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Results for "Leonard Willoughby"

1 - 25 of 104 Records

Leonard Carnow Willoughby - 1907 to 1957

Birth: 3 August 1907 Colorado, USAbirth0

Death: 16 Feb 1957 Hennepin, Minnesotadeath0


Father: William Willoughby

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Currnow

Leonard Carnow Willoughby - 1907 to 1957

Birth: 3 August 1907 Colorado, USAbirth1

Death: 16 Feb 1957 Hennepin, Minnesotadeath1


Father: William Willoughby

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Currnow

Leonard Willoughby - 1926 to 2004

Birth: 5 Jun 1926 Ashland, Boyd, Kentucky, United Statesbirth2

Death: 22 MAY 2004 Hoytsville, Summit, Utah, United Statesdeath2


Father: Leonard Willoughby

Mother: Vivian Violet Kimbler

Leonard George Willoughby - 1878 to 1959

Birth: 1878 Bermondsey Southwark, London.birth3

Death: Jun/1959 Gosport, Hampshire, Englanddeath3


Father: Thomas Willoughby

Mother: Elizabeth Waters

Leonard WILLOUGHBY - 1831 to 1860

Birth: Sept.19,1831 Dry Fork, Jackson, Tennessee, United Statesbirth4

Death: 1860 Butler County, Kentuckydeath4


Father: James H. Willoughby

Mother: Priscilla Huff

Leonard George Willoughby - 1878 to 1959

Birth: 1878 Bermondsey Southwark, London.birth5

Death: Jun/1959 Gosport, Hampshire, Englanddeath5


Father: Thomas Willoughby

Mother: Elizabeth Waters


Birth: Apr 1899 Redruth, Cornwallbirth6

Death: Sep 1974 Camborne-Redruth, Cornwall, Englanddeath6


Father: Joseph Willoughby

Mother: Annie Jane Pascoe


Birth: Apr 1899 Redruth, Cornwallbirth7

Death: Sep 1974 Camborne-Redruth, Cornwall, Englanddeath7


Father: Joseph Willoughby

Mother: Annie Jane Pascoe

Leonard Willoughby - 1904 to 1985

Birth: 1904 Windsor, Berkshire, Englandbirth8

Death: Jun 1985 Southampton, Hampshire, Englanddeath8


Father: David Rimell Willoughby

Mother: Annie Susan Coles

Leonard WILLOUGHBY - 1910 to 1992

Birth: Abt 1910 Ealing London Englandbirth9

Death: 1992 Eastbourne, Sussexdeath9


Father: Sydney David Willoughby

Mother: Lydia Alice White

Leonard WILLOUGHBY - 1910 to 1992

Birth: Abt 1910 Ealing London Englandbirth10

Death: 1992 Eastbourne, Sussexdeath10


Father: Sydney David Willoughby

Mother: Lydia Alice White

Leonard Willoughby - 1912 to 2000

Birth: 22 Apr 1912 Lambeth, Londonbirth11

Death: May 2000 Sutton, Greater London, Englanddeath11


Father: Stanley C Willoughby

Mother: Hilda A Willoughby

Leonard Thomas Willoughby - 1906 to 1969

Birth: May 01, 1906 Montgomery Co.,Kybirth12

Death: 01 Aug 1969 Carlisle, Nicholas Co., Kydeath12


Father: Elijah Willoughby

Mother: Cora B Campbell Willoughby

Leonard Levin Willoughby - 1900 to 1970

Birth: 14 April 1900 Ohio, USAbirth13

Death: 25 June 1970 Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, USAdeath13


Father: Levin Willoughby

Mother: Emiline "Emma" Dale Whitten

Leonard Washington Willoughby - 1891 to 1967

Birth: January 1891 Swaby, Lincolnshire, Englandbirth14

Death: Sep 1967 Louth, Lincolnshire, Englanddeath14


Father: Joe Green Willoughby

Mother: Harriet Pocklington

Leonard Willoughby - 1871 to 1921

Birth: 30 Sep 1871 West Virginiabirth15

Death: 12 Apr 1921 O'Neal, Harrison, West Virginia, USAdeath15


Father: Theodore Sr (T.D.) Willoughby

Mother: Marinda Wade

Leonard Carl Willoughby - 1909 to 1977

Birth: 9 October 1909 Battle Creek, Calhoun County, Michigan, United Statesbirth16

Death: 1 November 1977 Roseville, Macomb County, Michigan, United Statesdeath16



Mother: Alice Eveline Gascoine

Leonard Willoughby - 1894 to 1990

Birth: 24 December 1894 Coalville, Summit, Utah, United Statesbirth17

Death: 4 Feb 1990 Coalville, Summit, Utah, United Statesdeath17


Father: John Willoughby

Mother: Annie Elizabeth Wilson

Leonard Eugene Willoughby - 1916 to 1971

Birth: 8 Jul 1916 Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USAbirth18

Death: 7 Aug 1971 Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USAdeath18


Father: James Leonard Willoughby

Mother: Willie Burden

Leonard S Willoughby - 1868 to 1944

Birth: 18 Feb 1868 Buchanan, Henry County, Tennessebirth19

Death: 8 Jun 1944 Jackson County, Missouri, USAdeath19


Father: William Armstead Willoughby

Mother: Mary Jane Finley

Leonard Willoughby - 1917 to 1979

Birth: 21 Jun 1917

Death: Jan 1979 Middletown Butler Ohio USAdeath20


Father: Walker Willoughby

Mother: Polly Jane Pelfrey

Leonard Bradley Willoughby - 1888 to 1955

Birth: 22 April 1888 Queenslandbirth21

Death: 1955 Balmain New South Walesdeath21


Father: Theodore Bradley Willoughby

Mother: Emily (Mily) Foden Woodruff

Leonard Willoughby - 1831 to 1858

Birth: 1831 Dry Fork, Jackson, Tennessee, United Statesbirth22

Death: 1858 Butler Co., KY, USAdeath22


Father: James H. Willoughby

Mother: Priscilla Huff

Leonard de Willoughby - 1509 to 1560

Birth: Abt 1509 Turners Puddle, Dorset, Englandbirth23

Death: 13 Jun 1560 Wareham Castle, Dorset, Englanddeath23


Father: Nicholas Willoughby

Mother: Robina (Robegia) Satchfield

Leonard Broke Willoughby - 1860 to 1932

Birth: 24 NOV 1860 Wollaton, Nottinghamshire, Englandbirth24

Death: 17 Sep 1932 Kensington, London, Englanddeath24


Father: Charles James Willoughby

Mother: Charlotte Payne Seymour

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