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Results for "Joseph Wherry"

1 - 25 of 131 Records

Joseph Tolbert Wherry - 1829 to 1917

Birth: 17 Dec 1829 Oxford, Guernsey, Ohio, United Statesbirth0

Death: 22 Jul 1917 Platte, Taylor, Iowa, United Statesdeath0


Father: James WHERRY

Mother: Harriet Pack

Joseph Howard Wherry - 1883 to 1958

Birth: 20 Aug 1883 Beaver County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth1

Death: 17 Dec 1958 Clinton Allegheny PA USAdeath1


Father: Jesse Wherry

Mother: Rebecca Emiline Moore

JOSEPH P. Wherry - 1805 to 1879

Birth: 26 March 1805 Ohiobirth2

Death: 27 Aug 1879 Lincoln, Poweshiek, Iowa, USA - Buried Guernsey, Poweshiek, Iowa, USAdeath2


Father: David Wherry

Mother: Ann Hall Wherry

JOSEPH P. Wherry - 1805 to 1879

Birth: 26 March 1805 Ohiobirth3

Death: 27 Aug 1879 Lincoln, Poweshiek, Iowa, USA - Buried Guernsey, Poweshiek, Iowa, USAdeath3


Father: David Wherry

Mother: Ann Hall Wherry

JOSEPH P. Wherry - 1805 to 1879

Birth: 26 March 1805 Ohiobirth4

Death: 27 Aug 1879 Lincoln, Poweshiek, Iowa, USA - Buried Guernsey, Poweshiek, Iowa, USAdeath4


Father: David Wherry

Mother: Ann Hall Wherry

Joseph Wherry - 1862 to 1929

Birth: 9 Feb 1862 Marion County, Indiana, USAbirth5

Death: 11 Oct 1929 Portland, Inddeath5


Father: David B. Wherry

Mother: Elizabeth Boller

Joseph Howard Wherry - 1883 to 1958

Birth: 20 Aug 1883 Beaver County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth6

Death: 17 Dec 1958 Clinton Allegheny PA USAdeath6


Father: Jesse Wherry

Mother: Rebecca Emiline Moore

Joseph H Wherry - 1918 to 1991

Birth: 24 Oct 1918 Snohomish, Washington, United Statesbirth7

Death: 7 Dec 1991 King, Washington, USAdeath7


Father: Joseph McKinnie Wherry

Mother: Ethel M Hays

Joseph Wherry - 1787 to 1858

Birth: 14 Mar 1787 East Kirkby, Lincolnshirebirth8

Death: Apr 1858 Lincolnshiredeath8


Father: Joseph Wherry

Mother: Rebekah Crow (E)

Joseph Wherry - 1833 to 1914

Birth: 1833 St Mewan, Cornwall, Englandbirth9

Death: Oct 1914 St Columb Major, Cornwall, Englanddeath9


Father: John Werry

Mother: Johanna Olive

Joseph Lynn Wherry - 1921 to 2007

Birth: 14 Jul 1921 Ohio, United Statesbirth10

Death: 26 Jun 2007 Perrysburg, Wood, Ohio, United States of Americadeath10


Father: William Correll Wherry

Mother: Hazel May Hart

Joseph E Wherry - 1948 to 2014

Birth: 1948 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAbirth11

Death: 02 July, 2014 Elkhorn, Douglas, Nebraska, USAdeath11


Father: Edward Paul Wherry

Mother: Eileen Mary Groth

Joseph A Wherry - 1910 to 1953

Birth: abt 1910 Ohiobirth12

Death: 4 September 1953 Canton, Stark County, Ohio, USAdeath12


Father: Wilson Edward Wherry

Mother: Laura Viola Snively

Joseph Charles Wherry - 1927 to 1995

Birth: 1927 Clinton, PA USAbirth13

Death: 15 OCT 1995 Clinton, PA USAdeath13


Father: Joseph Howard Wherry

Mother: Sylvia A Kelley

Joseph Charles Wherry - 1927 to 1995

Birth: 1927 Clinton, PA USAbirth14

Death: 15 OCT 1995 Clinton, PA USAdeath14


Father: Joseph Howard Wherry

Mother: Sylvia A Kelley

Joseph Wherry - 1791 to 1866

Birth: abt 1791 Washington, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth15

Death: DEC 1866 Harrison Twp Carroll Co, Ohio, USAdeath15


Father: James Wharry

Mother: Mary Flack

Joseph Wherry - 1834 to 1861

Birth: Jun 1834 Pennsylvaniabirth16

Death: 10 May 1861 West Union, Marshall County, Virginia (West Virginia)death16


Father: John Robbins Wherry

Mother: Elizabeth Wolfe Wherry

Joseph Antoine Wherry - 1840 to 1910

Birth: 1840/08/07 St. Louis, MObirth17

Death: 14 April 1910 Ferguson, St Louis County, Missourideath17


Father: Joseph Antoine Wherry

Mother: Amelia Harriet Horner

Joseph Wherry - 1812 to 1881

Birth: 22 Aug 1812 Chester Co., Pennsylvania, USAbirth18

Death: 9 Jun 1881 Hickory Hill, Chester Co., PAdeath18


Father: William WHERRY

Mother: Mary Whitting

Joseph S. Wherry - 1836 to 1913

Birth: 18 Jan 1836 Fall City, Richardson,Nebbirth19

Death: 7 AUG 1913 Modesto, Stanislaus, California, USAdeath19


Father: John Wherry

Mother: Anna Crosby

Joseph Wherry - 1798 to 1854

Birth: 1798 St Austell, Cornwall, Englandbirth20

Death: 1854 St Austell, Cornwall, Englanddeath20


Father: Joseph Wherry

Mother: Ann Menhennet

Joseph Wherry - 1837 to 1891

Birth: 17 Dec 1837 Harrison, Carroll, Ohio, USAbirth21

Death: 20 MAY 1891 Adams, Indiana, USAdeath21


Father: Adam Wherry

Mother: Eve Umbaugh

Joseph Wherry - 1665 to 1700

Birth: 1665 Cornwall, Englandbirth22

Death: 1700


Father: Joseph Wherry

Mother: Not Available

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