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Results for "Leona Westbrook"

1 - 17 of 17 Records

Leona H Westbrook - 1901 to 1994

Birth: 30 December 1901 Newton County, Texas, USAbirth0

Death: 16 June 1994 Hardin County, Texas, USAdeath0


Father: Alexander X Hawthorne

Mother: Mary Jane Blackshear

Leona H Westbrook - 1901 to 1994

Birth: 30 December 1901 Newton County, Texas, USAbirth1

Death: 16 June 1994 Hardin County, Texas, USAdeath1


Father: Alexander X Hawthorne

Mother: Mary Jane Blackshear

Leona Westbrook - 1899 to 1970

Birth: 25,Feb,1899 Sevier County, Arkansas, USAbirth2

Death: 4,Aug,1970 Corpus Christi, Kleberg, Texas, USAdeath2


Father: Noah Gilson Yarborough

Mother: Mary Jane Hadaway

Leona May Westbrook - 1906 to 1998

Birth: 9 Aug 1906 Standing Stone, Bradford, Pennsylvania, USAbirth3

Death: 30 Mar 1998


Father: Cleveland Thomas Westbrook

Mother: May E Westbrook

Leona (Lou) Sarah Cleveland Westbrook - 1886 to 1951

Birth: 22 Sep 1886 Cherokee, Georgia, United Statesbirth4

Death: 13 Jan 1951 Canton, Cherokee, Georgia, United Statesdeath4


Father: James Madison Westbrook

Mother: Georgia Ann McCraw

Leona Mae Westbrook - 1920 to 2016

Birth: 23 May 1920 Menard, Menard, Texas, USAbirth5

Death: 6 Jan 2016 Arlington, Tarrant, Texas, USAdeath5


Father: Norton Duncan Westbrook

Mother: Elmira Jane Mcwilliams

Leona Westbrook - 1874 to 1941

Birth: 1874 Georgiabirth6

Death: 1941


Father: Thomas Milton Westbrook

Mother: Rebecca F. Ellington

Leona Westbrook - 1915 to 2018

Birth: abt 1915 Pennsylvaniabirth7

Death: 24 Jul 2018 Towanda PAdeath7


Father: Robert Colvin Westbrook

Mother: Martha Grace Post

Leona E. Westbrook - 1950

Birth: abt 1950 Kentuckybirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles Nelson Rickett

Mother: Virginia Vivian Vickers

Leona M Westbrook - 1896 to 1969

Birth: 27 May 1896 New Yorkbirth9

Death: 15 Jul 1969 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath9


Father: Hartley P Westbrook

Mother: Eva M UnknownWestbrook

Leona Westbrook - 1926

Birth: 28 Oct 1926 Louisiana, USAbirth10

Death: Not Available Louisiana, USAdeath10


Father: Johnnie Edward Westbrook

Mother: Leaona Gautreau

Leona Westbrook - 1875

Birth: 21 Apr 1875 New Hanover Co., NCbirth11

Death: Not Available NCdeath11


Father: David George Westbrook

Mother: Julia Ellen Ormsby

Leona Westbrook - 1911

Birth: abt 1911 North Carolina, USAbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available


Leona Westbrook

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Leona Westbrook

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Leona Westbrook

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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