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Results for "leonard tutton"

Name: leonard tutton

Birth: 1894 Somerset, England

Death: 1967 Bath, Somerset, England

Father: Clement Tutton

Mother: Sarah Ellis Johns

Name: Leonard james tutton

Birth: 21 August 1923 West Ham, Essex, Suffolk

Death: 20/06/2004 Walthamstow, Essex, England

Father: William tutton

Mother: annie e foster

Name: Leonard Charles Tutton

Birth: 7 Mar 1890 Queensland

Death: 1975 Warrnambool, Victoria

Father: John Tutton

Mother: Mary Lang

Name: Leonard Tutton

Birth: Sep 1885 Newhaven, Sussex, England

Death: Dec 1964 Battle, Sussex, England

Father: James Knight Tutton

Mother: Elizabeth Jane Dunn

Name: Leonard William Tutton

Birth: Abt 1905 Glamorgan, Wales

Death: 23 Nov 1957 Ystrad (159 Ystrad Rd), Glamorgan, Wales

Father: William Henry Tutton (adopted)

Mother: Florence Kate Sprouting

Name: Leonard C Tutton

Birth: 7 Sep 1926 Pontypridd, Glamorgan, Wales

Death: Aug 2003 Bridgend, Glamorgan, Wales

Father: Harry Edward Tutton

Mother: Violet May Barnes

Name: Leonard Tutton

Birth: 1929/07/04 Bath, Somerset, England

Death: 8 September 2013 Bath, Somerset, England

Father: Leonard Tutton

Mother: Ellen Mary Ricketts

Name: Leonard Stewart Tutton

Birth: 1918

Death: 23 December 1972 Warrnambool, Victoria

Father: Leonard Charles Tutton

Mother: Agnes Steward

Name: Leonard Stewart Tutton

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Leonard Charles Tutton

Mother: Private

Name: Leonard Tutton

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Lucy Tutton

Name: Leonard Stewart Tutton

Birth: 21 Sep 1917 Carnegie Victoria

Death: 23 Dec 1972 Bunyip, Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Leonard Tutton

Birth: 10 Nov 1940

Death: Apr 1997 Slough, Berkshire, England

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Leonard James Tutton

Birth: 1924

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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