cantrill - 1880 to 1961

Birth: Mar 1880 Burntwood, Staffordshire, , Englandbirth9

Death: Feb 1961


Father: William Cantrill

Mother: Hannah Clulow

Joseph S Cantrill - 1876 to 1955

Birth: abt 1876 Sheffield, Yorkshire, Englandbirth10

Death: 1955


Father: Joseph Cantrill

Mother: Elizabeth Brazewell

Joseph S Cantrill - 1876 to 1955

Birth: abt 1876 Sheffield, Yorkshire, Englandbirth11

Death: 1955


Father: Joseph Cantrill

Mother: Elizabeth Brazewell

Joseph Cantrill - 1890 to 1951

Birth: 1890 Hucknall Torkard, Basford, Notts.birth12

Death: Mar 1951 Annesley, Nottinghamshire, Englanddeath12


Father: George Cantrill

Mother: Maria Dawson Illsley

Joseph W Cantrill - 1900 to 1986

Birth: 1900 SHEFFIELD South Yorkshire Englandbirth13

Death: NOV 1986 Sheffielddeath13


Father: Wilfred Cantrill

Mother: Lizzie Cartwright

Joseph W Cantrill - 1900 to 1986

Birth: 1900 SHEFFIELD South Yorkshire Englandbirth14

Death: NOV 1986 Sheffielddeath14


Father: Wilfred Cantrill

Mother: Lizzie Cartwright

Joseph Fredrick Cantrill - 1909 to 1972

Birth: 29 Oct 1909 Mansfield Woodhouse, Nottinghamshire, Englandbirth15

Death: Jun 1972 Basford, Nottinghamshire, Englanddeath15


Father: Joseph Cantrill

Mother: Emily Ann Wale

Joseph Cantrill - 1880 to 1968

Birth: 18/11/1880 Salton Scarsdale, Derbyshire, Englandbirth16

Death: 21 Aug 1968 Nailstone, Leicestershiredeath16


Father: George Israel Cantrill

Mother: Mary Tomlinson

Joseph CANTRILL - 1857 to 1936

Birth: 14 Sep 1857 Bourbon Co. KYbirth17

Death: 24 Oct 1936 Little Blue, Jackson County, Missouri, USAdeath17


Father: Dr. Joseph CANTRILL

Mother: Susan ALLEN

Joseph Wendell Cantrill - 1932 to 1947

Birth: 27 Mar 1932 Morgan Co, Kentuckybirth18

Death: 28 Aug 1947 Mansfield, Richland County, Ohiodeath18


Father: Oliver Wendell Cantrill

Mother: Myrtle Leona McKenzie

Joseph Wendell Cantrill - 1932 to 1947

Birth: 27 Mar 1932 Morgan Co, Kentuckybirth19

Death: 28 Aug 1947 Mansfield, Richland County, Ohiodeath19


Father: Oliver Wendell Cantrill

Mother: Myrtle Leona McKenzie

Joseph Cantrill - 1848 to 1934

Birth: Sep 1848 Ashbourne, Derbyshire, Englandbirth20

Death: 1934 (Oct / Dec) Ecclesall Bierlow, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath20


Father: Joseph Cantrill

Mother: Ann Pollard

Joseph S Cantrill - 1791

Birth: abt 1791 Somers Town, Holborn, Middlesexbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Cantrill

Mother: Eliz Harriet Swan

Joseph Thomas Cantrill - 1870 to 1942

Birth: 27 FEB 1870 Hillside" Borenore, NSWbirth22

Death: 06 Sep 1942 March St, OrangeNSW


Father: William Cantrill

Mother: Angelina Burridge

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