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Results for "Lillian Hopkins"

1 - 25 of 600 Records

Lillian Hopkins - 1900 to 1969

Birth: 13 Aug 1900 Aston, Warwickshirebirth0

Death: May 1969 Eureka, Humboldt, California, United States of Americadeath0


Father: John Hopkins

Mother: Selina Bennett

Lillian Hopkins - 1915 to 1995

Birth: 11/22/1915 Hancock County, Tennessee, USAbirth1

Death: 05/22/1995 Jacksonville, Duval, Florida, USAdeath1


Father: Charles Hopkins

Mother: Lula Stubblefield

Lillian Hopkins - 1915 to 1965

Birth: 9 FEB 1915 Roseland Twp, Chicago, Cook, ILbirth2

Death: 15 AUG 1965 Harvey, Cook Co., ILdeath2


Father: Johannes Otten

Mother: Dora "Dorothy" BROKATE

Lillian Hopkins - 1915 to 1995

Birth: 11/22/1915 Hancock County, Tennessee, USAbirth3

Death: 05/22/1995 Jacksonville, Duval, Florida, USAdeath3


Father: Charles Hopkins

Mother: Lula Stubblefield

Lillian Dell Hopkins - 1909 to 1950

Birth: 11 October 1909 New Canton, Pike County, Illinois, United States of Americabirth4

Death: 30 August 1950 Louisiana, Pike County, Missouri, United States of Americadeath4


Father: James Albert Curry

Mother: Ella Curry

Lillian Hopkins - 1915 to 1995

Birth: 11/22/1915 Hancock County, Tennessee, USAbirth5

Death: 05/22/1995 Jacksonville, Duval, Florida, USAdeath5


Father: Charles Hopkins

Mother: Lula Stubblefield

Lillian Sarah Hopkins - 1899 to 1984

Birth: 29 Mar 1899 Kensington, Hartford, Connecticut, United Statesbirth6

Death: 7 Oct 1984 New Britain, Hartford, Connecticut, United States of Americadeath6


Father: Willis Sidney Hopkins

Mother: Margaret Maloney

Lillian E Hopkins - 1900 to 1974

Birth: Feb 1900 Kentuckybirth7

Death: 6 February 1974 Virgie, Pike, Kentucky, USAdeath7


Father: Joseph Pharoah Hopkins

Mother: aramanda jane newsome

Lillian Hopkins - 1900 to 1969

Birth: 13 Aug 1900 Aston, Warwickshirebirth8

Death: May 1969 Eureka, Humboldt, California, United States of Americadeath8


Father: John Hopkins

Mother: Selina Bennett

Lillian Hopkins - 1920 to 1970

Birth: 17 January 1920 Sherman, Grayson, Texas, USAbirth9

Death: 28 May 1970 Crowell, Foard, Texas, United States of Americadeath9


Father: Everett Overland Hopkins

Mother: Ethie Mae Heath

Lillian Jeannette Hopkins - 1914 to 2010

Birth: 28 Dec 1914 Massachusettsbirth10

Death: 8 Nov 2010 Orleans, Louisiana, USAdeath10


Father: Alfred Hopkins

Mother: Lillian Madeline Gould

Lillian Jeannette Hopkins - 1914 to 2010

Birth: 28 Dec 1914 Massachusettsbirth11

Death: 8 Nov 2010 Orleans, Louisiana, USAdeath11


Father: Alfred Hopkins

Mother: Lillian Madeline Gould

Lillian Hopkins - 1894 to 1982

Birth: 1894 Virginiabirth12

Death: May 1982 Washington DCdeath12


Father: Jno. L. Hopkins

Mother: Georgie E. Hopkins

Lillian Grace Hopkins - 1915 to 1982

Birth: abt 1915 Wisconsinbirth13

Death: 28 Oct 1982 Athens, Henderson, Texas, USAdeath13


Father: Charles Hopkins

Mother: Hannah A. Owens

Lillian Blanche Hopkins - 1905 to 1991

Birth: 28 February 1905 Pendleton, Salford, Lancashire, Englandbirth14

Death: 20 Nov 1991 Invermere, British Columbia, Canadadeath14


Father: William Hopkins

Mother: Florence Hill

Lillian E. Hopkins - 1885 to 1953

Birth: Jul 1885 Pennsylvania, USAbirth15

Death: 18 Dec 1953 Rock Hill, NYdeath15


Father: Stephen Bennett Hopkins

Mother: Carolyne Catherine Smith

Lillian Blanche Hopkins - 1905 to 1991

Birth: 28 February 1905 Pendleton, Salford, Lancashire, Englandbirth16

Death: 20 Nov 1991 Invermere, British Columbia, Canadadeath16


Father: William Hopkins

Mother: Florence Hill

Lillian Lillie Hopkins - 1894 to 1968

Birth: Feb 1894 Kentuckybirth17

Death: 24 Jan 1968 Scioto County, Scioto, Ohio, United Statesdeath17


Father: Smith Whetfield Hopkins

Mother: Mary Ellen Wright

Lillian H Hopkins - 1911 to 1996

Birth: 15 Oct 1911 Wilson County, Tennessee, USAbirth18

Death: 28 Jan 1996 Madison, Davidson, Tennessee, USAdeath18


Father: William Claude Hopkins

Mother: Jonnie Lee Jennings

Lillian H Hopkins - 1911 to 1996

Birth: 15 Oct 1911 Wilson County, Tennessee, USAbirth19

Death: 28 Jan 1996 Madison, Davidson, Tennessee, USAdeath19


Father: William Claude Hopkins

Mother: Jonnie Lee Jennings

Lillian E. Hopkins - 1885 to 1953

Birth: Jul 1885 Pennsylvania, USAbirth20

Death: 18 Dec 1953 Rock Hill, NYdeath20


Father: Stephen Bennett Hopkins

Mother: Carolyne Catherine Smith

Lillian Louise Hopkins - 1923 to 2007

Birth: 5 May 1923 Falls City, Richardson Co., Nebraskabirth21

Death: 30 May 2007 Beloit, Rock Co., Wisconsindeath21


Father: Clarendon E Hopkins

Mother: Silvia May Sill

Lillian M. Hopkins - 1872 to 1955

Birth: 6 Jun 1872 Prescott Lin, Kansasbirth22

Death: 22 Dec 1955 Sacramentodeath22


Father: George Hornback Hopkins

Mother: Martha Mary Dennison

Lillian Bernice Hopkins - 1919 to 1999

Birth: 6 SEP 1919 Doctor's Cove, Shelburne County, Nova Scotiabirth23

Death: 26 Mar 1999 Sandy Point Nova Scotia Canadadeath23


Father: George Edwin Hopkins

Mother: Wilhelmina O'Connell

Lillian Bernice Hopkins - 1919 to 1999

Birth: 6 SEP 1919 Doctor's Cove, Shelburne County, Nova Scotiabirth24

Death: 26 Mar 1999 Sandy Point Nova Scotia Canadadeath24


Father: George Edwin Hopkins

Mother: Wilhelmina O'Connell

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