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Results for "Lawrence Draper"

1 - 25 of 111 Records

Lawrence D. Draper - 1903 to 1977

Birth: 04 Jun 1903 North Lewisburg,birth0

Death: 06 Feb 1977 Mercy Hospital, Springfield, Clark County, Ohio.death0


Father: Joseph J Draper

Mother: Ida Warford

Lawrence Joseph Draper - 1900 to 1977

Birth: 12 Aug 1900 Oregonbirth1

Death: 6 Aug 1977 Multnomah, Multnomah, Oregon, United Statesdeath1


Father: Charles Young Draper

Mother: Mary Elizabeth McGee

Lawrence Joseph Draper - 1900 to 1977

Birth: 12 Aug 1900 Oregonbirth2

Death: 6 Aug 1977 Multnomah, Multnomah, Oregon, United Statesdeath2


Father: Charles Young Draper

Mother: Mary Elizabeth McGee

Lawrence Draper - 1944 to 2016

Birth: 30 Jun 1944 Camden, New Jersey, USAbirth3

Death: 9 July 2016 Cambria, San Luis Obispo, California, USAdeath3


Father: Edmund Marion Drapczynski

Mother: Anna Joan Pryzwara

Lawrence H Draper - 1918 to 1980

Birth: abt 1918 Montanabirth4

Death: 1980 Carbon, Montana, USAdeath4


Father: Edwin Wendell Draper

Mother: Adelaide Torreyson

Lawrence Orn Draper - 1893 to 1976

Birth: 23 Oct 1893 Orchard Twp., Wayne Co., Illinoisbirth5

Death: 12 May 1976 Olney, Richland Co., Illinoisdeath5


Father: Levi Lincoln Draper

Mother: Ulalie May Henson

Lawrence Raymond Draper - 1897 to 1972

Birth: June 1897 Blenheim, Marlborough, Marlborough, New Zealandbirth6

Death: 25 Jul 1972 Raumati Southdeath6


Father: James Edwin Draper

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Raymond

Lawrence Draper - 1894 to 1976

Birth: 1894 Illinois, United Statesbirth7

Death: May 1976 Keenes, Wayne, Illinois, United Statesdeath7


Father: Levi Lincoln Draper

Mother: Ulalie May Henson

Lawrence E Draper - 1900 to 1959

Birth: 1900 , , Kansas, USAbirth8

Death: 1959


Father: Everett Davidson Draper

Mother: Inez Dale

Lawrence E Draper - 1900 to 1959

Birth: 1900 , , Kansas, USAbirth9

Death: 1959


Father: Everett Davidson Draper

Mother: Inez Dale

Lawrence Edward Draper - 1939 to 1996

Birth: 4 Apr 1939 Kidderminster, Wyre Forest District, Worcestershire, England, United Kingdombirth10

Death: abt May 1996 Exeter, Devon, Englanddeath10


Father: Bernard Sidney Draper

Mother: Doris May Edge

Lawrence Edward Draper - 1939 to 1996

Birth: 4 Apr 1939 Kidderminster, Wyre Forest District, Worcestershire, England, United Kingdombirth11

Death: abt May 1996 Exeter, Devon, Englanddeath11


Father: Bernard Sidney Draper

Mother: Doris May Edge

Lawrence Draper - 1914 to 1989

Birth: 5 May 1914

Death: 8 Apr 1989 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath12


Father: Cortes Draper

Mother: Bethenia Ellington Draper

Lawrence H Draper - 1913 to 1981

Birth: 23 Oct 1913 Islington, Londonbirth13

Death: Oct 1981 Islington, Greater London, Englanddeath13


Father: James Henry Draper

Mother: Florence Millie Stone

Lawrence H Draper - 1913 to 1981

Birth: 23 Oct 1913 Islington, Londonbirth14

Death: Oct 1981 Islington, Greater London, Englanddeath14


Father: James Henry Draper

Mother: Florence Millie Stone

Lawrence Draper - 1908 to 1981

Birth: abt 1908 Quebecbirth15

Death: 1981 Brome County, Quebec, Canadadeath15



Mother: Emma Jane Wilson (aka Perfect, Perfict)

Lawrence Powell Draper - 1877 to 1958

Birth: 19 AUG 1877 Enid, Tallahatchie Co., MSbirth16

Death: 12 MAY 1958 Mesa, Maricopa Co., AZdeath16


Father: Thomas Roger Draper

Mother: Julia Frances "Fannie" Louden Byars

Lawrence Green Draper - 1856 to 1910

Birth: Mar 1856 North Carolinabirth17

Death: 27 March 1910 Lasker, Northampton Co, NCdeath17


Father: Solomon Draper

Mother: Elizabeth Glover (Draper)

Lawrence LaVell Draper - 1910 to 1971

Birth: 11 January 1910 Hinckley, Millard, Utah, United Statesbirth18

Death: 16 December 1971 United States of Americadeath18


Father: Carson Clark Draper

Mother: Vilate Dalton

Lawrence Otis Draper - 1903 to 1982

Birth: 04 Oct 1903 San Saba County, Texas, USAbirth19

Death: 09 Oct 1982 Lubbock, Lubbock, Texas, USAdeath19


Father: Michael Lee Draper

Mother: Nicolena Callaway

Lawrence Romaine Draper - 1900 to 1978

Birth: 11 Apr 1900 Clark, Missouri, USAbirth20

Death: Nov 1978 Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois, United States of Americadeath20


Father: William Thomas Draper

Mother: Anna D. Eggestein

Lawrence J Draper - 1907 to 1963

Birth: 31 Jan 1907 Waterport, Orleans, New Yorkbirth21

Death: 15 Jul 1963 Carlton, Orleans, New Yorkdeath21


Father: James B Draper

Mother: Stella Draper

Lawrence Wiliam Henry Draper - 1896 to 1980

Birth: 4 Jan 1896 Isle of Wight, Newportbirth22

Death: Sep 1980 Southampton, Hampshire, Englanddeath22


Father: James Henry Draper

Mother: Cynthia Mary Wellstead

Lawrence B Draper - 1909 to 1990

Birth: 14 Feb 1909 Mount Vernon, Knox, Ohio, USAbirth23

Death: 14 Jan 1990 Erie, Ohio, USAdeath23


Father: Curtis/Curtiss Byron Draper/Drapei

Mother: Maude Eulalia Knoderer Draper Huey

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