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Results for "Lena Haney"

1 - 25 of 71 Records

Lena Burgess Haney - 1919 to 1942

Birth: 28 Apr 1919 Jordan, Garfield, Montana, USAbirth0

Death: 19 Jun 1942 Williston, Williams, North Dakota, United Statesdeath0


Father: Ray Oliver Burgess

Mother: Flossie Clothiel Collins

Lena Burgess Haney - 1919 to 1942

Birth: 28 Apr 1919 Jordan, Garfield, Montana, USAbirth1

Death: 19 Jun 1942 Williston, Williams, North Dakota, United Statesdeath1


Father: Ray Oliver Burgess

Mother: Flossie Clothiel Collins

Lena Haney - 1909 to 1977

Birth: abt 1909 Tuscola County, Michigan, USAbirth2

Death: Nov 1977 Cass City, Elkland, Tuscola, MIdeath2


Father: Joseph William Hutchinson

Mother: Rosanna Packard

Lena Haney - 1923 to 1977

Birth: abt 1923 Oklahomabirth3

Death: 16 December 1977 Enid, Garfield County, Oklahoma, USAdeath3


Father: Wilbur Carl Haney

Mother: Clara Ada Stubblefield

Lena Haney - 1923 to 1977

Birth: abt 1923 Oklahomabirth4

Death: 16 December 1977 Enid, Garfield County, Oklahoma, USAdeath4


Father: Wilbur Carl Haney

Mother: Clara Ada Stubblefield

Lena E Haney - 1912 to 1988

Birth: 5 Mar 1912 Brunswick, Cumberland, Mainebirth5

Death: 16 Feb 1988 Brunswick, Cumberland, Mainedeath5


Father: Frank Haney

Mother: Ruth Sadie Goodenow

Lena E Haney - 1912 to 1988

Birth: 5 Mar 1912 Brunswick, Cumberland, Mainebirth6

Death: 16 Feb 1988 Brunswick, Cumberland, Mainedeath6


Father: Frank Haney

Mother: Ruth Sadie Goodenow

Lena HANEY - 1879 to 1897

Birth: abt 1879 Texasbirth7

Death: 1897


Father: Alexander H. Haney

Mother: Mary Polly Daniel

Lena Pearl Haney - 1895 to 1924

Birth: 2 October 1895 Silverdale, Cowley County, Kansas, USAbirth8

Death: 28 August 1924 Oklahoma, USAdeath8


Father: Joseph Davis Haney

Mother: Laura Mae Kinney

Lena Haney - 1898

Birth: 1898 Ainsworth, Brown, Nebraska, USAbirth9

Death: Not Available Gering, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska, USAdeath9


Father: Frantisek Hejny "Haney"

Mother: Anna Hupperling

Lena Haney - 1898

Birth: 1898 Ainsworth, Brown, Nebraska, USAbirth10

Death: Not Available Gering, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska, USAdeath10


Father: Frantisek Hejny "Haney"

Mother: Anna Hupperling

Lena Haney - 1898

Birth: 1898 Ainsworth, Brown, Nebraska, USAbirth11

Death: Not Available Gering, Scotts Bluff, Nebraska, USAdeath11


Father: Frantisek Hejny "Haney"

Mother: Anna Hupperling

Lena B. Haney - 1893 to 1984

Birth: Jul 1893 Michiganbirth12

Death: 10 May 1984 Tuscola County, Michigan, USAdeath12


Father: James E. Haney

Mother: Josephine Magdalene Pringle

Lena Pearl Haney - 1886 to 1927

Birth: 02 Jun 1886 Missouribirth13

Death: 11 Mar 1927 Seattle, King, Washingtondeath13


Father: David Nathaniel HANEY

Mother: Martha Jane "Mat" Bosley

Lena Haney - 1871 to 1941

Birth: 12 JUN 1871 Belfast, Waldo County, Mainebirth14

Death: 1 DEC 1941 Sweet Grass County, Montanadeath14


Father: Charles Wesley Haney

Mother: Philura Cunningham

Lena Faye Haney - 1922 to 1991

Birth: 14 Jul 1922 McDowell County, North Carolina, USAbirth15

Death: 21 Aug 1991 Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina USAdeath15


Father: Thomas Frederick Haney

Mother: Lela Sarah Elizabeth Thomas

Lena Wray Haney - 1918 to 2008

Birth: 13 April 1918 Morgan County, Kentucky, USAbirth16

Death: 06 Jan 2008 Sandy Hook, Elliott, Kentucky, USAdeath16


Father: James David "King" Haney

Mother: Barbara Elton Gose

Lena Etta Haney - 1879 to 1945

Birth: 18 Apr 1879 Townsend Twp, Norfolk Co, Ontario, Canadabirth17

Death: 24 Oct 1945 Toronto, Ontario, Canadadeath17


Father: Charles "Thomas" Haney

Mother: Eliza Cornelia Millard

Lena Haney - 1882 to 1970

Birth: Abt. 1882

Death: July 1970 Sterling, Rice Co., KSdeath18


Father: James Harvey Hainey

Mother: Mary Ann Cleveland

Lena Maree Haney - 1918 to 1918

Birth: 10 Oct 1918 Mcminn County, Tennesseebirth19

Death: 24 Oct 1918 Mcminn, Tennesseedeath19


Father: Walter A Haney

Mother: Eliza Burris

Lena J. Haney - 1905 to 1994

Birth: 07 Aug 1905 Pittsburg, Van Buren, Iowabirth20

Death: 21 Sep 1994 Washington, Washington, Iowadeath20


Father: Frank T Haney

Mother: Anna Patience Beer

Lena Pearl Haney - 1886 to 1927

Birth: 02 Jun 1886 Grundy County, Missouri, USAbirth21

Death: 11 Mar 1927 Seattle, King, Washingtondeath21


Father: David Nathaniel HANEY

Mother: Martha Jane "Mat" Bosley

Lena "Hattie" Pearl Haney - 1895 to 1924

Birth: 2 October 1895 Kansasbirth22

Death: 28 August 1924


Father: Joseph Davis Haney

Mother: Laura Mae Kinney-Haney

Lena D Haney - 1924 to 2015

Birth: 18 Dec 1924 Texasbirth23

Death: 1 Nov 2015 Gilmer, Upshur County, Texas, USAdeath23


Father: Benjamin F Haney

Mother: Maggie Lee Thompson

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