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Results for "Joseph Emison"

1 - 17 of 17 Records

Joseph Emison - 1835 to 1890

Birth: 17 Jan 1835 Madison, Tennessee, USAbirth0

Death: 28 April 1890 Rogers, Benton County, Arkansas, United States of Americadeath0


Father: John S Emerson

Mother: Margaret "Peggy" BOALS

Joseph Emison - 1835 to 1890

Birth: 17 Jan 1835 Madison, Tennessee, USAbirth1

Death: 28 April 1890 Rogers, Benton County, Arkansas, United States of Americadeath1


Father: John S Emerson

Mother: Margaret "Peggy" BOALS

Joseph F Emison - 1822 to 1890

Birth: 2 SEP 1822 Scott County, Kentucky, United Statesbirth2

Death: 27 JUN 1890


Father: Hugh Emison

Mother: Elizabeth Marshall Emison

Joseph Brantley Emison - 1888 to 1914

Birth: 24 May 1888 Alamo, Crockett, Tennessee, USAbirth3

Death: 22 Sep 1914 Crockett, Tennessee, USAdeath3


Father: James Wesley Emison

Mother: Martha Elizabeth ME F. Betty Bettie Emison Emerson Smothers Bonles Boals

Joseph Brantley Junior Emerson Emison - 1912 to 1993

Birth: 30 Sep 1912 U.S., Find A Grave Index, Crockett, Crockett County, Tennessee, United Statesbirth4

Death: 18 Oct 1993 U.S., Find A Grave Index and Social Security Death Index, Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee, United States


Father: Joseph Brantley Emison

Mother: Martha Lucille Johnson

Joseph Eldridge Emison - 1892 to 1953

Birth: 28 Jun 1892 Benton County, Arkansasbirth5

Death: 19 January 1953 Cook, Illinois, United Statesdeath5


Father: Daniel Emison

Mother: Ninnie Nina V Underwood

Joseph Emison - 1880 to 1914

Birth: 1880 Scott County, Kentuckybirth6

Death: 28 Mar 1914 Scott County, Kentucky, USAdeath6


Father: Benjamin Emison

Mother: Lucy Jane Berry

Joseph Edward Emison - 1831 to 1831

Birth: 08 Apr 1831 Scott, Kentucky, USAbirth7

Death: 27 Jun 1831 Scott, Kentucky, USAdeath7


Father: John Emison

Mother: Ann Elgin

Joseph Eldridge (Grady) Emison - 1918 to 2005

Birth: 14 Nov 1918 Benton, Arkansas, USAbirth8

Death: 9 Dec 2005 Fort Myers, Lee, Floridadeath8


Father: Joseph Eldridge Emison

Mother: Gladys Pyatt

Joseph W Emison - 1842 to 1901

Birth: September 24, 1842 Scott County, Kentucky, USAbirth9

Death: 04 Jul 1901


Father: Benjamin B. Emison

Mother: Catherine Briscoe

Joseph Brantley Emison - 1937 to 2004

Birth: 15 Sep 1937 Memphis, Shelby Co, Tennessee, USAbirth10

Death: 9 Oct 2004 Memphis, Shelby, Tennessee, United States of Americadeath10


Father: Joseph Brantley Junior Emerson Emison

Mother: Rosella Manchester Easley

Joseph Emison - 1852

Birth: 1852 Floridabirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Chas W Emison

Mother: David Emison

Joseph W Emison - 1843

Birth: abt 1843 Kentuckybirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Joseph Emison

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Joseph Emison - 1900

Birth: abt 1900

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Joseph Emison

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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