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Results for "Lucille Willoughby"

1 - 25 of 37 Records

Lucille Willoughby - 1924 to 2011

Birth: 10 February 1924 Ashland, Ashland County, Wisconsin, USAbirth0

Death: 29 June 2011 Hayward, Sawyer County, Wisconsin, USAdeath0


Father: Charles Stewart Willoughby

Mother: Marion Moder

Lucille Maria Willoughby - 1923 to 2005

Birth: 01 mar 1923 Jamaicabirth1

Death: 20 jun 2005 New York City, New York City Counties, New York, USAdeath1


Father: Herbert Norris Willoughby

Mother: Veronica Hunt

Lucille Woodrow Willoughby - 1920 to 2005

Birth: 21 Aug 1920 Heavener, Le Flore, Oklahoma, USAbirth2

Death: 24 May 2005 Modesto, Stanislaus, California, USAdeath2


Father: David Woodral

Mother: Lida M Scroggins

Lucille L Willoughby - 1925 to 2014

Birth: 1925 Missouribirth3

Death: 2 Apr 2014 Jackson County, Missouri, USAdeath3


Father: John E FOX

Mother: Ethel J Taylor

Lucille Marie Willoughby - 1929 to 2015

Birth: 1929 Missouribirth4

Death: 6 Oct 2015 Kansas City, MO.death4


Father: James Willoughby

Mother: Hallie Bernice Hulen

Lucille Willoughby - 1906 to 2004

Birth: 26 Dec 1906

Death: 22 Dec 2004 Raleigh, Wake, North Carolina, USAdeath5


Father: Rev Moragne

Mother: Esther Mary Pratt

Lucille willoughby - 1899 to 1958

Birth: Abt. 1899 Kentucky, USAbirth6

Death: 16 Sep 1958 Lexington, Fayette, Kentucky, USAdeath6


Father: Charles Briley

Mother: Mink

Lucille C Willoughby - 1916 to 1998

Birth: abt 1916 Mississippibirth7

Death: Apr 12,1998


Father: Claude Iddo Willoughby

Mother: Mattie M Felder

Lucille Willoughby - 1927 to 2005

Birth: 24 Aug 1927 Indianapolis, Indianabirth8

Death: 22 Nov 2005 Indianapolis, Marion, Indianadeath8


Father: Jerry Elice Willoughby

Mother: Elizabeth Bettie Rose

Lucille Emily Willoughby - 1920 to 1973

Birth: 17 Jan 1920 Utahbirth9

Death: 26 Nov 1973 El Dorado County, California, USAdeath9


Father: Alma William Willoughby

Mother: Olive DILLE

Lucille Willoughby - 1914 to 1975

Birth: 19 Nov 1914 Randolph, Alabama, USAbirth10

Death: 18 Jul 1975 Birmingham, Jefferson Co., ALdeath10


Father: Homer Willoughby

Mother: Mary Edna (Mollie) King

Lucille M. Willoughby - 1899 to 1966

Birth: Jan 16, 1899 Missouri, USAbirth11

Death: Apr 27, 1966


Father: Ewing Bud Willoughby

Mother: Anna Elizabeth Foley

Lucille Jane WILLOUGHBY - 1911 to 1972

Birth: Mar 27, 1911 Chemung Township, McHenry County, Illinoisbirth12

Death: Jun 23, 1972 Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinoisdeath12


Father: Adelbert H Willoughby

Mother: Myrtle Louise Millard

Lucille L Willoughby - 1929 to 2005

Birth: 13 November 1929 English, Lucas, Iowabirth13

Death: 22 Nov 2005 Iowadeath13


Father: David Scott WILLOUGHBY

Mother: Julia Dhabolt

Lucille Willoughby - 1906 to 1906

Birth: 2 Dec 1906 Pickaway, Pickaway, Ohio, United Statesbirth14

Death: 7 Dec 1906 Pickaway, Pickaway, Ohio, United Statesdeath14


Father: Andrew Thomas Willoughby

Mother: Clara Angeline Stage

Lucille Ann Willoughby - 1907 to 1959

Birth: 8 Nov 1907 McGehee, Arkansas, United Statesbirth15

Death: 1959 Oklahoma City, Oklahomadeath15


Father: James Wesley Willoughby

Mother: Viola Nancy Edmonds

Lucille Willoughby - 1927 to 1999

Birth: 4 Sep 1927 Canton, Mississippibirth16

Death: 8 Dec 1999


Father: Charles W. (Clifton) Willoughby

Mother: Malissa Smith

Lucille Willoughby - 1896 to 1896

Birth: 16 Aug 1896 Winfield KSbirth17

Death: 16 Aug 1896 Winfield KSdeath17


Father: William Jerome Willoughby

Mother: Anna Elizabeth McVey

Lucille Willoughby - 1914 to 1914

Birth: 1 SEP 1914 PITT COUNTY NCbirth18

Death: 12 OCT 1914 PITT COUNTY NCdeath18


Father: Charles Robert Willoughby

Mother: Winifred Sermons

Lucille Willoughby - 1911

Birth: 08 May 1911 Montgomery County ,Tennessee, USAbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Thomas E. Willoughby

Mother: Anna Bell "Annie" Slate

Lucille Willoughby - 1924

Birth: 1924 Ohiobirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Lulu Willoughby

Lucille Marguerite Willoughby - 1916 to 1996

Birth: 30 Dec 1916 Wilsonburg, Harrison, West Virginia, USAbirth21

Death: 1 Jan 1996 Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida, USAdeath21


Father: Harold Keister

Mother: Not Available

Lucille Willoughby - 1890

Birth: abt 1890 Iowabirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Lucille Willoughby - 1916 to 1998

Birth: 30 January 1916 Mississippibirth23

Death: 12 Apr 1998


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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