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Results for "Laura Westbrook"

1 - 25 of 108 Records

Laura Westbrook - 1882 to 1941

Birth: 9 Nov. 1882 Mississippibirth0

Death: 15 June 1941 Natchez, Adams, Mississippideath0


Father: Martin Westbrook🧬🎭

Mother: Nancy Elizabeth Kennedy

Laura Westbrook - 1882 to 1941

Birth: 9 Nov. 1882 Mississippibirth1

Death: 15 June 1941 Natchez, Adams, Mississippideath1


Father: Martin Westbrook🧬🎭

Mother: Nancy Elizabeth Kennedy

Laura J Westbrook - 1865 to 1949

Birth: July 1865 Alresford, Hampshire, Englandbirth2

Death: 1949 Winchester, Hampshire, Englanddeath2


Father: Henry Westbrooke

Mother: Mary Ann Emery

Laura J Westbrook - 1865 to 1949

Birth: July 1865 Alresford, Hampshire, Englandbirth3

Death: 1949 Winchester, Hampshire, Englanddeath3


Father: Henry Westbrooke

Mother: Mary Ann Emery

Laura E Westbrook - 1850 to 1897

Birth: July 1850 Alresford, Hampshire, Englandbirth4

Death: 14 Feb 1897 PUTTENHAM, SURREY, ENGLANDdeath4


Father: Thomas Westbrook

Mother: Mary Nicholson

Laura E Westbrook - 1874 to 1955

Birth: 1874 Illinoisbirth5

Death: 26 Dec 1955


Father: William Richard Mattox

Mother: Mary Frost LaRue

Laura Westbrook - 1877 to 1944

Birth: Sep 1877 New Jerseybirth6

Death: 10 Dec 1944


Father: kelley westbrook

Mother: Emma Westbrook

Laura Isobel Westbrook - 1870 to 1955

Birth: 1870 Tasmania, Australiabirth7

Death: 1955 Auburn, New South Walesdeath7


Father: THOMAS Westbrook

Mother: Fanny Elizabeth Lempriere

Laura Westbrook - 1877 to 1944

Birth: Sep 1877 New Jerseybirth8

Death: 10 Dec 1944


Father: kelley westbrook

Mother: Emma Westbrook

Laura Marie Westbrook - 1944 to 2009

Birth: About 17 Jul 1944 Simcoe, Ontario, Canadabirth9

Death: dec 2009 Brantford, South Dakota, USAdeath9


Father: John Joseph Westbrooks

Mother: Isabella Christina Westbrook

Laura M Westbrook - 1836 to 1840

Birth: 1836 New York, USAbirth10

Death: 20 August 1840 Chemung County, New York, USAdeath10


Father: James A Westbrook

Mother: Clarissa Scott

Laura M Westbrook - 1836 to 1840

Birth: 1836 New York, USAbirth11

Death: 20 August 1840 Chemung County, New York, USAdeath11


Father: James A Westbrook

Mother: Clarissa Scott

Laura Westbrook - 1925 to 2018

Birth: 1925 Arkansasbirth12

Death: 9 Sep 2018 Texarkana, Bowie, Txdeath12


Father: Lee Newton Westbrook

Mother: Laura Eudora Cheatham

Laura C Westbrook - 1860

Birth: Jul 1860 Maryland, USAbirth13

Death: Not Available Georgetowne, Washington D.Cdeath13


Father: James A. Westbrook

Mother: Susanna Kesser

Laura Westbrook - 1869 to 1905

Birth: 1869 Mississippi, USAbirth14

Death: 1905


Father: Zachariah Westbrook

Mother: Elizabeth Catharine Rimmer

Laura Westbrook - 1858 to 1951

Birth: 6 Oct 1858 Missouribirth15

Death: 9/27/1951 Chouteau, Mayes, Oklahoma, USAdeath15


Father: James Westbrook

Mother: Nancy McAlester

Laura Matilda Westbrook - 1876 to 1940

Birth: Feb 1876 Attala, Mississippi, United States of Americabirth16

Death: 17 Sep 1940 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, United States of Americadeath16


Father: James Richard Westbrook

Mother: Jennie Lynn Stephens

Laura J Westbrook - 1871 to 1956

Birth: 30 Nov 1871 Double Branch, Milton, Georgia, USAbirth17

Death: Nov 16, 1956 Fulton Co. Gadeath17


Father: James Madison Matt Westbrook

Mother: Mary Montaree Day

Laura Almira Westbrook - 1876 to 1963

Birth: February 12, 1876 Vergennes, Kent, Michiganbirth18

Death: August 26, 1963 Middleville, Barry, Michigandeath18


Father: Haggai Westbrook

Mother: Melissa Snow

Laura Deanne Westbrook - 1964

Birth: 4 Apr 1964 Cameron, Texas, USAbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Taylor Clayton Westbrook

Mother: Geraldine A Garriott

Laura Westbrook - 1890 to 1930

Birth: 30 October 1890 Talladega County, Alabama, USAbirth20

Death: 12 August 1930 Gasden, Alabamadeath20


Father: Doss Westbrooks

Mother: Ressie Striplin

Laura Westbrook - 1869 to 1905

Birth: 1869 Monroe County, Mississippi, USAbirth21

Death: 1905 Monroe County, Mississippi, USAdeath21


Father: Zachariah Taylor "Zack" Westbrook

Mother: Elizabeth Catherine (Kate) Rimmer

Laura Clarissa Westbrook - 1877 to 1924

Birth: 1877 Altoona, Pabirth22

Death: 1924 Altoona, Pa - interred Rose Hill Cem. Altoona, Pa


Father: Robert Simpson Westbrook

Mother: Anna Westbrook

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