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Results for "Kerstin Mansdotter"

1 - 25 of 258 Records

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1721 to 1783

Birth: 28 apr 1721 Uved, Nedre Ullerud (S)birth0

Death: 21 Dec 1783 Bergstorp, Nedre Ullerud (S)death0



Mother: Karin Olofsdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1755 to 1822

Birth: 24 DEC 1755 Urshult, Krönöberg, Swedenbirth1

Death: 10 Sep 1822 Hunnamala, Urshult, Krönöberg, Swedendeath1


Father: Måns Svensson

Mother: Sigrid Olofsdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1653 to 1718

Birth: 1653 Flatvik, Värmland, Swedenbirth2

Death: 2 Oct 1718 Snafverbrud, Vastmanland, Swedendeath2


Father: Måns Torstensson

Mother: N. Arvidsdotter🖤 i Flatvik

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1720 to 1778

Birth: Jun 1720 Lebotorpet, Hjorted, Kalmar, Swedenbirth3

Death: 27 Sep 1778 Lebo, Hjorted, Kalmar, Swedendeath3


Father: Måns Larsson

Mother: Annicka Hansdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1702 to 1738

Birth: 1702/04/19 Malmö, Jäders församling, Södermanland, Sverigebirth4

Death: Aft 1738 Paradis, Brattfors, Swedendeath4


Father: Måns Olofsson

Mother: Annika Pålsdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1845 to 1883

Birth: 20 December 1845 Västanå 4, Näsum, Kristianstads län (Skåne) Swedenbirth5

Death: 03 August 1883 Löderup, Kristianstad, Sverigedeath5


Father: Måns Pehrsson (Persson)

Mother: Kjersti Bengtsdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1706 to 1769

Birth: 1706 ? Barkaboda Norregård, Linneryd, Kronoberg, Swedenbirth6

Death: 06.05.1769 Virsryds Soldatetorp, Linneryd, Kronoberg, Swedendeath6


Father: Måns Nilsson

Mother: Märta Persdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1688 to 1729

Birth: (1688?) Tidersrum, Östergötland, Sverigebirth7

Death: 21 December 1729 (begraven) Kärr, Ulrika (E)death7


Father: Måns Svensson

Mother: Ramfrid Larsdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1718 to 1740

Birth: 12 JAN 1718 Hjorted, Kalmar, Sverigebirth8

Death: 1740 06/09 Hjorteddeath8


Father: Måns Larsson

Mother: Annicka Hansdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1812 to 1885

Birth: 27 Aug 1812 Swedenbirth9

Death: 12/09/1885 Eda, Varmland, Swedendeath9


Father: Måns Andersson

Mother: Karin Nilsdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1824 to 1912

Birth: 7 jan 1824 Höjen, Ovanåker, Gävleborg, Sverigebirth10

Death: 5 Dec 1912 Alfta, Gävleborg, Sverigedeath10


Father: Mårten Andersson Kling

Mother: Martha Johansdotter

Kerstin MANSDOTTER - 1702 to 1770

Birth: 7 OCT 1702 Svartvik 3, Svartvik, Norrala (X)birth11

Death: 13 MAY 1770 Norrala,Haga 1,Gävleborgs ländeath11


Father: Måns Olsson

Mother: Malin Månsdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1702 to 1783

Birth: 1702 Swedenbirth12

Death: 1783 Swedendeath12


Father: Man Torbiornsson

Mother: Borta Torkelsdr

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1724 to 1791

Birth: 14 FEB 1724 Dikarboden, Råda (R)birth13

Death: 16 Januari 1791 Råda, Västra Götaland, Sverigedeath13


Father: Måns Håkansson

Mother: Anna Larsdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1590

Birth: Abt. 1590 Bureå, Skellefteå lfs, Västerbotten, Swedenbirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Mans Mansdotter

Mother: Karin Eriksdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1770

Birth: 25 MAR 1770 Siringe Norregård, Skärstad, Jönköpingbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Måns Thiman

Mother: Annika Samuelsdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1789 to 1866

Birth: 18 Feb 1789 Söndraby, Oppmanna, Kristianstad län, Swedenbirth16

Death: 24 Mar 1866 Söndraby, Oppmanna, Kristianstad län, Swedendeath16


Father: Måns Jeppesson

Mother: Olu Oredsdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1776 to 1857

Birth: 2 Apr 1776 Skepperstad, Jönköping, Swedenbirth17

Death: 5 Jul 1857 Arnanas, Hjartlanda, Jönköping, Sweden


Father: Mans Andersson

Mother: Catharina Jonsdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1811 to 1856

Birth: 7 Oct,1811 Brastorp # 101,Tving, Blekinge, Swedenbirth18

Death: 14 Nov,1856 Brastorp # 101,Tving, Blekinge, Swedendeath18


Father: Måns Olsson

Mother: MARIA Persdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1832 to 1880

Birth: 15 March 1832 Felestad, Malmöhus, Swedenbirth19

Death: 16 Jan 1880 Felestad 5, Skåne, Sverigedeath19


Father: Mans Andersson

Mother: Boel Persdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1803 to 1882

Birth: 3 NOV 1803 Jemsunda Tving Blekinge Sverigebirth20

Death: 12 JAN 1882 Breasjö, Tving (K


Father: Måns Månsson

Mother: Bengta Persdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1706 to 1769

Birth: 1706 ? Barkaboda Norregård, Linneryd, Kronoberg, Sweden

Death: 06.05.1769 Linneryd, Kronobergs, Swedendeath21


Father: Måns Nilsson

Mother: Marta Persdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1716 to 1796

Birth: 19 Aug 1716 Glimåkra, Skåne, Sverigebirth22

Death: 21 JAN 1796 Hogsma Glimåkra, Skåne County, Swedendeath22


Father: Måns Svensson

Mother: KARNA Jönsdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1747 to 1826

Birth: 12 FEB 1747 Karaby, parish of Varnum

Death: 31 MAR 1826 Marstad, parish of Varnum


Father: Mans Andersson

Mother: Elin Halvardsdotter

Kerstin Mansdotter - 1800 to 1871

Birth: 29 Sep 1800 Värnamo parish, Jönköpings länbirth24

Death: 26 Jan 1871 Åker Parish, Jönköping, Swedendeath24


Father: Måns Jonsson

Mother: Not Available

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