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Results for "Joseph Straus"

1 - 25 of 202 Records

Joseph C Straus - 1876 to 1941

Birth: 04 Dec 1876 Dallas, Texasbirth0

Death: 01 OCT 1941 Wichita Co.: Wichita Falls, Texasdeath0


Father: Joseph Straus

Mother: Martha F Neal

Joseph STRAUS - 1854 to 1919

Birth: 11 May 1854 Bristol, Dane, Wisconsin, United Statesbirth1

Death: 15 Dec 1919 Waconia, Carver, Minnesota, United Statesdeath1


Father: Johann Michael Straus

Mother: Maria Kieser Straus

Joseph STRAUS - 1854 to 1919

Birth: 11 May 1854 Bristol, Dane, Wisconsin, United Statesbirth2

Death: 15 Dec 1919 Waconia, Carver, Minnesota, United Statesdeath2


Father: Johann Michael Straus

Mother: Maria Kieser Straus

Joseph Albert Straus - 1890 to 1971

Birth: 25 Jun 1890 Waterloo, Ontario, Canadabirth3

Death: Mar 1971 Valley City, Barnes, North Dakota, USAdeath3


Father: Louis Strauss

Mother: Helena Diemert

Joseph Straus - 1866 to 1938

Birth: Jun 1866 Canada Engbirth4

Death: 12 Sept 1938 Sand Lake Kent CO. Michigandeath4


Father: George Straus

Mother: Magdelena Beingessner

Joseph William Straus - 1909 to 1983

Birth: 24 Aug 1909 Manhattan, New York, USAbirth5

Death: 8 Dec 1983 Franklin Square, Nassau, New York, USAdeath5


Father: Milton Straus

Mother: Susan Mikas

Joseph Straus - 1858 to 1927

Birth: January 1858 New York, USAbirth6

Death: bef 1927 Newark, Essex, New Jersey, USAdeath6


Father: Moses Strauss

Mother: Elizabeth May

Joseph C Straus - 1921 to 1995

Birth: 13 May 1921 Laketown, Carver, Minnesotabirth7

Death: 12 May 1995 Carver County Minnesota USAdeath7


Father: John Straus

Mother: Apollonia E Schmidt

Joseph L. Straus - 1849 to 1923

Birth: 1849 Marylandbirth8

Death: 11 AUG 1923


Father: Levi Straus

Mother: Leonora Marcus

Joseph Ambrose Straus - 1800 to 1877

Birth: 1800 Württembergbirth9

Death: 1877 Rochester, Monroe, NY USAdeath9


Father: Johannes Nep. Strauss

Mother: Maria Sauter

Joseph Straus - 1887 to 1971

Birth: abt 1887 Kentuckybirth10

Death: 03 Jan 1971 United States of Americadeath10


Father: John W Straus

Mother: Katherine Pfirmann

Joseph D Straus - 1876 to 1940

Birth: 5 Feb 1876 Idaho Territorybirth11

Death: 22 Mar 1940 San Francisco, Californiadeath11


Father: Aaron Straus

Mother: Dora Nadler

Joseph Richard Straus - 1927

Birth: 1927 Texasbirth12

Death: Not Available San Antonio, TXdeath12


Father: Joseph Straus

Mother: Emiley Fies

Joseph D Straus - 1876 to 1940

Birth: 5 Feb 1876 Idaho Territorybirth13

Death: 22 Mar 1940 San Francisco, Californiadeath13


Father: Aaron Straus

Mother: Dora Nadler

Joseph Richard Straus - 1927

Birth: 1927 Texasbirth14

Death: Not Available San Antonio, TXdeath14


Father: Joseph Straus

Mother: Emiley Fies

Joseph C Straus - 1844

Birth: abt 1844 Kentuckybirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Simion Leon Straus

Mother: Maria Collings

Joseph Tirosh Straus - 1915 to 2010

Birth: 08 Dec 1915 Heerenborg, Leer, Niedersachsen, Germanybirth16

Death: 03 Mar 2010 Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv, Israeldeath16


Father: Benjamin Joseph Straus

Mother: Hedwig Levita

Joseph John Anthony Straus - 1884 to 1929

Birth: August 1884 Greenock, Bruce, Ontario, Canadabirth17

Death: 05/18/1929 York, Ontario, Canadadeath17


Father: Philip Straus

Mother: Josephine Sophia Emel

Joseph Straus - 1845 to 1923

Birth: 21 Dec 1845 Bamberg, Ontario, Canadabirth18

Death: 6 May 1923 Formosa, Ontario, Canadadeath18


Father: Johannes John Straus

Mother: Katherine Kaiser

Joseph Durans Straus - 1840 to 1907

Birth: 6 January 1840 Baden-Württemberg, Germanybirth19

Death: 2 January 1907 Missouri, USAdeath19


Father: Abraham Straus

Mother: Rachel Sophie Hahn

Joseph Straus - 1887 to 1981

Birth: 31 Dec 1887 Wilmot Twp, Waterloo Cty, Ontariobirth20

Death: 9 Jul 1981 Kitchener, 1654341, Ontario, Canadadeath20


Father: Anthony D Straus

Mother: Mary Caroline Schuller

Joseph Clyde Straus - 1906 to 1952

Birth: 15 Apr 1906 Mabank, Henderson, Texas, USAbirth21

Death: 17 MAR 1952 The University of TX Medical Branch, Galveston, TXdeath21


Father: Joseph Clyde Straus

Mother: Willie C Mason

Joseph Richard Straus - 1959

Birth: 1 Sep 1959 Bexar, Texas, USAbirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Richard Straus

Mother: Jocelyn W Levi

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