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Results for "Joshua Garner"

1 - 25 of 107 Records

Joshua Garner - 1784 to 1867

Birth: mar 1784 pabirth0

Death: 27 Jun 1867 Eighteen Mile Creek, Putnam, West Virginia, USAdeath0


Father: Benoni Gardiner

Mother: Silence Grant

joshua garner - 1898 to 1985

Birth: 4 Jul 1898 Greenwood County, South Carolina, USAbirth1

Death: October 5 1985 Englewood, New Jersey, USAdeath1


Father: Jacob Garner

Mother: Bella Games

Joshua David Garner - 1974 to 2014

Birth: 5 Feb 1974 Newport News, VAbirth2

Death: 1 Mar 2014 Dover, Pope, ARdeath2


Father: Roy S. Garner

Mother: Anita Garner

Joshua Garner - 1860 to 1939

Birth: January 1860 Birmingham, Warwickshirebirth3

Death: Dec 1939 Birmingham, Warwickshire, Englanddeath3


Father: John Garner

Mother: Emma Silvester

Joshua Garner - 1911 to 1990

Birth: 13.7.1911 birmingham ukbirth4

Death: .1990 birmingham ukdeath4


Father: William Garner

Mother: Violet Garner

Joshua Garner - 1787 to 1852

Birth: 1787 Marshall, Buckingham, Virginia, United Statesbirth5

Death: 1852 Earnshaw, Wetzel, West Virginia, United Statesdeath5


Father: Abiel Gardner

Mother: Ruth Shaw

Joshua Garner - 1781 to 1867

Birth: 1781 New Hampshire, USAbirth6

Death: June 27 1867 Redhouse, Putnam, West Virginia, USAdeath6


Father: Benoni Gardner

Mother: Silence Grant

Joshua Garner - 1823 to 1907

Birth: 13 SEP 1823 Marshall County, West Virginiabirth7

Death: 13 FEB 1907 Earnshaw, Wetzel County, West Virginiadeath7


Father: Joshua Garner

Mother: Mary "Polly" Yoho

Joshua Garner - 1802 to 1880

Birth: 1802 South Carolina, United States of Americabirth8

Death: 1880 Smith County, Mississippi, USAdeath8


Father: Rileigh Garner

Mother: Mary Betterton

Joshua Jackson Garner - 1819 to 1899

Birth: 22 Oct 1819 Warthen, Washington, Georgia, USAbirth9

Death: 20 Oct 1899 Warthen, Washington, Georgia, USAdeath9


Father: Henry Garner

Mother: Sarah Brown

Joshua Garner - 1896 to 1979

Birth: 4 November 1896 Earnshaw, Wetzel County, West Virginia, USAbirth10

Death: 1 Mar 1979 Melbourne, Brevard, Floridadeath10


Father: Washington H Garner

Mother: Matilda Jane Stoneking

Joshua Garner - 1831 to 1889

Birth: 1831 Hardin, Tennessee, United Statesbirth11

Death: 9 Oct 1889 Sedgwick, Lawrence, Arkansas, United Statesdeath11


Father: Henry G. Garner

Mother: Sarah McConnell

Joshua Armstrong Garner - 1845 to 1909

Birth: 6 Feb 1845 Ross Co Ohiobirth12

Death: 8 Apr 1909 Attica, Fountain, Indiana, USAdeath12


Father: Sim (S.A.) Garner

Mother: Catherine Ross

Joshua Garner - 1828 to 1881

Birth: abt 1828 Caldecote, Bedfordshire, Englandbirth13

Death: April 1881 Biggleswade, Bedfordshiredeath13


Father: Samuel Garner

Mother: Fanny Barnes

Joshua Garner - 1809 to 1813

Birth: 11 2 1809 Kings Lynn, Norfolk, Englandbirth14

Death: 20 Dec 1813 Kings Lynn, Norfolk, Englanddeath14


Father: Tomson Ransom Garner

Mother: Susan Sacker

Joshua Garner - 1813 to 1900

Birth: 11 Feb 1813 Kings Lynn, Norfolk, Englandbirth15

Death: 1900 Kings Lynn, Norfolk, Englanddeath15


Father: Tomson Ransom Garner

Mother: Susan Sacker

Joshua M Garner - 1973 to 1995

Birth: 20 October 1973 Columbia Lan, Pennsylvaniabirth16

Death: Abt 1995


Father: George Garner

Mother: Catherine E Frey

Joshua Garner - 1802 to 1857

Birth: abt 1802 South Carolinabirth17

Death: 05 Dec 1857 row 5, Iowa, United Statesdeath17


Father: James Garner

Mother: Mary Ann Moon

Joshua Garner - 1894 to 1956

Birth: 1894 Stockport, Cheshire, Englandbirth18

Death: Mar 1956 Stockport, Cheshire, Englanddeath18


Father: John Garner

Mother: Eleanor Wright

Joshua Betterton Garner - 1840 to 1920

Birth: 28 September 1840 Clinton County, Ohio, USAbirth19

Death: 16 Apr 1920 Franklin, Ohiodeath19


Father: Rileigh Garner

Mother: Mary Betterton

Joshua Hite Garner - 1874 to 1931

Birth: 5 Feb 1874 Preston, West Virginia, USAbirth20

Death: after 1931 McKeesport, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath20


Father: Simon Henry Garner

Mother: Susan M Snyder

Joshua Garner - 1894 to 1956

Birth: 1894 Stockport, Cheshire, Englandbirth21

Death: Mar 1956 Stockport, Cheshire, Englanddeath21


Father: John Garner

Mother: eleanor wright

Female IconMale Icon

Joshua Alexander Garner - 1992

Birth: 14 Sep 1992 Dakota, Minnesota, USAbirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Gregory Nelson Garner

Mother: Erika Jill Johnson

Joshua Leroy Garner - 1884 to 1931

Birth: 17 November 1884 Warren County, Indiana, United States of Americabirth23

Death: 15 June 1931 Attica, Fountain County, Indiana, United States of Americadeath23


Father: Joshua Armstrong Garner

Mother: Sarah Francis Tyler

Joshua S. Garner - 1845

Birth: Abt 1845 North Carolinabirth24

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Margaret Garner

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